The Morning After

May 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is the place where you can share results from last night’s run off in your state, but I get to be first.

My favored congressional candidate in my district – one that is considered flippable – Sri Preston Kulkarni won last night 2 to 1.  We are the most diverse county in the nation so Sri stands a great chance against Pete Olson in November.  I stayed too late and danced too much at his victory party last night so I am slow on the uptake this morning.

And elsewhere in Texas, Democrats have a very strong candidate to run for Blake Farenthold.  His name is Eric Holguin and he ran a great race in the run off.

And remember the Dallas Republican I told you about who freely admitted that his children would get their trust funds only if they married a white person of the opposite gender?  Well, he lost but only by 25 damn votes.

Now I want to talk about my local Republicans.  Remember how I told you that my county is the most diverse county in the nation?  Well, Republicans are dumber than sack of hammers.  Every single minority candidate on our countywide Republican Primary ballot lost – as they do every election. I could bore you with races for the past ten years where the Republicans have defeated every minority candidate on the primary ballot in my county.

The final idiocy came last night when a high qualified judicial candidate (who got appointed judge) ran for re-election on the Republican ballot.  He’s African American.  He made the run-off, but was defeated by a city council member in a small community.  And they ask why minorities don’t vote for Republicans?

Okay, so you got to hear me cheer and jeer, so what happened in your county?


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0 Comments to “The Morning After”

  1. in a double-reverse kung-jitsu move that is sure to accomplish exactly nothing except inspire lots more musing about “electability” (which is apparently democratic code for “losing while white”), democrats in CD21 nominated a republican.

    that’ll show the republicans who’s boss.

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    We had our primary last week. My county was split up in the recent re-districting map provided by the court so few people in the immediate area know the current GOP representative (Tom Marino — look him up) and our choice was between a “local” (to our county) man and a “foreign” woman from closer to the center of the district. It was tight and the man won by a few hundred votes. I think that gives the election to Marion in November because he’s just not an exciting candidate — he talks like a Republican. At the statewide level, the GOP selected Lou Barletta who is currently a Congresscritter and before that he was mayor of Hazleton where he championed regulations that would punish landlords for renting to “illegals” long before the orange whale made it a national issue. Even the national GOP isn’t happy with him as a candidate but given that Pennsyltucky went for Trump, the incumbent Senator (Bob Casey) isn’t going to have a cakewalk. Similary, the GOP candidate for Governor has vowed to cut money for the State System of Higher Education (including Slippery Rock State, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and California University of Pennsylvania — we ain’t real creative with names in this state because just about everything that can be named Mifflin already is and most of the rest have a Beaver in the area). The bigger-named “state related” schools (Penn State, Pitt, Temple, and Lincoln University) have been having their state funds reduced for the last 10 years or so and he doesn’t seem inclined to change that any.

    On the more local level, we have a young woman running for the state legislature in our district. It’s been gerrymandered so that the liberal concentration of areas immediately surrounding Penn State was split up and our district includes Mifflin County (what did I tell you) which is heavily populated by truly conservative evangelical types. So the incumbent (who is ok for a Republican — he takes care of the people in the district, champions funding for Penn State, etc. but continues to vote with the GOP majority on just about everything else) is likely to have an easy time.

    And on the local local level, I was elected as the Democratic Committeeperson for our township. Running unopposed I garnered 96% of the ballots cast but I must have at least 5 enemies who wrote in for other candidates.

  3. Nothing going on her win my neck of Virginia but I am gleeful over the election of Stacy in the gubernatorial contest in Georgia!

  4. Now is it time to talk about my former Legislator Paulette Jordan, who won the Democratic nomination for Idaho Governor, over a millionaire who spent a lot of his own money?
    Also, we rejoice that Congressweasel Raul Labrardor lost his race for Rep. Governor to the more palatable Lt. Gov. Brad Little.

  5. Family friend and former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez prevailed in a Dem run-off. Now the work REALLY begins. I’m told The sitting governor released an attack ad within minutes of the closing of the polls.

    Didn’t support either Dem run-off candidate, but Colin Allred prevailed and will face .22 caliber Pistol Pete Sessions. I hope this former Titans linebacker can catch Pistol blind-side and behind the line for a huge loss.

    And Nathan Johnson will face family friend Don Huffines in the Senate race. Nathan is the real deal. I hope to hear more and more good things about him as a State Senator. Sadly, somewhere between high school and a couple years ago Don lost his mind. He’s right occasionally (closing down the outlaw Dallas County Schools organization) but wrong the rest of the time. I hope Nathan Johnson proves to be right many times and wrong like only once or twice on the issues.

  6. Sounds like lots of good results last night. Congratulations winning Democrats! Voters apparently disregarded DNCC centrist choices in several instances, voting instead for the one the liked best. That one was often a rookie politician, just as often a POC and/or woman and actually liberal-progressive. I’m all in favor of all of that.

    My candidate to replace the Minnesota Embarrassment in Congress is an Asian American married lesbian. Angie Craig! Woo-hoo!

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    In Maryland the Democratic candidate for governor just up and died. His Lt Gov partner on the Dem ticket decided to run for the office, but get this: the state election committee chose to not reprint the ballots, so a dead person is running for office. My immediate thought was that the committee is stacked with republicans.

    I hope that David Trone, democratic candidate for congress wins the office. An all around good guy, and he owns one of my favorite businesses, Total Wine and Beer.

  8. @Linda Phipps

    In my part of Texas, the Total Wine stores are all along US75 in DFW Metroplex. And Sam’s has a better price on Guinness. So between difficult locations and a less expensive buzz price, I’ve only shopped the Total stores once or twice.

    That said good on ole David for striking a blow for freedom.
