Georgia 6th

June 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Karen Handel blurted this out during a debate —


They were asked if they supported a minimum wage and she just stepped all over herself.  What she does support is a strong economy ‘cuz, you know, trickle down and freedom.

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0 Comments to “Georgia 6th”

  1. No doubt about it, he is dumb enough and heartless enough to be a Republican in Congress. If she kicks some more poors she will qualify for the “Freedom To Fark America” Caucus.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Well, yeah, I support a stronger economy, too!

    Follow-up question:
    So what are Republicans doing/have done to foster a stronger economy?

  3. slipstream says:

    That should play well on 2018 campaign ads.

  4. sleeve98 says:

    If we’re to take Handel’s declaration at face value, we’d have to believe that she really wants the poor homeless and hungry. Framing the question that way I suspect we’d get at least a slightly different answer from her because I don’t believe she honestly feels that way.

    No, this is merely a Freudian slip – a “livable wage” is a progressive cause, and she’s been conditioned to oppose any liberal cause regardless of what it is or does. That’s what fell out of the kimono. The preceding sentence (“This is an example of a fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative”) is the tell. Republican politics have degenerated into the politics of spite (or malice), which is a much more harmful thing than her ostensible “are there no prisons? are there no workhouses?”

    Still, she said it, and there’s no going back.

  5. So that’s what honesty from a Republican sounds like.
    Keep talking…

  6. maryelle says:

    And there, you have it: Rethuglican insensitivity and greed.
    Trickle down does not work, honey, unless you just peed your pants and it’s heading for your shoes. (Apologies, but sometimes you just have to spell it out for those nutjobs.

  7. Ranger Jay says:

    I prefer to call it “trickle on economics.” The wealthy get wealthier, and they keep all the money and say, “Piss on em.”

  8. Bob Boland says:

    Maryelle – ROFLMAO!!!
    Got it in one.

  9. I heard this exchange on the radio this morning and I thought, “Toots, you have just put your big, fat foot in your big fat mouth.” This will be ad sound bites Nirvana! Git ‘er, Ossoff.

  10. Whut a idiot. She went on to say “…What I support is making sure that we have an economy that is robust with low taxes and less regulation so that those small businesses that would [be] dramatically hurt if you imposed higher minimum wages on them are able to do what they do best, grow jobs AND CREATE GOOD PAYING JOBS (emphasis mine) for the people in this sixth district.”

    Good doG. The disconnect is… fascinating?

  11. And her eternal whine will be “they just don’t understand me!” Nah! Girl, we get ya! Trickle down as far you are concerned is your – and your ilk’s – right to piss on my leg and tell me it looks like rain! As for your party, they are supergood at building dams that prevent anything good reaching anyone else but themselves. Its called red lining and it comes in all different sizes and shapes.
