Look, I’m Not Saying

November 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, I’m not saying that Ted Cruz is a neo nazi sympathizer but he literally just called a neo nazi to sympathize.

Representative Steve King of Iowa, who has been abandoned by Republican leaders and donors over his embrace of white nationalists and for rhetoric that has been denounced as racist, said he got a supportive phone call from Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who’s facing a tough re-election battle of his own.

Cruz said the call was personal.  I bet the hell it was.

King co-chaired Cruz’s presidential campaign.

I mean, you gotta fret over these guys if they’re too damn hateful for Republicans to like them.


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0 Comments to “Look, I’m Not Saying”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    As the old salts say, “any port in a storm”. And these two need each other to feel safer, I guess. I guess they are the Puerto Rico of candidates.

  2. To the PAC that is independently putting out ads against Cruz – hurry up and get this ad on the air.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    That’s a Hobson’s choice. Steve is vile and abhorrent, but Teddie Crooze is slimier.

  4. As the one picture caption of Cruz says.
    “Only in Texas can a Latino immigrant pass himself off as a white racist.”

  5. I’m not saying King and Croozy are racists, but the racists sure think they are!

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    One out of a hundred versus one out of 435. That proves Cruz is worse. Arithmetic, I studied it in school.

  7. yet another baby boomer says:

    The old adage about lying down with dogs you get fleas, except even the fleas are jumping off these two dogs.

  8. “I mean, you gotta fret over these guys if they’re too damn hateful for Republicans to like them.”

    they just said the quiet parts a little too loudly. their base loves them, as Trump’s base loves him. the rest of the party is disgusting as hell also, but not quite as publicly and overtly disgusting as the Trumpians are.

  9. I guess they are the Puerto Rico of candidates.if they’re too damn hateful for Republicans to like them.
