Rootin’ Tootin’ Rudy

November 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know if you’re like me, you’ve been saying to yourself, “Oh boy, I sure to miss Rudy Giuliani.”

Rudy has turned up missing lately.  The man who once spouted almost 24 hours a day ain’t saying much.  In fact, if he’s quiet for two more days, his face is gonna start showing up on milk cartons.

I think we might have a lead.



A human rights organization has asked Dutch prosecutors to open a criminal investigation into multi-billion dollar money laundering schemes that they say were aided by Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his old law firm.

We’re not talking a little money.  We’re talking ten billion dollars.

He’s sitting in a safe somewhere counting his money.  It takes a long time to count that much money and come up with a plan to steal Trump’s part.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rootin’ Tootin’ Rudy”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Rudy is hiding in plain sight. Last spotted campaigning for DeSantis. Maybe he plans to escape on a boat leaving out of S. Daytona. Anyone seen Elaine Chao? She is Sec of Trans.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    Elaine Chao–isn’t she Mrs. ‘Itch McTurtle?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    That Other Jean, yes indeed, Ms. Chao is the wife of old ‘itch, cousin to Old Scratch.

  4. jane & PKM #2

    Ecept old McTurtle isn’t dead yet. I think they keep topping of the formaldehyde.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, there’s formaldehyde in DeeCee? Thought Boehner drank the last of it before leaving town.

    In the WTH category is our TV market the only one missing ads by Democrats featuring Old Scratch, uh Mitch, promising to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any other social program he can get his gnarled old paws on to fund more tax cuts for the donor class? If Democrats want to run on health care, how about showing what happens if the snacilbupeR get their way? 24 hours people. Let’s get busy.

    Rudy G and his cronies stealing billions? Say it ain’t so. If not, Rudy would be the only one in this maladministration who isn’t corrupt to the core.

  6. of should be off. OOPS…

  7. See that’s what happens when you do all that TV layering work for Trump and he ultimately stiffs you, you have to find ulterior work. Glad to find Rudy’s found a job he’s good at! Stealing, lying and money laundering are second nature to him.

  8. two crows says:

    JJ! Honey! Sweetheart! When Giuliani WAS spouting almost 24 hours a day, he wasn’t saying much. Or anything at all, aamof. But then, you knew that.

  9. Just saw a tweet from a guy called Dominic Holden, with a copy of a memo,from DOJ announcing that DOJ will be monitoring polling places on 35 US counties, looking for “voter fraud”. Surprise, surprise, surprise, the TX counties are Harris, Tarantino and Waller. If they try to intimidate voters, especially POC, what protections can be offered?
    They have no interest in voter suppression, of course. These people …

  10. The Surly Professor says:


    I think it’s Tarrant county, not Tarantino. Tarrant was the Army major who killed or drove off all of the native Americans from the place, according to my 3rd grade teacher back in the 1950s. True, she did not exactly phrase it that way.

    Although it might be better named after the guy who gave us Pulp Fiction and Django.

    JJ, keep us ex-pat Texans informed about any juicy stories coming out of the place. By gawd if we can’t get better representatives, we should at least get decent entertainment from the process!

  11. Oh yeah – come on down to Harris County – I got your can of Whoop ass right here. With one of those quick pop tops.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    American elections should be monitored by the UN, not the DOJ. Not this DOJ, anyway.

  13. @ The Surly Professor
    Thanks. That was the spell check not being my friend. I meant Tarrant.
