Thank You, Nancy

March 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Nancy, you should have added, “Bless his heart.”



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0 Comments to “Thank You, Nancy”

  1. Old Fart says:

    Bless Speaker Pelosi!


  2. maryelle says:

    Tested for Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Personality Disorder and Megalomania. Then do the corona virus test. First things first.

  3. People should really watch the video in this article.
    Words do not do this woman justice as she answered stupid question of how do we pay for coronavirus tests etc.
    This nurses answer reflects the honest outrage and sanity that the media and the thuglicans should hear more often.
    Rather her then nutcases in thuglican diners.

  4. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Nancy does not bless anyone’s heart, unless they contribute lots of money. She won the speakership because of her fundraising ability, and that is her priority. But she does get in a bon mot now and then.

  5. And now trump is refusing to meet a Pelosi to work out a stimulus plan. she really has his number. Thank God that, with an utterly corrupt WH and Senate, we have political master Pelosi (D).

  6. Dear Mah,
    Nancy is a born and bred politician. Her daddy was a politician in Baltimore, Maryland where she was born and raised. She has her daddy’s political smarts three times over. Add in that she had 5 kids before you could say Wow! and has a platoon of grandchildren. If you want a master politician, that is how you should go. And never forget, never mess with a grandmother. She holds up half the sky.

  7. publius bolonius says:

