Get a Cup of Coffee and Cuddle Up

December 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

‘Cuz it’s here.



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0 Comments to “Get a Cup of Coffee and Cuddle Up”

  1. They left out kids in cages, sexual assault, destroying the EPA, Aid and comfort to our enemies both foreign and domestic, breach of your oath of office, pathetic lies, and leaving millions of citizens in desperate and dire straits.

    I guess this will have to do.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    And, as the ink was drying on this report, Grifty MacGravy Pants was scoundreling a $400 million contract to his friend over at Fischer Industries to build his useless wall. For our added displeasure this chunk of wall is to be built in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge breaking a few more laws.

  3. OldMayfly says:

    Can we stop that wall? At least, can we stop it in the Refuge?

  4. Note to Republicans in Congress: It is NOT because we are unhappy with the 2016 election. We ARE unhappy that the Russians were invited to interfere in that election by Candidate Donald and they did. We are unhappy that you care more about your “president” and “party” than you do about the US Constitution or truth.

  5. Thanks! Just the link I was looking for.

  6. The report contains phone records showing frequent calls between Devil Nunez and Lev Parnas, also with Giuliani.
    He says he can’t recall. Hmmmm.

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    300 pages. Is there anyone who really thinks Trump would or even could read that many pages of anything? Think about it: this document could destroy his presidency, and *will* destroy any standing he might have in history, and Trump will wait for Fox News to tell him what is in it.

    Does anyone think more than 5% of Trump’s supporters will even bother to read it?

    While Nixon was as evil as American politics can produce, you can bet he parsed every clause and appendix in the impeachment report against him.

  8. Hey, Repubs. Putin is one helluva dangerous party crasher. You should know that by now as you look around and really don’t see any authentic Repubs. Putin invited himself in cuz he knew the Republican nominee in 2016 would never object. Sure the guy is “retired” KGB. So what? There’s this thing called “country, honor, duty”. You may have heard of it but I bet you don’t know what it is. Otherwise the Repubs in the House Judiciary Committee wouldn’t be hectoring Nadler the Chairman to define what every single rule of the Committee means, and even what everything in the constitution means. Repub., you haven’t a leg to stand on, not even a wooden one!
