Pompeo Tries to Rename the Coronavirus at the G-7 Meeting. It Didn’t Go Well.

March 26, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Trump

Mike Pompeo pushed a new Trump talking point at the virtual G-7 meeting yesterday and today, wrecking the meeting that ended (again) without a joint statement at its conclusion.  The issue?  He insisted on renaming the Coronavirus “The Wuhan Virus”.  The other 6 countries were having none of it.  Yep, he really did that.

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0 Comments to “Pompeo Tries to Rename the Coronavirus at the G-7 Meeting. It Didn’t Go Well.”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    All the names that I’ve seen used for his majesty, I would love to know what folk in other countries have named him.

  2. Old Fart says:

    Pompeo went there, eh?

    I thought this guy was a professional. But then the Anti-Christ can turn people to the dark side I guess…

  3. He’s not a health official, but sure, let him pull a name out of the hat.

    In deference to his boss, I would have no objection to renaming a celestial body, even though they’re no more astronomers than they are doctors.

    But if it was suggested we rename Uranus to TrumpsAnus, I’m OK with that.

  4. @Grandma Ada
    I use Tangerine Wankmaggot-saw it on a sign someone was holding up in Australia.

  5. slipstream says:

    Hey! slipstream gots a great idea! Genius!

    We could build a big gigantic wall between us and China!

    That’d keep them nasty bugs away!

  6. megasoid says:

    “Feel pretty good, I’m not, not scared at all. I just feel kinda, feel kinda invincible.”

    “Me too, I got a very positive attitude about this.”


  7. I think every population center in America has some local RW whack job in the news all the time; you know, shouting at city council meetings about tax increases, that sort of thing. Ours is a former coworker of mine who after thirty years of casual friendship still has not figured out I’m (gasp) a Liberal. This guy has his own little group complete with a website, His name for this thing is..’The Communist Chinese Virus’. Yeah that’s real catchy….

  8. RepubAnon says:

    @ megsoid 7: “It’s all in the reflexes…”

  9. From now on I call it “The Trump virus”.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    I’ve accumulated slightly less than 100 names and descriptions of Trump. Many of the best are from England, Scotland, Ireland, and the WMDBS. If there is demand, I’ll post them here (like I did many weeks ago when I had only a few dozen).

    Maybe I should start a file on Pompeo as well …
