White “Identitarians”

August 31, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts

In his New York Times column this week, David Brooks dubs a rising segment of the GOP as White Identitarian.  The identity of this group was  complicated in its development, but straightforward in its result – overt racism.  White Identitarians may or may not be simply racist; its worse than that.  This group, which has risen from 6% of the party in 2005 to 40% today apply minority standards to themselves.  What this means is that these white people feel discriminated against and are aggrieved by that perception.  They want minority standards applied to themselves, even though they are in the majority.  An example of this behavior is the White Lives Matter folks that has emerged to oppose Black Lives Matter.

Like many cultish like groups, White Identitarians reinforce their own belief that they’re being treated unfairly by talking only to each other and getting their “news” from propaganda outlets that repeat that myth.  The idiocy of this belief reveals itself when these folks say something really stupid to normal people resulting in mockery. For example, they believe the term “old white guy” is actually racist and/or sexist.  Saying that is silly, of course, but these folks actually believe it and get even more offended when someone like me laughs at them.

The dangerous element of this belief?  Donald Trump is playing to White Identitarians giving rise to overt racist behavior such as we witnessed in Charlottesville a few weeks ago.  Overt racists have taken control of the GOP, and radical gerrymandering has put these overt racists (and morons) in positions of power in Washington and state capitals all over the country.  It’s tearing the GOP, and indeed, the country, apart at its racial seems and needs to be exposed for what it is – white supremacy.  Period.

How do you fight this?  Head on.  You have to call racism racism.  This is not dealt with by equivocation and the “both sides” argument.  Like Brooks says in this column – white identitarianism is noxious.  It is poisoning the GOP from within and will destroy our democracy if not stomped out quickly.

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