Waiting For The Other Brown Boot to Drop

July 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is as twisted and jumbled as a bushel basket of wire coat-hangers, and I think I need a diagram to really understand it.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal broke this story —

Peter W. Smith

A longtime Republican activist who led an operation hoping to obtain Hillary Clinton emails from hackers listed senior members of the Trump campaign, including some who now serve as top aides in the White House, in a recruitment document for his effort.


Then later that same night, half a world away, another guy’s ears perk up and a light bulb goes off over his head.

UK cyber-analyst Matt Tait reveals in great detail how he himself was recruited by Peter W. Smith to verify the accuracy of emails, purportedly from Clinton’s server, that Smith had either obtained or was negotiating to obtain from an operative on the Deep Web.

So here’s the deal as I understand it.  Peter W Smith goes to the Wall Street Journal and spills his guts about the whole Russian / Hillary email thing and how people on Trump’s team were in on it.  Ten days later, Smith is dead.  (Don’t get your tin foil hat.  He was 80 years old, and everybody eventually dies. Not totally unrelated to this story, Smith was one of the operatives spreading the rumor about Bill Clinton using Arkansas State Troopers to cover his trysts while governor, so I’m sure Republicans are saying that the Clintons had him killed.)

Matt Tait

Back to the other guy who ear’s are perked:  UK cyber-analyst Matt Tait realizes he knows a piece of this story because he was contacted by Smith last year, and some real confusing stuff happened after that contact. Tait admits he still doesn’t understand how his piece of the puzzle fits into the mess, but he spills the beans on everything he knows.  Long read – oh so worth it.


I think the special prosecutor is going to need some more lawyers and maybe a few map makers to figure this out, but it does not look good for the folks surrounding Trump.  That hasn’t changed.

Customer Deb is following this closely on Twitter so I’m hoping she’ll correct me when I need it and add some information when when she gets it.

Thanks to Deb and SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Waiting For The Other Brown Boot to Drop”

  1. Sandridge says:

    Get ready y’all. Rats are most dangerous when cornered. Especially fat-assed, small-pawed Manhattan rats, I hear.
    -If- these traitorous rats ever actually start to get the feeling they’re getting boxed in, a big IF…

    Wouldn’t want to be in Matt Tait’s shoes now, hope MI5/6 give him a hand. Don’t drink any restaurant tea, Matt.

  2. maryelle says:

    Mueller needs to talk to this guy. Trump’s statement, “Russia if you’re listening…” was not a joke. Smith & Co. took it deadly seriously. And Hillary was dead on when she talked about the vast right wing conspiracy. Smith’s team was a big part of it.
    What comes to mind when you hear the phrase,”dirty tricks”?

  3. RepubAnon says:

    Given the situation in Syria, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Russia drop a few leaks into this mess. Remember, they’re not pro-Trump – just eager to destroy our post WW2 reputation as the good guys. It’s sort of a Survivor situation – when to turn on a former ally…

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    The plotting little varmints surrounding Donnie are vast with their crooked little tails going back at least 3 decades. Skullanus Wrongway née Fitzpatrick is married to the George T Conway who borrowed Paula Jone’s life to chase after Bill Clinton and aid & abet in his impeachment.

    Keep following the money, Counselor Mueller. All cash that doesn’t flow from a Moscow connection will lead you to those two scions of the John Birch Society, Charles and David Koch.

    Odd coincidence Donnie was selected as their dupe. Parents of Charles and David: Fred and Mary. Donnie’s parents also a pair called Fred & Mary. Being serious here folks. That’s just the sort of little evil joke that would appeal to what passes as a sense of humor for them and would tickle their greedy little funny bones.

  5. Folks, what difference does any of this make? Donnie really could shoot somebody in the street and get away with it, because the whole freakin’ government is run by Republicans, and they’re not going to ditch him no matter what he does or what anyone can prove. The only exception is if he makes his base mad enough to make them turn on the whole GOP, and then they’ll dump his ass in a heartbeat. Until then, everything else is dust in the wind, so there’s no point in getting excited.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, excited no, but perhaps a touch too hopeful with what has come to light thus far. As for Donnie and his glom on supporters, there may be a little ray of hope there. It’s a tough uphill battle to educate them that the dreaded ObamaCare and the ACA they like are two names for the same thing. What may be hopeful will be the “reception” they give their elected representatives over their July break. A few wienie roasts might change the flow of events.

  7. DonA in Pennsyltucky says:

    And in the double-standard dept…. can you say Vince Foster?

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    Traitors. Each and every one of them.

  9. lumpkin says:

    I think Smith was murdered by Hillary’s email server. Or maybe zombie Vince Foster or something like that. Gotta be a simple, logical explanation like that.

  10. Rastybob says:

    So the Traitor Trump Train is about to jump off of the track’s.
    Need more Pop Corn and JD.

  11. Talking head shows this AM touched on the Smith (deceased) thing and the Russians. All agreed there was indeed smoke I’m the air. Now the whole idea is who was holding what gun when it went off. This is just getting better and better!

  12. Rhea’s just plain correct. The only way Trump exits early is by heart attack, stroke or vetoing a huge tax break to the wealthy. One of those definitively won’t happen.

  13. Mueller’s gonna need a bigger investigation…dum,de dum dum.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Jane and PKM, I just wrote a long diatribe earlier somewhere else that we need to go back to the Kochs and all their activities. It’s a mess. Maybe I need to go out to my tacky little ranch and set up some simple structure hidden by prickly pears and head out there one of these days. I read the whole article by Matt and posted it on my FB page. He needs a good lawyer and several large guards and to check his car before he turns it on. (I read Evanovich.)

  15. Arakasi says:


    I think that the best thing that could happen to the GOP right now is for Trump to be impeached in the next couple of months. Pence would become president and pardon everyone involved in the whole mess Then by the time the 2018 elections come around, this will be old news. Meanwhile, Pence’s positions would be worse than Trump’s. Trump would trash the country because he is shortsighted, venial, and greedy. Pence would drive us all to Handsmaid’s Tale territory with malice aforethought. All the while, most of the talking heads would nodd and tell us about “heartland values”.

  16. ‘Tis a strange story indeed. Among the many inculpating the Trump Campaign Family, I find it the one most resembling a red herring.

    It may be absolutely true, and I may be too lazy in my considerations, but the feature I find most perplexing is why would Flynn or Manafort need a seedy ex-conspirator from the Midwest to do their dirty work? Both already had direct contacts with Russia. Why the need for a middleman?

    Smith’s death also makes it sound a bit too convenient. Some lawyer like Chris Christie or Jeff Keebler Sessions might have hit on this notion and advised what an indefatigable set of rabbitless trails these leads could launch investigators on, only to ever come up with inadmissible quandaries since the letch has passed.

    Trump never needed to touch the emails, his goons needed only to get them into the mists of electronic radiations which led to Julian Assange who was holed up in some legation asylum in London.

    A set of purported facts for a PBS drawing room mystery perhaps, but it all sounds to me like so much suet pudding.
