Fair and Balanced

May 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump had a twit fit this morning.  The headline that came out of his blabbering fingers on his phone was this …



So Trump isn’t sold on this fair and balanced stuff. It’s Trump, Trump, Trump all day long or it’s fake media.

I think Pete Buttigieg’s interview really got under Trump’s skin because Pete says he doesn’t care what Trump says about him.

And then there’s this answer to Trump’s criticism from Fox’s own Bret Hume.



The ball is in your court, Trump.  Apparently, Fox is getting cold feet on their Orange Trumpious.


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0 Comments to “Fair and Balanced”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Let’s encourage responsible media. When IQ4.5 or his spox peeps lie there should be no coverage. TV, radio and print silence until those Mofos cough up some truth. No, no, and no, Kellyanne. There is no room in any debate for your “alternative facts.” You’re lying and it is past time for the fourth estate to stop buying and propagating your propaganda.

  2. He also called Pete “Alfred E. Neuman” again. You would think he would stop that, since Mayor Pete got off 2 zingers about that. #1) saying he was not old enough to get the reference at first, pointing out the age difference and #2) saying at least he inspired a literary reference from tRump, indicating tRump is illiterate.

    I think Elizabeth really got to Faux by not agreeing to a town meeting with them and saying that it was not really a news channel.

  3. slipstream says:

    Yes, covering candidates from both sides is part of the job of a news channel.

    But what does that have to do with Faux?

  4. Sing it with me: Trump’s so vain, he thinks FOXnews is only about him… He’s so vain… etc.

    Jealous and throwing tantrums. Typical.

  5. Lunargent says:

    Brit Hume thinks he works for a news channel?

    Aww, that’s adorable.
