Curiouser and Curiouser…

July 01, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

As JJ has been reporting, the WH “integrity commission” has been rebuffed by over 20 states which refuse to provide the information demanded by Kris Kobach, who is vice-chair of the commission and happens to be Kansas’ secretary of state.  In a hilarious and ironic head-spinner, Kobach has now announced to himself that Kansas won’t be providing the last 4 digits of all Kansas voters’ social security numbers.

Since Cheeto Jesus attacked the other states refusing to provide the information, I’m wondering if ol’ Kris will fall out of favor and go on the LONG list of the to-be insulted twitter victims instead.  LOL.


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0 Comments to “Curiouser and Curiouser…”

  1. charles phillips says:

    It’s not KANSAS where the problem lies, it’s all those OTHER states, like California, New Hampshire, and wherever.

  2. lumpkin says:

    El Jefe: Congratulations on spelling it Kansas’ and not Kansas’s.

    Yes, I am a pendant and have OCD.

  3. Hmmm. Kobach can actually feel heat. Remarkable! He has kids. They have Social Security numbers. Even though my state doesn’t require SSN’s because of privacy laws, there may be some other places that do otherwise, such as Kansas. I bet he did not realize that until the whole thing smacked him in the ego.

  4. Ellen Childress says:

    This is a curious lack of commentary. Texas is one of the states that WILL send its voter files to Kobach’s group. Oh, Texas won’t send birthdates or the last four digits of social security numbers. So they say right now.
    Is everybody happy with this? Am I the only one who grasps the historical significance of stepping off this kind of cliff into the waters of fascism? Dictatorship? 1984 ? Has everyone laughed so long at Trump that no one can understand that he and his cohorts are dead serious about what they are doing?
    A takeover. A so-called “bloodless coup”. A complete destabilization of our government. While Trump performs his antics and tricks, the Senate and House are trying to give huge sums of money to the ultra rich, take what is already pretty poor healthcare away from people who desperately need it, starve the children of those who are of low to moderate incomes, the “working poor” if you will. They are operating behind the screen of Trump’s diversionary tactics.
    And despite the stand up comedy, the “shock and awe” of each day’s new tweets, I am no longer amused.

  5. oldymoldy says:

    …”has been rebuffed by over 20 states”… does this mean that the rest have caved, no questions asked? What could possibly go wrong? This brings to mind the episode when Barak Hussein Obama was president and the US Army went to take over the WalMarts in texas. Where are all those “patriot doods” now?

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea!!!! Game, set and match to Rhea for her previous comment on this topic: “What are you trying to hide?” and “The innocent have nothing to fear” are popular statements with fascists. Oh yeah, Trump’s tax returns. Let’s lay on the horn over those.”

    Let’s “lay on the horn” with Rhea. C’mon Donnie, you promised us your tax returns. Deliver, you short fingered little vulgarian. I have a rubber stamp* with your name on it available for all future IRS documents sent our way or expected from us: “until Donnie shows his, you will not be seeing mine.”

    *stamp, I didn’t need Jane to explain to me what a bad idea it would be to actually screw with the IRS. But as a novelty item stamp and fundraiser on T-shirts for Democrats a slogan demanding Donnie’s tax returns would generate much needed cash for 2018.

  7. All of this nonsense to satisfy the Trump EGO.

  8. Up to 31 states are not fully complying. Some are sending info that is already publicly available. No state is fully complying yet, though a few are still considering it. Not One State. Bwahahahahahahaha!!! Sit on that Orange Whore!

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Debbo, “sit on that” in similar circumstances would make an impression on most in Donnie’s circumstances with a fleeting grasp of the obvious and reality. But unfortunately for us, Dolt45 would need every state in the union sending their tallest building plus Dee Cee tossing in the Washington Monument to make an impression on Donnie’s already monumental and ever expanding posterior.

    Bit of an ironic twist though that among the states flipping Donnie the bird are AZ, MS, and NV; all with snacilbupeR governors. Sort of shoots a huge hole in little Donnie’s argument that “resistance” to his ignorance on this particular issue is a liberal conspiracy. No, Donnie, even snacilbupeR recognize st00pid on the colossal level you present.

  10. Sandridge says:

    What Ellen Childress says times 100.
    Trump may appear to be a buffoon and total asshole, but the cabal behind him, and the Rethugs who NOW hold tremendous power at all levels of government, are deadly serious.
    They really are attempting a slow, stealthy as possible, fascistic coup d’état against OUR democracy. They have had wet dreams about this for decades (ever talk to a Ja Bircher in the ’60’s, I did*). It is here, now.

    Most are just blowing this off as something merely ‘political’ as always, Dem vs. Rep, blahblah; ‘no probs, we’ll beat them in ’18’, or ’20, and all kinds of other rationalizations.
    Newsflash: We left “rationality” behind on 20 January 2017.

    Some of their minions are now calling for ‘pogroms’, even civil war. Of course those minions never do anything without close direction; just review the recent past, they are ‘good’ followers.
    There are governmental purges we can see happening, restrictions on anti-commonwealth behaviors being gutted, social safety nets shredded, foreign ‘allies’ rewarded.
    Unlike their imaginary ‘Nobama’s comin’ fer yer weapons’, ammo shortages, Jade Helm hysteria, etc., ad infinitum, this is the real shit.

    Can Joe Sixpack and y’all see it yet? What are y’all prepared to do? This is dead real. Wake up, make up your minds, be ready, and prepared, for the worst; be happy if it might be averted.
    (*bonus points for seeing the ‘pun/bilingual wordplay’ there, heh ;] )

  11. lazrgrl says:

    Od check out #dearKrisKobach on the Twitter machine, where our fellow Americans are spilling their deepest secrets to help the guy out. A sample:

    #DearKrisKobach Sometimes I pretend to be asleep so my sons can’t ask me questions I don’t feel like answering.

    #DearKrisKobach I hide from my 3 y.o. in the bathroom and eat cookies. He doesn’t deserve my cookies. You don’t deserve my data.

    You get the idea.

  12. maryelle says:

    The bad guys really are in charge and setting the stage for even more control and power over this country. We may be ensnared before we realize it. The Repugs have shut down the Department of Voting assistance which overlooked voting machines and software. There is nothing being done to safeguard our votes for the coming elections. Sounds like a coup to me.

  13. Last year I read Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine.” Talk about depressing. I wondered what would keep those things from happening here and realized that a Democratic president was about the only thing we had to stop them.

    Since then Mitch McConnell literally stole a Supreme Court nomination and suffered no consequences. The nondemocratic party almost certainly stole an election and suffered no consequences. They also stole elections in 2000 and 2004.

    Random thought: Remember when we all thought W. was the worst president ever?

    This coup has been going on, oh, since Bill Clinton was elected. It really picked up steam in 2000 with the Bush v. Gore case. Now the nondemocratic party has just about locked it in. As Naomi Klein wrote of the coup in Chile in the 1970s, “Jakarta is coming.” Jakarta is almost here. Will the rank-and-file members of the nondemocratic party finally understand when it arrives? I hope so, but I’m not optimistic.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, nice twist with the “Ja Bircher.”

    BFSMan, depends on what the meaning of begin is in a long list of snacilbupeR dirty tricks. They became ugly after Nixon, stole a couple of elections and have been busily gerrymandering themselves in to a semblance of relevance. Or, as Sandridge suggested the 60s. Or, we could look back to their efforts since FDR or earlier with the discovery of oil with the whole Seven Sisters cabal. Or, maybe before the Federalist papers; oligarchs being oligarchs.

    Couple of O/T observations. Happy birthday to all of our Canadian friends.

    Messy be learnin’ from Donnie. Oh snap, what a response she had: “you don’t know me.” Don’t let this come as a complete surprise, Messy. Wrong. Many of us have seen more of you than Donnie has seen.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    BSAMan, you, others and we have asked. Bill Maher delivered. When did the snacilbupeR voters become so st00pid that they miss every sign of evil laid at their feet by their elected representatives. Blame it on Fox not the “News,” John McCain for unleashing the Wasilla Wonder, or Candy Crush. As if the snacilbupeR voters aren’t dumb enough, the oligarchs have unleashed Betsy Devos to complete their st00pidification.

  16. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM,
    Ja, reading too many old Census pages Ja = abrv for John. Also “yes” in Deutch, et al.
    Although in the Germanic/Nordic languages, nomen sometimes spelled Jahn.
    There’s even a ‘Jahn St.’ in New Braunfels, TX. Crosses Seguin St., just west of the US P.O. and Dairy Queen, few blocks east of the Faust Inn (IIRC).

  17. two crows says:

    Here’s your first hint: any commission based in this White House whose title has the word “integrity” in its title is, by definition, corrupt.

    Memo to the Trump Administration: Newspeak, as introduced by Mr. Orwell, is not a Good Thing and _1984_ was not an instruction manual.

  18. Now, now, folks, we’re always looking for government efficiencies. Isn’t it much more efficient for Russia to hack into voter rolls if they have one master list held by the federal government. Hell’s bells, given the POS in the WH, 45 may take it to Putin as a gift. Pardon my French.

  19. These are the same state government officials handing over our information (not my state, but you get the drift) that screamed in banshee volume about registering guns. THEY didn’t want the BLACK guy having any info about them. Orange guy, no problem. Am I the only one who misses being able to skip the news in the summer and just cruise without fearing that the world would end while I’m not paying acute attention?

  20. Marge Wood says:

    Is anyone suing Abbott? And WHY does the US gummint NEED a comprehensive list of voters? ANSWER: THEY DON’T. I’ve been discussing all this for at least 24 hrs all over the place. Our tax assessor said the state will only release information available to the public. REPEAT: tRUMP AND KOBUCH WHO HELPED RUIN KANSAS DON’T NEED THAT INFORMATION. There’s all kinds of lists of voters but this one being compiled is unique.
    If they cull the list, which I am sure they will (Trump et al, although he can’t read or remember) all this carrying on about voting will be useless.

  21. Linda Phipps says:

    I will be adding “integrity” to my list of “no go” organizations that also includes “patriot, values, family, family values” and anything with an eagle or flag on its logo.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    I forgot to add “liberty” to my naughty list.
