Oh Thank You For That Psychological Insight, Scaramucci

October 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Anthony Scaramucci (known as The Mooch or Scary, depending on who you talk to) has written a book.  Yeah, with mostly real words in it.

Drawing on his entire 10 days of working at the White House, Scaramucci has psychologically analyzed everybody there and done extensive background searches on them.

Kelly is “ineffective” and suffers from “personal insecurity”, Scaramucci writes; Priebus is a rat; and Bannon is a hypocrite and a weirdo.

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0 Comments to “Oh Thank You For That Psychological Insight, Scaramucci”

  1. Sorry. I just got back from lunch and if I caught oo hard I will barf it all back up!!!

  2. thats laugh too hard – spell check is a *@#?!

  3. What a great idea.
    And an inspiring story that proves the adage, everyone has a book in them.
    I’m going to start immediately on my book (or pamphlet) titled “The 10 Days In 1972 When I Worked At A Telemarketing Company Selling Supposedly Handicapped Made Light Bulbs Until I Figured Out It Was A Complete Fraud.”

  4. That Other Jean says:

    “Coherent”? I do not think that word means what Anthony Scaramucci thinks it means.

  5. “only picks the best” – noses.

    btw: that should be, “picks only the best”. Betcha neither Mooch or Donnie knows that.

  6. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    OT heads up! The “Russia thing” in news:

    Trump For President, Inc. claims WikiLeaks not liable for releasing hacked emails…. a stunning departure from US policy. They posit and anyway…first amendment right to publish!!…and… that Wikileaks can’t be liable because they’re immune like a platform provider under section 230 of Communications Decency Act…ummm, that’s a no!

    Trump’s Legal brief filed in court:

  7. I guess Mucci had to write a book and be best.

  8. Maybe the Mooch could have befriended Melania while he was there for those 10 days.
    He seems like the reliable sort upon whom she could depend.
    Discrete and coherent.

  9. Maybe he’s been fired from his job again and hopes the unheralded maestro will rehire him.

  10. Rick, I bought some of those. They worked a really long time, as a matter of fact.

  11. Like he’s impoverished! I think he is still in the midst of selling of a company for an obscene price. Its taking awhile because of something the government has to do first. (Like maybe fall?)

  12. My amateur phycological insight is that people who swear too much suffer from “personal insecurity”.

  13. @John
    “Profanity is the linguistic crutch of inarticulate m-f-ers.” Hence
    Scaramucci’s ten days in the desert.

  14. Lunargent says:

    I prefer the theory that excessive use of profanity indicates higher intelligence.

    Especially when I’m running late in bad traffic, and sound like a longshoreman with Tourette’s Syndrome coming off a three-day drunk.

    Still a better way to act out than road rage.
