Funny, John. Real Funny.

June 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John McCain has become a real jokester.  Asked if he’d seen the healthcare bill, McCain quipped that he hasn’t, and kept going ….

“Nor have I met any American that has,” he added, according to Bloomberg. “I’m sure the Russians have been able to hack in and gotten most of it.”

Hell, Honey, it’s real likely that they wrote it.


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0 Comments to “Funny, John. Real Funny.”

  1. And yet the old senile goat will vote for it. Disgusting excuse for a human being.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Thanks Meghan.

    Thanks Ivanka.

    Now step up and be good daughters. Take their car keys, any weapons, and be there to manage their medical care. More importantly keep them away from microphones and twitter.

  3. Yes.
    Amer-Russian Health Care would probably be an email or text message to the patient recommending they take “two aspirin, and two shots of Trump Vodka.” It would be one way to get rid of all those bottles shelved in warehouses.

    “And get a lawyer in the morning.” Sorry, that’s only for congressional and administration deluxe health care policies.

  4. I really like McCain when he isn’t running for POTUS. He’s a funny guy.

  5. “And yet the old senile goat will vote for it. Disgusting excuse for a human being.”

    And he’s been one of the saner ones lately.

  6. Tilphousia says:

    Sorry end for a once good, at times great, senator.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Tilphousia says:
    Sorry end for a once good, at times great, senator.

    WTF? Tilphousia.
    McLame has always been a useless grandstanding POS. If he hadn’t somehow become a carrier jet jock* (hint- daddy and granddad were Adm’s), and instead were a line officer (or in the A or MC), he’d have been prime fragging bait.

    * destroying or damaging up to five very expensive aircraft, the first of which would have washed out any other aspiring aviator, let alone two more (no. 4 wasn’t his fault, he actually did good there in a carrier deck chain-reaction, the last one– well, chit happened).

  8. I have to say that when Obama beat him, McCain made a very gracious concession speech. It left me wondering where that decent gentleman had been for the previous six months or so.

  9. WA Skeptic says:

    I still haven’t forgotten “The Keating Five” and how he dumped his constituents for the money he got from that grifter, Keating. Once a bought man, forever a bought man.

  10. Lunargent says:

    On the matter of Otto Warmbier, McCain did the obligatory “he was murdered by a brutal regime” statement.

    Then he said this:

    Even if you agree with the sentiment, the tone is unforgivable.

    Retire, McCain. You’re an embarrassment to your country and yourself.
