I Love Yew, Texas. This Statement Does Not Apply to Gov. Greg Abbott.

September 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas with vice presidential aspirations, has finally made a statement after the Odessa slaughter.

Greg agrees that thoughts and prayers aren’t enough.

He has a solution, my friends, and he took a strong and meaningful stand on it.

He says we should expedite executions for mass murderers.

No, I am not freekin’ kidding.

Following the second Texas mass shooting in a month, Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted on Monday night that Texas is “working on a legislative package” and that “expedited executions for mass murderers would be a nice addition.”

It’s unclear whether that legislation will wait until 2021 — the next time the Texas Legislature convenes — or if Abbott is considering calling a special legislative session.

Uh, and how many of them have been taken alive?  Good Lord, Governor, haven’t you noticed that we execute the vast majority of them on the damn spot?

And, “nice” is an odd word to use, don’t you think?  He didn’t say effective or meaningful or helpful.  He said nice. That’s just weird.

He’s just weird, y’all.


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0 Comments to “I Love Yew, Texas. This Statement Does Not Apply to Gov. Greg Abbott.”

  1. Smoke and mirrors: with very few exceptions, those who don’t shoot themselves, end up committing suicide by police.

    This is, as someone somewhere else pointed out, like making stronger penalties for suicide bombers.


    But, hey, the koolaid drinkers will point at this as an accomplishment. Woohoo!!

  2. That dovetails nicely with monster’s diagnosis of mentally ill people who are responsible for carnage. At some point, they can do away with the diagnoses and just expedite executions of institutionalized people… like the Nazis did. Nice.

  3. Um,…so how many of these mass murders were committed by previous mass murderers? Released one,s obviously. Because otherwise, what does execution accomplish? Deterrence having already proven ineffective.

  4. Between Shrub, Rick and A-Butt, George was the smart one.
    THAT is the scary part.

  5. Standard Wingnut tactic #23: propose an obviously unworkable solution to a problem, wait for someone to point out how silly it is, then accuse their opponents of causing gridlock. This will play nicely with Chuck Todd and the both-siderists.

  6. elise from CA says:

    Wow–as RepubAnon points out, this is not a solution. A-butt is just bypassing critical thinking altogether, going straight for activation of the lizard brain, with no reasoning faculty involved. Great way to formulate policy (not).

  7. He has my thoughts and prayers…

  8. Why or why do various people think that clean up is easier and is the answer? They simply refuse to face the truth, even if it slaughtered their entire family.
