Diversity Visa

November 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning, Donald Trump tweeted:


First of all, the Diversity Visa was part of Immigration Act of 1990 – passed by the Senate with a bipartisan 89-8 vote – signed by Daddy Bush.  The Senator from New York was Republican Al D’Amato.  Schumer wasn’t elected until 1999.

Today at her press conference Sarah Huckybooboo denied that Trump ever blamed Schumer.

She also flat lied about people under this program not having to go through vetting.

Then for the trifecta of stoopid, she tried to say that Trump really didn’t say that the United States justice system was defective.  Exact quote:

We need quick justice and we need strong justice — much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke and it’s a laughingstock.

Sarah says he didn’t mean that – he was just frustrated.

Get control, dude.  The Founding Fathers also grow frustrated that a man who has never read the constitution and could not name even one Supreme Court case would trash their work.

Now I am certain that Trump has heard the words “laughingstock” and “a joke” quite a lot recently but they weren’t about the American judicial system. Some guy who is illiterate and can’t name three synonyms for “beautiful” doesn’t get to crack wise about the rule of law.

I can’t wait until this guy is out of there!

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0 Comments to “Diversity Visa”

  1. As a high school English teacher, I would not let my students use the word VERY in their writing. I convinced them that it just proves you have a weak vocabulary, an insufficient education, no imagination, and a disorderly mind. I have been proven right by our president. I just scream when he says VERY twice in one sentence, but when he says VERY VERY I have to leave the room.

  2. Trump’s Report Card Today:

    Math – 1999-1990 does not equal Chuck Schumer
    History – Can’t name a Supreme Court Case
    English – Failure to name a synonym for beautiful (and probably doesn’t know what synonym means)
    Phys Ed – Fail
    Science – Absent
    Homeroom – Tardy

  3. And Miss Huckleberry thinks JFK and Kennedy were two separate people.

  4. slipstream says:

    “We need quick justice and we need strong justice — much quicker and much stronger than we have right now.”

    Translation: “Like all kings, I should have the power to order beheadings.”

  5. A white guy kills in Las Vegas and what do we get from Faux and the imitation president? Crickets. But today……

  6. I believe it was Mark Twain who said, “Whenever you have the urge to write ‘very,’ write ‘damn.’ Your editor will strike it out, and your sentence will read just as it should.”

  7. Anybody and everybody who wants to come into this country legally from some other place gets vetted. there. I said it and I stand by it.

  8. Some clarification: if you go through customs, guess what. They ask you all kinds of nosy damn questions while ruining your luggage and the contents therein. Someone applying for a visa to come into the country legally definitely gets vetted and is asked a helluva lot more questions, some of which will just antagonize anyone to the hilt. but hey, thats OK with the nationalists in this country who aren’t really interested in having anyone come in for whatever reason.

  9. Tom Westrup says:

    Wasn’t Schumer in the House from 1981-1999? The final vote on 10/3/1990 at 12:28 pm, Schumer was in the “Yeas”. As much as I am critical of Trump, his tweet did not reference the Senate.

  10. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The problem with impeaching Trump is that we then get Pence. He’s meaner, and more competent.

  11. So let’s just stop and evaluate what Trump’s most recent travel ban would have done to exclude this Uzbeki fanatic. Nada. Because neither Trump nor Tillerson could find Uzbeckistan on a map. The elevated screening simply did not apply. But he did fire the FBI Director who had this terrorist on the radar screen. So it’s Schumer’s fault. This passes for responsibility in Trump world.
