Crazy-making Speculation

November 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a game at the beauty salon when things get boring.

Did Michael Flynn flip or not?

You gotta wonder why Flynn wasn’t in the first round of indictments.

Do they think it would be a waste of time since Trump will just pardon him?

Do you think Flynn was willing to risk losing his military pension for a guy who threw him under the bus to save Mike Pence?

Since his son is also in a wad a trouble, was Flynn willing to cooperate if his son got off the hook?  You know, like Jared’s dad did.

If he afraid that Lock Her Up will become Lock Him Up And Throw Away The Key?

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island thinks Flynn is singing like the fat lady.

All the signals are suggesting he is already cooperating with the FBI, and may have been for some time. First of all, they had him dead to rights on a felony false statement, on the statement they took from him at the White House on the Kislyak conversations. Second, Comey reported that one of the things the FBI does with cooperators is get them to go back and clean up areas of non-compliance. Flynn, who will never be hired by a foreign government again, went back and cleaned up his foreign agent filings. Third, all of the reporting of the Eastern District of VA on subpoenas is one hop away from Flynn. He is the hole in a donut of subpoenas.

Here’s my theory.  It ain’t like Flynn to be quiet.  He shoots off his mouth a lot.  He is a man of many opinions – most of them very weird.

My bet is that he is and if he ain’t, he’s a bigger damn fool than I thought.


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0 Comments to “Crazy-making Speculation”

  1. No noose is good news for Gen. Lock-her-up

  2. I’m betting that he’s singing like a canary to keep his son out of the sneezer and to hang onto his pension. Since he obviously isn’t smart enough to be hired by anybody looking for half an ounce of sense at this point, his pension is the only thing that’s gonna keep him out of the poor house.

  3. And somewhere up the line, maybe little Jared will be tattling on his daddy-in-law after Trump thoroughly throws him under the bus. Can’t say this isn’t entertaining.

  4. Yep. The military instills a sense of decorum in their Brass. For Flynn to fling decorum aside and then get down on the ground and publicly peck s&&& with the chickens (lock her up!) means he wanted something too badly.

  5. Well, either he has hired a decent attorney and is actually taking his advice to shut up – which would A. be totally out of character and B. make him unlike any other member of the Trump camp. Or Barb and JJ are absolutely correct and Lock her up is under orders to shut up or share a cell with his first born. In any case, Pass the popcorn and let’s hope Lynn is right!

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    That’s a fine collection of songbirds, Mr. Mueller. Question is which one does you pick? None of them will be that easy to clean up and present as credible witnesses. My bet would be for the one with the most documents (hard evidence) to contribute to the cause.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Well well. It’s “Who to throw under the bus next” on the traitor trump reality show. Suspense! What will Flynn say? Will he be lucid? What is Flynn jr smoking now and will it affect his plea? Flynn wants to keep his pension (taxpayer funded). How did that unhinged moron ever get stars ? Anyway does anyone know where some really good Carmel popcorn can be purchased? And what are the Vegas odds on this? Informed betters want to know.

  8. Flynn – pere et fille – have a really tough lawyer sitting their necks, plus they may have already engineered a good deal for themselves. We are all going to need a playbook when all of this comes out!

  9. In my alternate universe, Gen Flynn, like George Papadopoulos, was visited in the night by the ghost of prosecutions future, left his comfortable be to see an FBI tailor to be fitted with a comfy digital wire, and has been broadcasting clear channel for the past few months to an audience of one or two.

  10. Don’t forget that Jared has also publicly admitted to several felonies regarding his failure to disclose on his SF-86. He’ll be hard pressed to argue in court that he forgot to mention dozens of meetings with agents of the Russian government and millions of dollars in business dwwals.

  11. Our Reality-Show-Host-In-Chief seems to love dishing out the cliffhangers for appointments, pardons, and other announcements.

    Over the last week we’ve seen Mueller beats him at his own game. Will Flynn be a surprise guest, or Trump’s worst nightmare behind Door #3? Stay tuned…

  12. 1toughlady says:

    Word is, they’ve been investigating his son as well as him. So if they offer his son a pass, plus offer him no jail time, he’ll flip faster than a spinning top. And I bet he already has.

  13. I dunno…. It’s a little disappointing to see the Trump regime start crumbling because of foreign deals and Russian connections. I really wanted Trump to fall because he’s such a damned idiot and doesn’t have the first clue what he’s doing and doesn’t care enough to learn, and he made promises that were a tissue of lies to people too dumb and pathetically hopeful to see through them. And everybody around him is just sucking up and enabling the bratty man-baby. Am I going to get to see that?

  14. Rhea, I think you will get your wish. After all, the Russians had tRump figured out ages ago as clinically stupid and knew just how and when and where to strike.
