Jeb Hensarling

October 31, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas congressvarmint who almost since-handedly destroyed every banking regulation we got under Obama, is now ready to join Corporate America and reap his rewards while he can.

The powerful chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Dallas Republican, announced his retirement from Congress on Tuesday afternoon. He is currently serving his eighth term in the House.

I guess they are saving the fact that he’s evil as hell and never met a puppy he didn’t kick for his obituary.

It’s a strong GOP district, but I am told that the Democrats have a good candidate in Dan Wood.  Miracles can happen, my friends, and nobody knows what the hell it’s gonna be like in a year.

I am just tickled pink to get rid of Jeb.


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