In a Word, NO! UPDATED!

December 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen has been thumbing through Super PAC reports again and found one that needs our attention here at the Beauty Salon.

No. Do not do that. Please, no. No.

The Make America Like Texas PAC is run by a 36 year old in Round Rock, Texas, by the name of Kevin D. Stuart who has voted in every Republican primary since at least 2008.  The PACs mailing address and corporate home office is at a UPS store in Austin.

The e-mail address belongs to a FEC compliance guy who works out of his house and only works for Republicans.

Yeah, we think it’s kinda goofy, too.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

UPDATE: It has been pointed out to me that maybe I am reading this wrong.  Instead of the PAC name meaning that the rest of America should be like Texas, it’s a plea for America to like Texas, as in quit hating us.

I don’t know how to make that happen unless Texas quits acting like Texas.  I have a large and clear image of Minnesota jumping up and down hollering, “No, we will never like Texas!”


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0 Comments to “In a Word, NO! UPDATED!”

  1. Tilphousia says:

    I have nothing against Texas. It’s most of you politicians of the rethuglicans variety who stink. And give the rest of y’all a bad name.

  2. All the local lodges of the Sons of Thor in Minnesota would never jump up and down. Viking blood prevents that. They would just look amazingly stone faced and thumb the edges of their battle axes.

  3. How could we hate a Texas that has people like you and Glen in it? We hate what you have to deal with.

  4. No offense, ma’am, but every time a chemical plant explodes next to a nursing home in Texas, I’m grateful for New Jersey’s zoning laws.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    We love you, Texas! Now give us a big smooch in return – oust Teddie Crooze in the next election.

  6. joel hanes says:

    Austin is pretty cool. I like it.

  7. As a lifetime Minnesnotan, I tend to read that with a heavy emphasis on the word “MAKE”.

  8. We love Texans like Juanita Jean, Bubba, Ann Richards, Mollie Ivins, and Barbara Jordan. Unfortunately y’all seem to be outnumbered by Texans who vote for Louie and for Ted Cruz, and Texans who voted for Dubya instead of Ann Richards. Them we do not like and never will if they keep voting that way.

  9. How’d you know what we’re doing in Minn?
