
August 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If Joe Scarborough is right …

Y’all, I am trembling.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No.”

  1. Mary Smith says:

    No. Nyet. Never.

  2. Rastybob says:

    Do you feel safer? WOW—- Now I want to rig the election. May be not let low IQ Bigots vote? What a Moroon.

  3. ###########. We are ############ if he’s even close to elected.

    (that’s all I could say in front of Mama).

  4. maryelle says:

    So this is how the world might end. A mentally disturbed megalomaniac pushes the button because…why not?

  5. My fellow Democrats, Greens, Independents, Libertarians, and anyone else with a functioning brain: We MUST get out the vote, and defeat tRump decisively and overwhelmingly. The future of the nation is at stake.

  6. OK. Someone puzzle this out. Scarborough knew this some time ago and he put a lid on it. What the hell?

  7. I thought Reagan was bad. I thought Dubya was worse. But this…. I have no words. Well, a few, but they’d make mama faint.

  8. Lunargent says:


    No. The future of the world.


  9. e platypus onion says:

    You’d do well to listen to Zyxomma. She speaks truth to power and has for as far back as I can remember her first postings on another blog.

    Not everyone has to vote for HRC as long as none vote for Drumpf the Dangerous.

  10. chester miller says:

    Oh I don’t know. A nuke or two, and all the problems are fixed.
    Kind of a second amendment approach to nukes.
    But who picks where to drop them? And how big a bang? Fortunately, aren’t only the good guys packing nukes? Shouldn’t be our concern when say India and Pakistan work out their border problems Donald’s way. Russia and China? No worries.
    Peace in our time, anyone? It is only an election away

  11. e platypus onion, the problem is that we know a whole lot of people are going to vote for Trump. He shouldn’t have won the Repub nomination, but he did.

    I admire Hillary Clinton, but even if I didn’t I would vote for her this time because her opponent is Donald Trump. MY philosophy about the Trump run is “Nuke the entire site from orbit–it’s the only way to be sure.”

  12. Sandridge says:

    So for those of us* (in US, tens of millions, rural, etc) who don’t/seldom do video or even audio streaming, because of limited ISP capability (the so-called ‘info superhwy’ scam. thkuvrymuch telcoms, R’s, D’s, Al Gore, et al.), WTF is the synopsis of this?
    It must involve tRump and possibly ‘nuke codes’ or some damn thing, but come on– the basic news item summary: What, Who, When, Where, How???
    *Actually have three innartoobz conns, 1=cell 20G cap, 1 cell/homebase=2.5G cap, 1=56K dialup (rly, 90hrs/mo-no data limit (that’s a joke)..due to Microsoft Win10 (diff iso flavors) downloads, hit the limits in a week and a half of the mo cycle. Feeling a bit of agro after two weeks of throttled down IP…

  13. Rastybob says:

    This just in from the Drumpf camp. The Fix is in. They are going to let people with dark skin and a IQ over 70 vote.
    Damn its getting so a rich, white, thin skinned, Short fingered,
    Vulgarian, Bigot can’t catch a break. Are you going to tell me the people that own this country can’t run it the way they want?
    Whats this world coming too?

  14. I forgot Gold Star Mother attacking Coward.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Drump ticked off a whole bunch of wounded warriors when he accepted a purple heart from a wounded vet and claimed it was easy to get one this way than from being wounded in combat. He also said he wished he would have served his country. Drumpf the victim-as always. FOS! as always.

  16. Holy f***ing s**t. Well, on the upside, it’s obvious that the folks who hang out here know how to call ’em. This stuff was predicted in here numerous times. And Maggie, great point. I never saw any of the early exchanges between Trump and Scarborough, but if what I’ve read is true, morning Joe was one of Donnie’s warmest, safest, nonthreatening places to spew his B.S. As crazy as it seems, it’s a testament to the integrity of the network. They actually DO allow differing viewpoints. Could anyone picture someone on Fox affording anything remotely like that kind of treatment to any democrat?

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Killer Joe and the rest of the media need to do a little self inspection. Remember the HOURS of free campaigning Donnie received when you accepted his calls on air? How about the hours his spox people received? And you CNN, still have Crazy Corey Lewandowski on your payroll, along with chair weight Jeffrey Lord.

    So now when your ratings snake Donnie bites you with the same venom of fear the RNC has been deploying for years, you’re concerned that Donnie has evolved from not knowing what the nuclear triad was to wanting to deploy it.

    Sucks doesn’t it, when the elections you tried to control spin out of control. You had your fun and $$$ bashing Hilz and Bill for 25+ years, now she is your only hope. Must suck. Live with it. Get over yourselves and take a course or two in journalism somewhere other than Trump U.

  18. Sister Artemis says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mika look so disturbed – I think her stomach was in knots.

    And Maggie: I think he did bring it up, though I don’t remember the “three times” part. But Trump was a lot farther from the nomination back then, and I don’t think it registered in the same was as now, when the Mangled Apricot HellBeast is pulling over 40% in so many polls.

  19. WashPost contributor and professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University has a few questions for “Morning Joe” about this clip:

  20. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Stephen King wrote [warned] about a Trump in our White House…a film clip “The Missiles are flying” says it all:

  21. Trump is beginning to sound like some kind of Vonnegut character, elected by lottery, who wants to know why he can’t just launch nuclear weapons anytime he feels like it.

  22. Time to form a super PAC so the 1964 “Daisy” ad can be updated. Although, even in color it would be hard to make it much scarier:

  23. Y’know … the only POTUS that ever had to deal with this was Harry Truman. He can’t help now being dead and all.

    For an opposing view of nukes you might ask some current Hiroshima and Nagasaki citizens “What’s it like to live in a place that was nuked?” Give you some nightmares? The sound of a single plane flying over cause that involuntary sphincter contarction?

    JFK might have come close during the Cuban missile crisis, but that was only contingency discussions. Course that idiot Reagan unknowingly set the table for Hair Drumpf with his 1984 spout off about outlawing Russia. “We begin bombing in five minutes.” To which TASS of all people had the definitive last word, “this kind of behavior is incompatible with the great responsibility borne by heads of nuclear states for the destinies of their own people and mankind”. From TASS’s mouth to God’s ear indeed.

    And lastly, by gosh this isn’t funny.

  24. I think it’s time to revive the variation on Goldwater’s slogan, though even Goldwater wasn’t insane:

    “In your heart, you know he might.”

  25. That Other Jean says:

    Rhea, I like the one I’ve seen around the Internet:

    “In your guts, you know he’s nuts.”

    I might have to find one of those, and wear it for the duration.

  26. “Mangled Apricot HellBeast”. Hahaha. Excellent Sister Artemis!

    I wonder how much plastic surgery Scumpf has had? Face Lift? Yeah, lift it all the way up under that ridiculous hat.

  27. Marcia in CO says:

    @Susan on the Left Coast: OMG

  28. Apparently unrepentant birtherism was not enough to cause the media to suspect that Trump was a paranoid crank.

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    And this is surprising exactly who? Texas saw Trump’s ego and said, “Damn! Now THAT’S BIG!!.”

    I am so disillusioned with a large part of this country who apparently have to see the damn mushroom cloud before they’ll admit he’s just crazy enough to do it. And I would have no problem with it if Trump would, like in “Dr. Strangelove”, ride that sucker to the ground to make sure it hit the right spot.

  30. Susan on the west coast: thanks for that. I haven’t seen The Dead Zone in decades and had forgotten Martin Sheen was in it. Being such fan of The West Wing, that was really weird to watch.

  31. Think about it. Trump’s an old man now. He might not be able to get it up, even with Viagra. Maybe he’s entertaining thoughts of suicide, angry and alone.

    Take the whole world with him. The dream of every angry suicide.

    Not Sorry if I scared you. I meant to.

  32. two crows says:

    @Susan on the Left Coast: What Marcia in CO said.

  33. Lunargent, of course you’re correct.

  34. UmptyDump says:

    Here is then text of the last 25 seconds of this interview. It should be shown nationwide in a Clinton campaign television spot:

    Joe Scarborough: “So General Hayden, I want to ask one more time, and it may be classified – this step – Donald Trump decides to use a nuclear weapon … what is the timeframe between his decision and when the nuclear weapons are launched?”

    General Hayden: “Joe, the scenario depends, but the system is designed for speed and decisiveness. It’s not designed to debate the decision.”
