Twit Fit

August 14, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Good Lord in Heaven Above, Trump is having a twit fit this morning with ten tweets in a row – all defensive, all complaining about people who criticize him.

Talk about getting up on the wrong side of the bed.  Oh hell, talk about getting up.

Right now – 8:25 am Texas time – his last tweet was 8 minutes ago so it’s probably not over yet since I suspect Fox and Friends is still on.  Somebody should get this man some old Scoopy Do reruns – he’ll hardly know the difference except it’ll put him in  better mood.

On the other hand, he did win the Drama Queen award this morning, prying it from Omarosa hands.



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0 Comments to “Twit Fit”

  1. Nica Brian says:

    I’m surprised that not one of his KlingOns (yes, the old joke) has Meistersinger on a mutual non disclosure agreement so he is not free to trash them without retaliation. Can’t decide on stupidity or greed.
    On he other hand there seems to be doubt on the validity of them for federal employees unless he can get his soon to be personal Supreme Court to allow him to designate everything he says as top secret.

  2. Nica Brian says:

    How did my iPhone autocorrect ‘insisted’ to Meistersinger?

  3. fierywoman says:

    Nica Brian I’m beginning to call my phone a stupid phone.

  4. Tweeting and playing golf – any wonder the important stuff is being neglected.

  5. AlanInAustin ... says:

    While Trump & Co. can’t enforce an NDA signed about her work in the White House, Omarosa did sign an NDA during the time she worked for the 2016 campaign. Depending on the wording of the NDA, that may include all or part of the following:
    – time spent on the Apprentice
    – time spent only on the 2016 campaign
    – time from campaign end until Inauguration
    – time spend on the 2020 campaign (begun at Inauguration)

    That latter point could potentially be very interesting. I can see the Trump Campaign saying something like, “The nature of the information she collected and wrote about wasn’t necessary or consistent with her White House duties and would only matter in the context of the campaign. As such, that information is covered by the NDA and exposure of it is a violation of the agreement.”

  6. Amazing how demented donnies and his cotorie of shills, crooks, fools and liars never fail to sink below wht I could even imagine.
    But in this case I remember asking if he would try to use NDA’s on government officials and being shot down by folks who informed me that that would be illegal.
    And Ta Da her we are with reports of NDA’s
    What is interesting is that government employees are being required to pledge their “loyalty: and “silence” not for the betterment of the Gov. but rather to a single “leader” exclusively for the benefit of this leader. Sound familar?
    These NDA’s could explain why so many of the junta’s appointments refused to answer questionsin congressional hearings. I wonder if the thuglicans on the committees knew of these NDA’s and decided to “respect” them by accepting non complaince as the norm for demented donnies peons.
    I hope members of the Judiciary committee start asking judicial appointees if they were required to sign an NDA before their nomination?

  7. Lawyers here around D.C. are claiming NDA’s are only good during a campaign. They are a nothing burger when it comes to people when they go on the White House payroll. I am getting a huge kick out of Omarosa’s TV appearances, especially when she plays some of the tapes. I am feeling less and less sorry for Gen. Kelly. He is actually in charge of that circus, hiring, clearances, and firing. He has lowered his heroic stature to zip by acting as the Golden Gibbon’s “fixer”. He is going to end p being questioned by very serious people like Mueller and it won’t be good.

  8. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “Lawyers here around D.C. are claiming NDA’s are only good during a campaign.”
    I suspect that’s an oversimplification. If you’re a paid gov’t employee, the NDA can only be with the government (e.g., an NDA as part of a security clearance). Trump, although President, is not “the government” and cannot force a private NDA on anyone regarding their *government* work.
