Louisiana is the Land of Perfect Utopia Except For One Thing

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Damn. Louisiana is so perfect that there is nothing left to improve except for

A Republican lawmaker on Wednesday proposed that a bill raising the minimum age for dancers at strip clubs also allow the state of Louisiana to regulate strippers’ weight.

State Rep. Kenneth Havard was discussing the bill, which would raise the minimum age for exotic dancers from 18 to 21, when he also threw out there that he’d like the dancers to remain under 160 pounds, according to The Huffington Post. Havard also suggested the maximum age for a stripper under the law should be 28.

After everybody looked at him as if he had left his brain in the freezer at home, Havard backtracked and said, “It was just a joke.”

No dude, the joke’s on you.

Screen Shot 2016-05-21 at 11.10.14 AMTo prove it was a joke, Havard said it was an equal-opportunity joke.

“It was aimed at both men and women. I can’t strip either. I’m a little overweight,” Havard told the Times-Picayune.

A little?  Ya think?

Holy cow, Child, put down that bowl of étouffée and go sneeze because your brain is dusty.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

And Thanks to Bob for this one  —


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0 Comments to “Louisiana is the Land of Perfect Utopia Except For One Thing”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    It seems everything these A-holes leak out of their pieholes is suppose to be “taken as a joke!” Oh … excuse me!! Methinks a bunch of us won’t be laughing except at what a fool you make of yourself!! Jokes on you, Turd blossom!!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Kenny, dude, airlines lifted the age restriction for in-flight attendants long before your belt length and IQ were still a match. In fact, some of them are men.

    Coming to a bar near you soon – male pole dancers. Your wife said she needs a break.

  3. Seriously, now you know why my late husband – and even I – never wanted to retire to his home town in Louisiana!

  4. The joke is that this idiot is a state legislator, and it’s a rotten joke at that.

  5. maryelle says:

    He should have quit after the minimum age of 21. The rest belies his own salacious preferences and seeks to foist them on everyone else. Just like a moronic RKlan to take things too far.

  6. BarbinDC says:

    Didn’t Sally Rand do her fan dance when she was in her 70s?

  7. SnacilbupeR. Such dimwits. That guy IS the joke.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I have an idea for all state legislators: never mention weight. Not in proposed legislation, not in discussion in the little boys’ room, not in the room in your house you’re sure isn’t bugged, and certainly not in print or on the internet. Just don’t.

  9. Amoeba
    My pet rock
    Kenneth Havard

    Please rank these three from low to high on the IQ scale.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Amoebas multiply by dividing. Havard subtracts and divides just because he is alive.

    Amoeba and Pet Rock first and there is no other possibilities.

  11. Darn Repubs. Always trying to over-regulate the small business person.

  12. Comment about a politician of yore: “He never opens his mouth without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.”

  13. two crows says:

    And please Havard, PLEASE stop telegraphing to us where and how you spend your Saturday nights. We really. really. do. not. want. to. know.
