Show Us Your Bone Spurs

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a new hero today.

Since John McCain is alive and living well in Donald Trump’s brain, Trump felt the need to attack McCain on the campaign trail this week, saying that he was “never thanked for McCain’s funeral.”  Dude, you took the flags up from half staff the day after the funeral instead of waiting for a week.  It took everybody hollering at you over it to get you to lower them again.  Yeah, thanks a bunch.

Ex-Senator and Navy SEAL Bob Kerrey promptly requested of Trump, “Show us your bone spurs.”

Mr Kerrey demanded to see x-rays to prove the president really had the condition that allowed him to sit-out the conflict in south east Asia where McCain served as a pilot and was held captive in Hanoi between 1967 and 1973 after being shot down on a bombing raid.

I think that’s what every response needs to be over Trump bashing McCain.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Show Us Your Bone Spurs”

  1. Bonespurs!!!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie Dumbass claims to hit back hard at everyone who attacks him. Jousting with the ghost of Senator McCain and tossing insults from a safe distance toward Senator Warren are seriously weak efforts in throwing a punch. More notable is Donnie’s complete absence in the ring with the woman who named him Cadet Bonespurs, Senator/Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth. One might think “Donnie claims” is a euphemism for Donnie lies.

    Someone should read demented Donnie bedtime stories beginning with Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.

  3. daChipster says:

    “I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted. I didn’t get thank you but that’s OK.”

    All Cadet Bonespurs did was sign off on the military transport, and was conspicuously not invited to the funeral by the widow. That’s too bad, because he missed where Dead John McCain sat up and personally thanked him.

    I swear, he’s like a petulant six-year-old who sulks because he didn’t get a reward for not kicking the cat today.

  4. Jane & PKM @2,
    Sort of ironic that one of the hardest, swiftest -kicks- to tRump’s tiny delicate ‘nads was delivered by Sen. Duckworth, a true, double-amputee, military hero.

  5. John McCain’s daughter Bridget hit back Thursday against Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on her father by calling the president “a child”.

    “Even if you were invited to my dad’s funeral, you would have only wanted to be there for the credit and not for any condolences,” his daughter said. “Unfortunately, you could not be counted on to be courteous, as you are a child in the most important role the world knows.”

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge @4, we like to think of it as that sweet spot where schadenfreude intersects with poetic justice.

  7. Bully, Draft Dodger, Yellow Belly, Trump!
    God, how I look forward to his funeral. Can’t happen fast enough.

  8. Former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-Neb) has an down and dirty quick and easy solution to silence Cadet Bone Spurs doubters.

    Paraphrasing somewhat “Show me the bone spurs!”

    I suspect that will happen sometime after this loathsome waste of oxygen and space releases his tax returns.

  9. rastybob @ 7

    if he has a grave stone, there be a long line forming to water the sod over his grave.

  10. Chloe Bear says:

    Trump Got Dunked On By The National Cathedral. Yes, The National Cathedral.

  11. Jeanne Haist says:

    I truly had a hard time believing that pathetic excuse for a human being could possibly be more despicable than he’s already been, but his attack on John McCain almost set my hair on fire. My blood pressure went up a yard and a half. Then I thought about how much fun McCain may be having by haunting that SOB. I hope John visits him regularly to say “thank you” and then laugh uproariously. Go get him, John!

    Sadly, I’m afraid John McCain was a much more decent and honorable person than I, but the thought made me feel a little better.

  12. Cadet Bone Spurs is a scum sucking pig!
    Sorry, I had to vent.
