Oh Kansas, You Caught Trumpism

October 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, in Kansas a Democratic woman named Sharice Davids is a lawyer and amateur mixed-martial arts fighter, and she would become the first ever openly gay member of the Kansas Congressional delegation, as well as the first female Native American lawmaker in Washington. She’s doing quite well, thank you.

Also in Kansas is a Republican precinct chairman named Michael Kalney who ain’t doin’ all that good.  Kalney took to social media and wrote a jumble of freaky words to Anne Pritchett, president of the Johnson County Democratic Women.

“Little Ms. Pritchett- you and your comrades stealth attack on Yoder is going to blow up in your leftist face,” Kalny wrote. “The REAL REPUBLICANS will remember what the scum DEMONRATS tried to do to Kavanaugh in November. Your radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian will be sent back packing to the reservation.”

Roughly 50 exclamation points followed the end of the message.

I just love how Republicans respect women.

Now I just want to take a deep breath to remind myself that Kavanaugh was not the victim in this thing.  He’s the one who came in screaming, threatening, yelling, making terrible faces, snarling, then sobbing uncontrollably like a somebody on a three day drunk.

And he’s going to send her back to the reservation?  Racist much, dude?

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Kansas, You Caught Trumpism”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    When the snacilbupeR refer to “angry mobs” do they mean all those racist Tea Baggers back a few years ago who nearly scared the crap out of them or Donnie’s alt-right “nice people” bearing arms and Tiki Torches? That’s some damn serious confusion by the snacilbupeR to conflate the peaceful #MeToo movement with armed old folks on rascal scooters and a bunch of incel boys crying about their imaginary loss of male white privilege. To best demonstrate the difference between our Constitutional right to peaceful protest and efforts to incite a riot Exhibit#1 would be the average Dotard45 campaign rally.

    “Little Ms. Pritchett” – typical gambit for a misogynist moron with no spine. As ad hominin attacks go, that was weak followed by the weakest portion of Kalney’s fact free whining.

    We know what “stable genius” means. Was that an example of what Ambassador Haley called Jughead Kushner, “Hidden Genius?” Yeah so well hidden that no one notices as to be non-existent.

  2. My I disagree on Kav’s histrionics. For all the nonsense he portrayed, I didn’t see one dam tear downhill face. And yes if a female nominee did that she would leave wearing a straight jacket. May I also diverge on one other point. I have long felt that Graham’s performance was the cue for Kav to do the same thing. I smell a conspiracy here. But then, hey, I am in my golden years and have seen damn near everything. Including this Kav monstrosity. Like my daddy used to say, “evil will out.” IN other words, evil will actually display its true nature simply because that is what evil does. Kav actually believes himself innocent of the charge but he will not ever agree with science: enough alcohol can leave you with a form of amnesia. I have had to tell a number of people over the years just what they did when they had one too many and could not remember the night before – and refused to believe they did fool things, even when presented with photos.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    Isn’t it odd that Republicans think that “innocent until proven guilty” only applies if the person accused is a Trump-worshipping Republican? Gee, it’s almost as though they are deliberately making false claims just to smear their opponents.

    Personally, I think Dr Ford should sue Trump for libel – discovery would be fun. Of course, the Roberts Court would hold that lying about Democrats is protected, but lying about Republicans was criminal…

  4. I see he has resigned. Good.

    I play a game with myself – if I see two commentators on TV and I know one will be republican and the other democrat – I try and guess which is which before they even speak, based on their faces. I am always right – the dem has a friendly face and the repub has that pinched, smug, irritated face. Sure enough, when I clicked on the story – Davids had a big smile on a friendly face.

  5. The best revenge when Davids beats Yoder like a old drum.

  6. Heh, the reservation Davids will need is for a victory hall…

  7. Global warming melts the snow, exposes Republicans like Michael Kalney, long frozen in the permafrost of a deep cave, still somewhat alive, and when they crawl to the surface without checking a calendar showing The Year Of Our Lord 2018 A.D., they start right in manifest destiny splaining, and think they’re gonna party like it’s 1849.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Heads up!!

    Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has referred 12-allegations of judicial misconduct claims against Justice Kavanaugh to outside judges for investigation….. Roberts had been sitting on the complaints since Sept 20th….and refused action before Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in to the Supreme Court. “Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is asking federal judges outside the beltway to investigate complaints over statements made by now-Justice Brett Kananaugh during his contentious nomination”

    ….he misstated laws, he lied many times….one of his own court decisions “polygraph tests can be taken as gospel by employers and law enforcement” — yet during hearing when he was told Dr. Ford passed FBI polygraph he snarled “polygraphs can’t be trusted!”

  9. “Roughly 50 exclamation points followed the end of the message.”

    As Sir Terry Pratchett said, “Five exclamation points is the sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.”

  10. Here’s the bad news.
    I lived in Johnson County Kansas as a child. It’s a tiny blue dot in the Red Sea that is Kansas. This guy could win, no matter how crazy nasty he acts. Because this is Kansas where crazy nasty is the norm.

    We Democrats just keep expecting Republicans to be human beings — and we just keep getting disappointed.

    I’m not saying we should stop being human — but we do need to stop expecting it of Republicans.

  11. Well texas thuglicans have a new campaign tactic.
    Using the complaint blue clad gang bangers they just arrest the staff of the D candidate.


    Now let’s talk about how that bipartisan cuello is doing by sucking up to these thugs.
    He is after all helping them. 68% obedience to his master and guarantor of some sweet wing nut welfare when his constituents wake up to his scam.
    And his staff won’t get rousted by a criminal gang impersanating law enforcement.

  12. As seen elsewhere, I think that “radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian” sounds absolutely badass.

    Reminds me of the Cruz campaign’s attempts to denigrate Beto that end up being recommendations .

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Over at wonkette.com, which you should be reading, Stephen Robinson wrote: “Conservatives have long defined ‘civility’ and ‘respect’ as submission and obedience. It’s what they demand from us and will never return.” Which is why they can kiss my hinder (sorry, Mama).

  14. Time for a Ghostbusters’ moment…

    “You know, I’m a voter. Aren’t you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?”

  15. Well it appears that progressives have finally learned that to be taken sriously every once in a while one must, politically, “shoot a hostage”.

    In WV and Tennessee two democratic weasels are learning that they can’t deliver for the thuglicans and still count on progressive’s support just because they “claim” to be D’s.
    manchin and bredeeson have lost votes, supporters, voleenteers and momentum over their shown of submission to the thugs by supporting gangbang brett.
    The only error is that the progressives are not taking enough credit in tanking these thuglicrats campaigns.
    Let others who have always counted on the D’s being so weak willed and spineless that the lecteds could do anything they want ( like supporting demented donnie on 68% of votes) and still be welcomed by the d voters.
    After wendy davis showed the yellow stripe ( and before that jolene unsoeld with same act of cowardice) to the nra and subsequently paid for her cowardice one would hope that other candinates running as d’s would learn that rolling over into a subservient position to thugs will not only nevr win a thuglican voter over but will incur active opposition from those who should be their constituency.
    Kudo’s to Doug Jones who as a new senator on a shortened term still found the political wisdom and courage to stay with those that delivered for him and came out against perjurer kavanaugh.
    Granted the ‘numbers” arguement has some appeal but there is never a “good” time ( exception being liarmans last campaigh and even then the d’s supported the surrender monkey liarman) to do this but it has to be done.

  16. Well dear ole chuckie shumer has shown his alegience to demented donnie yet again by agreeing to rubberstamp another 15 federal judges with no debate. This is after the 15 he helped to railroad through before kavanaugh disaster.
    I guess shumers mutual fund owners are happy with demented donnies judges.
    With leaders like this who needs enemies.
