Time’s New Cover

August 25, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Cohen, Trump

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0 Comments to “Time’s New Cover”

  1. That illustration is right on the money in all ways except one.
    Only healthy digestive systems produce turds that float.

    Well that’s what I heard.

  2. P.P., that….and the hands are too big.

  3. The Immoral Minority blog has this cover too, but he somehow got it as a short action video, and it’s quite entertaining.


  4. Dory’s (Finding Nemo) advice to Trump:
    “Just keep swimming.”


  5. Sorry, wrong clip, but Darla would certainly shake up Dump.

    Just keep swimming:

  6. And I notice the lack of lifeguards diving in to save him.

  7. Oh my…someone forgot to flush.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    I particularly like the homemade sign someone had in the air across from the White House: “Tick Tock, Donnie”.

    I’m betting he’s starting to feel like Capt. Hook!!

  9. That Other Jean says:

    I am reminded of Bill Cosby’s “Noah” skit: “How long can YOU tread water?”

    It’s hard to believe that such a funny man can also be a serial rapist, but there it is. I will never understand.

  10. I’m going to steal this parable from David Foster Wallace, and tweak it for the occasion:

    There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older man thrashing about, headed in the other direction. One young fish nods at him and says, “Morning, Sir, how’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually they hear the old man in the distance muttering to himself, “What the hell is water?”

  11. @Cheryl

    The POV the cartoonist chose would result in seeing those tiny little hands through several feet of water. Thus refraction changes their shape and makes them appear normal sized. Of course we know they are tiny and wizened. Like his heart. And several sizes too small.

  12. Lunargent says:

    The White House leaks have gotten entirely out of hand.
