I’m Just Shocked.

November 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Politico says House Republicans are shocked, shocked I tell you, that Donald Trump “hijacked” this election.

Oh, they loved it when he introduced the whole scary people caravan thing coming to slice your throat.  Oh, that was just great.  But now they fear, oh dear Lord, that Trump “has gone overboard” on it.

Really now?  Trump going overboard?  Goodness gracious, who ever could have predicted that happening? Usually Trump is so judicious and inclined to know when to stop. He’s just a calm, reasonable man who puts party above self.  I imagine House Republicans are stunned at this recent behavior aberration of going the hell overboard.

So they had Paul Ryan call him and ask him to stress something else.

House Speaker Paul Ryan got President Donald Trump on the phone Sunday for one final plea on behalf of anxious Republicans: Please, please talk up the booming economy in the final hours before Election Day.

But Trump, unsurprisingly, had another issue on his mind. He boasted to Ryan that his focus on immigration has fired up the base, according to a source familiar with the call.

The idea that they expected Trump to change his very nature to benefit them is about $14.98 on the Ten Bucks Worth of Crazy scale.

But there may be some value in all this. After this election they’ll start attacking each other instead of us.

The laying of blame will be a sight to behold.


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0 Comments to “I’m Just Shocked.”

  1. Bob Boland says:

    While Orange Julius will certainly blame other Repugs for the losses, the talking heads of the Right will somehow find a way to blame Democrats for the losses. Which, when you think about it, is exactly who’s to “blame” for their losses, by being better candidates with better solutions to our nation’s problems; number one being the Orange Julius hisownself.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    It’s almost funny. Lyin’ Ryan retired in the face of defeat and he still thinks he can ‘reason’ with the egomaniac he embraced. That level of cockeyed optimism is +14 on the crazy scale.

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself “After this election they’ll start attacking each other instead of us.” BINGO But with one minor correction. Look at the House, specifically the Brat Brigade of Tea Baggers. They are the principle reason the snacilbupeR cannot govern. They have no cohesive policy. Republicans cannot work among themselves much less compromise with Democrats to actually legislate for America. Gun safety? Comprehensive immigration? Tax reform? 0 on the first two and a -10 on the third. Did they reform taxes? Hell no. With massive cuts for the .01% came NOT the closing of the outrageous loopholes but an addition of loopholes that bust the budget, add trillions to the deficit, and threaten the healthy economy that President Obama and his administration left them.

    We have a little over 24 hours to send people to the polls. Let’s send them with one final and obvious message: “Republicans cannot govern.” Or, if you want nice things, “vote Democratic.” Elect the people who will govern for America.

    Beto. Claire. Heidi. Jacky. Kyrsten. Let’s take the Senate. Vote!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Bob Boland, here in purple NV, Dotard45 is known as Orange Foolius.

  4. Jere Armen says:

    Oh, puh-leez install “like” and “woo-hoo super-like” buttons on your articles!!!
    And pass the popcorn, willya?

  5. @Jane – Right On about the Tea Baggers! Compromise became a lost art in the era of Gingrich and he’s their granddaddy.

  6. They thought they could ride the tiger. And it will eat them.

  7. Apparently the orange one didn’t know the networks pulled the scaaarrry caravan ad (after showing it of course). I wasn’t watching the TV machine during football last night- these days knitting cables takes every bit of concentration- but that one bolted me awake. Not the obscene racist message, but the production values that were reminiscent of Tex and Edna Boil’s Organ Emporium ads on 2nd city (free budgie with every organ).

  8. two crows says:

    The Rump has already started backing away from the House [which the R’s look ready to lose massively] and claiming that HE AND HE ALONE is what is propelling the Senate to victory!!!

    So he is doing what The Rump does best: positioning himself to look as if he has no hand in any imminent losses and trumpeting up any possible wins.
    Well, that’s what he does best EXCEPT FOR using his office to enrich himself.

    Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could grab those two Senate seats as well? Where would he hide then? That’s not rhetorical but a real question. I know, from experience, that he WOULD find an excuse that the loss had nothing to do with him — I just have no clue how he would go about it.

    And that’s not to mention the aftermath, for him, if only the House changes hands — let alone the Senate.

  9. Georgia will be an interesting case study of just how much fraud during the election can be stomached.

    Since Georgia has a run off requirement if no candinate aicheves 50%+1 that means that in all probability, since their is a LIEatarian on the ballot showing somewhere around 5% support, that it will go to a runoff.

    Considering the state of elections in that state with kemp using every possible avenue to forestall his defeat, legal or not, as the individual who controls the voting, and counting, apparatus.
    So let us assume that the confusion, breakdowns and general partisan “incompetence” ( notice it is always an “honest” mistake when a thuglican gets caught cheating but fraud if a d errs) reaches egracious enough levels that there is an outcry for an honest broker to take charge of the run off?
    Jimmy Carter and his foundation have experience working oversight with third world voting, and does georgia qualify.
