Be Still My Heart

May 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s everything I know now because this is a breaking story.

President Trump‘s personal lawyer Michael Cohen had his phones wiretapped by federal investigators, according to a new report by NBC News.

The report, citing one source with direct knowledge, said at least one call between the White House and a phone line associated with Cohen was intercepted.

According to NBC News, it is unclear how long the phone had been wiretapped or when it was authorized, but sources tell the outlet that it was in place leading up to an FBI raid on Cohen’s home and office last month.

I hope it was juicy.

And there’s this:


This is not going to end well.


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0 Comments to “Be Still My Heart”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    The most corrupt administration ever. The Teapot Dome was nothing compared to these sleeze balls.

  2. Kinda figured that the FBI was already doing something about Cohen well before the very courteous “raids”. They must have heard just enough on the wire to get the warrants. At the moment I can only say, “Go FBI!”

  3. JJ ,I hear you got an “in” with a lawyer. When can we RICO these SOBs?

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    The blood sucking parasites aka the Dotard45 maladministration apparently are receiving their legal advice from the inside of Donnie’s Big Mac wrappers. The grease obviously obliterated any salient points.

  5. SEE!!!
    Trump was right!!!
    Obama did tap his phones!!! Or the FBI tapped his phones!!! Or maybe it was Jake Tapper, it’s right in his name!!!

    That’s why it’s a WHICH hunt. We can’t be sure WHICH agency or person did the tap, tap, tapping… maybe all of them!!! There’s your Collusion!!!

  6. Rsginsf says:

    Dear ‘Rick says:’ thank you for making my afternoon.

  7. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Ted – my layer says Trump is flats guilty of every crime in the criminal code.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’ve been saying for months that this is a battle to the death between the DOJ and President P. Grabber. We can’t afford to allow DOJ to lose.

  9. yet another baby boomer says:

    Wowzers! I was just checking in to read what the shop patrons were saying about Abbott being duped by the Russian bots. But this story is even better!

  10. Wait, what? Come to suspect? COME to suspect? I suspect most, if not all, the patrons here at the Salon have been thinking this from the beginning.

  11. NicaBrian says:

    “Have come to suspect”. Dave Nunes, while chair of the investigative committee sneaks over to the White House in the middle of the night for disinformation, another committee demands unrestricted access to investigation reports because some yahoo off the street gets elected and therefore knows more than career FBI officials. And as we know from Trey Gowdy they’re not shy of disclosing select bits and pieces if they think think it can help their team, justice be damned.

    Damn. All of them.

  12. Oh my. Imagine the rolling snacilbupeR heads. [Rubbing hands together gleefully.] The FBI is going to make professional bowling look like child’s play. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  13. If a Title III wiretap was running before the search warrants were executed, it was running during and after the executions. Trump called Cohen after the search warrants were executed, according to some news reports. I bet the agents loved that call.

  14. Old Fart says:

    The absolute worst thing about all this is our government is being destroyed by it’s caretakers *while we watch*…

  15. “This is not going to end well.”

    Depends on where you’re looking from, I suspect.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Perp walks and prison time will just be the beginning of the fun. The Dotard45 maladministration has been partying on our nickel too long. We will return the favor and party on their dime. The fines and asset forfeitures should cause the Amazing Alfredo to need a battery of calculators connected to 440 power to add up the haul. Seize everything. Enough to retire the national debt, fund a 21st century infrastructure plan, first class K-college education for all children in state of the art schools, cradle to grave medical care for all, forgiveness of all student loan debt, luxury HUD housing courtesy of Donnie and the Kushner crime families.

    It was Mick Mulvaney who mentioned “pay for play.” Works for me. They’ve played at our expense, now let them pay for ALL the damage they have done. Strip mine their assets at a rate that surpasses Ryan Zinke’s wildest dreams about what he’d do to our national assets. Siphon their off shore accounts to a tune that that will make Scott Pruitt blush.

  17. maryelle says:

    Nuts! Now the reports from NBC and ABC about the wire are being walked back to something called a pencil tap which records phone numbers but not conversations.

  18. For patrons interested in such things, there is a nice piece on the Federal Wiretap Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510‐2522, aka Title III, at Latham & Watkins website…

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    Actually is WAS NOT a wiretap, it was something else (can’t remember the word). It has to do with just noting the calls, but not the content.
