Purchasing Alert

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For all your home shopping needs.



And yes, you can buy it right here.

You’re very welcome.


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0 Comments to “Purchasing Alert”

  1. AK Lynne says:

    Oh, thank you! That was truly the best laugh ever.

  2. Old Fart says:

    Ahhh good!

    My kids gave me toilet paper with Hair Furor’s likeness printed on it, but I will never use it (barring dire necessity). There is no way I would allow the likeness of that thing near my taint…

  3. Yes, great laugh. Knowledge of this product of course will upset Spanky Drumpf, unless he’s getting a cut for recycling his old hair and using his likeness.

  4. There is also a trump dammit doll. Our Indivisible group passes it around at every meeting. 😀

  5. brian crowder says:

    I don’t think I could humiliate my toilet that way…

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    Thanks for the early morning laugh! The description is excellent too. That said, still couldn’t have such a horror in my home 🙂

  7. This company should make dog chewy toys in assorted doll representations of vile, evil, reprehensible elected officials.

  8. maryelle says:

    Appropriate as the toilet brush is, I wouldn’t want Trump Inc. to get a cut of that profit. Would they sue for copyright infringement? I can just see a courtroom where Dump’s lawyers hold that thing up to the judge, arguing that it is the president’s likeness, by jingo, and he owns the rights to his face (shudder)
    wherever it might be displayed.

  9. Papa, years ago I knew some lefty Brits who gave their dog a chewy-toy Margaret Thatcher. “We cheered when he ripped the head off.” I’ve also seen stuffed dog or cat toys of Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich.

    maryelle, it would take a special kind of person to go into court and argue that a toilet brush looks like them, to get money. But I think we all know that Donnie is that kind of person.

  10. eyesoars says:

    The only problem is that I keep trying to flush it down the toilet…

  11. I like the seller’s copy too:

    “Trump Toilet Brush, Make Toilet Great Again, Comander In Crap”


  12. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL … shared on Facebook with the comment: What all good LIBERAL toilets need!!

  13. Crazy day at the office! Thanks so much for the delighted shriek and following laughter!

  14. I also want the Paul Ryan and McTurd brushes.
