How Much, Trump? How Much Will I Lose.

November 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans have lied to me about money all my life. This really isn’t something new.

Remember how they told us that “Tort Reform” would cut our insurance bills in half?  But it ended up meaning that insurance companies didn’t have to pay if somebody purposefully hurt you.

Remember how they told us that deregulation would mean cheaper electric bills?  Gee, thanks for that buck and half every year.

Remember how they say that we can’t have universal health care because our taxes would go through the roof? The first time they told us that, Bubba was paying $1,800 a month for health insurance that was only major medical and he’d never been to the hospital even once in his whole life, except for that time he had his tonsils taken out when he was nine.

And now it’s that we’re all gonna get poor if Democrats win.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday warned that Americans could “lose a lot of money” if Republicans don’t do well in next week’s midterm elections.

The president, speaking at an event at the White House, said that the U.S. has the “hottest economy right now in the world,” but said that the results of the election could hammer the stock market.

Could?  Did he say could?

When Momma passed, she left me a little blue chip stock.  This is past six months.



Trump needs to quit taking my Momma’s money.

Could?  Did he say could?


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0 Comments to “How Much, Trump? How Much Will I Lose.”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    Two things: Momma passed? I regret your loss but does that mean we can say bad words? Joking aside, I was widowed as of 11/03 of last year, and went pretty crazy for a while.

    Seriously, back when Bush was busy wrecking our economy (the good old days by comparison), he had $400 checks sent out to everyone. I didn’t even want it, thinking, (Darn), a blowout at Walmart that’s all, it won’t help anything. More political air guitar.

  2. Bush is now saying, “Do you miss me yet?” I think he’s happy to no longer be the worst president in history.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    It requires a special kind of fool to continue to believe the lies of Trickle Down economics. The snacilbupeR have been pushing that repeatedly failed myth for nearly forty years. That’s some seriously stubborn st00pid.

    As for the rest of our economic momentum, what is somewhat surprising is that Donnie hadn’t ripped the tires off the Obama economic recovery sooner. Watch the nervous tic in the right eye of Sarah Chuck-a-Load Sandbag hit warp speed spinning this into being all the fault of Obama.

    Four and a wake up – GO BETO!

  4. We have seen an increase of more than 22% in stock price, since Trump took office. If the stock price is suppose to reflect the wealth of a company or corp., then where is the wealth? Have you seen new factories going up, more warehouses to store the expanded inventories ? Has any seen large dividend checks or any at all?

    Where is the wealth?

    Could the price increase be a response to increased federal deficits and decreased revenues due to tax cuts for the wealthy, devaluing our currency and cash savings.

    Fear not for the economy of the country for a rising tide lifts all boats.

    God help the poor folks without a boat.

  5. @Cole,

    A rising tide may lift all boats, but when the tide goes out, someone is going to get caught swimming naked. I think Warren Buffett said something like this.

    I put aside what I can for the deluge that may come…

  6. I saw something with a photo of Obama and the words “Miss me yet?” I almost dropped to my knees.

    One of the GOP’s biggest lies is that they’re better for the economy than Dems. The opposite has been true certainly since the 1980s.

  7. Actually, the electricity scheme unleashed upon us by Shrub has cost a typical Houston area customer $5-6,000 more since deregulation compared to Austin & San Antonio customers who stayed in their municipally owned electrical utilities.
    I wish somebody besides me would be pissed about this Republican rip-off.

  8. No matter what, since regan ALL rePUKEian prez have been nasty! Bush will always be one of the bad ones. You could say that the rePUKEians are a success story! After all their main goals have been to make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and to kill off the worker-unions…and they have succeeded!
