Note To Comey

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Mr. Comey,

Please allow me to explain to you why Republicans are silent when it comes to allowing the FBI to do its job. And why they are beating you over the head with a stick.

They know it’s just a matter of time until the FBI uncovers their crimes.

You’re welcome.

Juanita Jean Herownself


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0 Comments to “Note To Comey”

  1. I still find it hard to believe that in only 10 years the FBI has been on whatever passes for the Republican mainstream hit list. I find it even harder, having been involved in Vietnam protests and the dossiers the FBI had on the Left that I’m now cheering for them. Politics makes strange bedfellows. But then again so does drinking.

  2. Will Trump get Secret Service protection in the federal penitentiary?

  3. Chloe Bear says:

    Follow the money. Cohen was Deputy Chair of the RNC finance committee. I can only imagine how much Russian money was laundered through the committee to members of Congress.

  4. To paraphrase: one doesn’t have to outrun the law, one only has to outrun Trump.

  5. I STILL don’t like Comey. A lot of this mess is kinda his fault. But I do believe he’s sincere and not a liar, and am glad he’s speaking out.

  6. JJ, I think Comey knows this and is kind of enjoying it.

  7. Comey cared more about his reputation, and that of the FBI, than about doing what was right. And we’re still waiting to see who in the NY FBI office was leaking information to Rudy.

  8. I don’t think Trump would be president if it weren’t for Comey. Remember he announced about a week before the election that he was investigating a big new pile of Clinton emails, and that’s when she lost her edge over Trump. And then when it was too late to matter, he said, Never mind. And all the time he had huuuge investigations of Trump that he didn’t bother to mention. Kinda hard for me to see him as the good guy after that.

  9. RepubAnon & Rhea–I think you are both correct.

  10. RepubAnon, Rhea, and Jo:
    I agree. Comey screwed the pooch. Intentionally or not. But (at least to me) he’s trying to do the right thing now. I think that in the hyperpartisan environment that’s been foisted on us by the Kochs, the Mercers and the right wing think tanks for decades, Comey is as close as we’re gonna get to a nonpartisan justice expert. Other than Mueller and his band of kooky kids.:-)

  11. What Comey did prior to the last election was the least he could have done.

    He could have just stated the obvious, and said that both major candidates were crooks, and neither was an acceptable presidential candidate.

    Better yet, during the Democratic Primary, he could have said, “Wait a minute. What honest party chooses a presidential candidate through a crooked primary?”. But, of course, he did not.

    My point is, that Comey or no Comey, this country was completely screwed in the last election. There was no possible positive outcome. At least as things played out, Hillary Clinton put a spotlight on the criminality of the Democratic Party, shredding the facade that they are the good guys. And Trump… well, Trump has decimated the GOP. That is never going to be the same, either.

    We are going to have to pick up the pieces when this is over, but we’re better off for exposing and (hopefully, how stupid are we?) losing the corruption in our political processes.

  12. P.S. Mr. Comey: Republicans aren’t going to say or do anything because their political interests are being served by ongoing Russian interference in our elections and staying in power is their only objective. The End.

  13. Keeping what the FBI knew about Trump & Co. from the voters before the election was wrong. This was information crucial to keep a criminal out of the White House. Hillary may not have been squeaky clean, but compare her sin of using her own server (which the Russians were not able to hack) to what we are dealing with in the form of a fraudster and Russian puppet.
    There’s no comparison.
