There’s Always a Price to Pay (See What I Did There?)

September 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has champagne taste on a taxpayer’s budget.

He likes those private jets.

You will remember Price as the guy who made stock trades in health-care companies while serving on a House panel overseeing Obamacare and other health issues.

He has also positioned himself as a champion of fiscal efficiency, backing major spending reductions to agencies he oversees and legislation that would cull hundreds of billions of dollars from health entitlement programs.

Price spent $60,000 of your money on private jets in a two day period.  All other cabinet secretaries travel commercial.

The only explanation Price has?  “I’m a very busy man.”  Well hell, child, so am I, but I don’t call a limo to drive me to the damn grocery store and then send you the bill.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “There’s Always a Price to Pay (See What I Did There?)”

  1. He should be made to pay it back.
    Mama reading this site prevented me from saying what I really thought.
    This was the cleanest thing I could write.

  2. Precisely Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself. “Fiscal Conservative” – two words we need to shame, clown and otherwise rip out of the lying mouths of the snacilbupeR. Albeit the ‘shame’ part could prove difficult, as they have no shame. But as we approach the 2018 election cycle, we can strip those charlatans of their phony cloaks by presenting the electorate with the facts.

    Donnie campaigned on “draining the swamp.” Time to expose him and the gators in his maladministration. Every department in our government now suffers one of those special snowflake gators whose claim to fame is nothing but draining government (our money) resources.

    It’s a mess. While Dolt45 drains the oxygen out of the universe and tickles the media with shiny objects, his minions are literally destroying our country. Our challenge is to remain focused and commit teams to every aspect of this.

    No one person has the time or energy to expose them. But as a concerted group we can split up into teams and reconnect as unifying force.

    For example, Jane and I are dedicated to keeping Betsy DeVos out of Nevada and education. We think we have enough time and energy to join other efforts.

    Donnie loves him some twitter. Let’s defeat him on his own turf. We’ll start with #BetsytheGator. Dept. by Dept., let’s identify the gators. #___gator and drown them in their own swamp.

  3. The Tea Party inspired and led nominal snacilbupeR have made the meaning of the words”fiscal conservative” an oxymoron, professed by morons. But I guess “fiscal conservative” sounds better in the press than “I-got-mine-so-f***-you conservative”. Price isn’t necessarily my idea of the IGMSFY conservative poster boy, but he’ll do for the time being.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Cut him some slack, m’kay? Cutting health-care for millions is difficult and tiring work. Not to mention that flying commercial exposes him to the public he’s trying to kill.

  5. People like him (and bunches of others too numerous to list here) is why I don’t own a gun. I swear it’s getting more tempting every day.

  6. Micr, good man and friend, IGMSFY conservatism began way before the Tea Bagger insanity. As the resident not a historian here at the WMDBS, Dubya was late to the scene with his distorted “compassionate conservatism.” Ronnie Rayguns deserves a shout out for his piss on you trickle down economics.

    Again, not a historian here. But if I was to posit a starting point for snacilbupeR st00pid, I’d go with snacilbupeR intent on destroying every iota of progress FDR started.

    JAKvirginia, we’ll be happy to give Price all the slack he deserves for his high flying costs to taxpayers. May he soon be addressing a House or Senate committee. Albeit, I have to admit the vision of a noose around his neck with sufficient slack …

  7. “Fiscal conservative” means there’s no money for what you want but I can spend on me and my pet causes like a drunken sailor. They just gave the Pentagon $700 billion dollars, as usual more than they even asked for, but we don’t have enough money for healthcare.

    Jennifer Rubin points out that Trump’s corruption, greed, and lack of any ethics is a feature of the entire administration. If they weren’t corrupt when he picked them, they look around and say, “Hell, why shouldn’t I get mine?”

  8. Do recall that Steve Mnuchin and his idiot bride took an official U.S. jet to Fort Knox etcetera. Mnuchin et al insist that this is absolutely A-OK for the Treasury Secretary inasmuch as he has to keep up with what is happening on the NYSE and Wall Street at all times and must depend on the splendid communication equipment on board such a jet.

    Gag me with a blender.

  9. As long as he is racist, the Republicans will vote for him and others! In spite of their own best economic interests! Of course, rich Republicans vote for NOT raising taxes.

    Racists are a majority in enough states to keep the crooks in office. Middle class and poorer Americans suffer.

  10. Excellent comment on Rubin’s column from SoFedUp14: “Fiscally conservative” means “I don’t want to pay taxes”, not “I want less from government”. An acceptable translation would be “I want THEM to get less from government”.

  11. I have used all the bad words I’m allowed such as “scum” “bigot” “greedy”. Any thing stronger would get me in trouble with mama. Therefore I will just think them and not say them out loud. Kind of like the story about Leo Dorucher (sp) who once asked an umpire what he would do if he called him a blind S**. Umpire said “I would kick you out.” Leo then said “What if I just think it?” Umpired said , ” I can’t do anything about what you think.” Leo then said, “I think you are a blind S**!” He got tossed.

  12. Annabelle Lee says:

    Apparently Betsy DeVos also uses private jets. You know, when she has to be at that men’s rights advocates meeting on time.

  13. Annabelle Lee, poor Betsy. Least she could do for Donnie’s maladministration is to have her brother Erik offer them protection at a discount, since they’ve squandered their Secret Service allowance.

    The Donnie hard core supporting 25% confound me. This maladministration is in their faces with special snowflake excesses, yet they’re steadfast in accepting the abuse. WTF?

  14. “I’m a very busy man.”

    If only that were an acceptable explanation for every purchase listed as a business expense on Schedule C of our tax returns. We can’t deduct it, but we can send Price our money for him to abuse as he sees fit.

    I call for a Citizen’s Audit (like a citizen’s arrest, or perhaps more like the “citizen’s organizations” prancing around Little Cambodia with their guns) Maybe if we asked nice and wore a Stars & Bars patch on our leather jackets?

  15. Here you go, Rick, “I call for a Citizen’s Audit”.
    Just one prong on a wide-ranging citizen’s investigatory effort:

  16. @Jane und PKM

    My Nevada Bubbas, I was thinking Bush 41 was the “compassionate conservative”, not 43. But whether 41 or 43 authored the “compassionate conservative” oxymoron, neither Bushywas compassionate about anything that did not ultimately benefit them and their WASPy New England brethren.

  17. These wealthy Repugs view our country as their corporation and expect all the perks they got on Wall Street. A huge disconnect regarding the concept of “public servant”.

  18. Jane –
    As for draining the swamp how about #cotton-mouth moccasins? Snakes are some of the nastiest things in a swamp like Trump’s cabinet.

  19. Micr, W took it away with “compassionate conservatism. He (no surprise) wasn’t original. Neither shrub authored the phase of which the actual origins predate both their births. But Dubya was the shrub that campaigned on the slogan.

    Meanwhile the crawling WASPs and other IGMSFY mofos are now a global blight. Lucky us. “East meets west” with the ‘brotherhood’ of the oligarchs. May the dueling princelings of oligarchy, Donnie and Vlad, have their Romanov moment.

  20. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    And $300,000 since May. Arrogant idiots. May they fall far.

  21. @Paul

    Leo the Lip was one of my favorite baseball managers, in spite of the teams he managed.

    My fav quote attributed to Durocher is…
    “I never did say that you can’t be a nice guy and win. I said that if I was playing third base and my mother rounded third for the winning run, I’d trip her”.

  22. They had to come up with “compassionate conservative” to distinguish that variety from the usual conservative. “Compassionate liberal” would be redundant rather than an oxymoron.

  23. I’m surprised that Price’s reason wasn’t “Because Munchin does it”. A TV commentator suggested that perhaps Price doesn’t fly commercial so to avoid looking at the people he’s trying to take health care away from.
