Fun With Guns: Drive By Self-Shooting Edition

May 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so in Jerome, Idaho, police thought they had themselves a drive-by shooting incident when people called them with a 1:23 am gunfire incident in the parking lot of the Jerome County Judicial Annex parking lot.

Come to find out —-

Soon, the Idaho State Police notified the Jerome authorities they had stopped the vehicle along Washington Street in Twin Falls.

When Jerome police arrived in Twin Falls, they soon discovered the person in the vehicle who was actually the victim and had a gunshot wound to the leg.

Hall said it’s believed the victim had accidentally discharged the gun when he was attempting to put it away.

What the perp/victim didn’t explain is why he was playing with his gun in the Jerome County Judicial Annex parking lot at 2:23 am.  Or, maybe he did and the newspaper wanted to spare us the gross details.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Drive By Self-Shooting Edition”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Too bad he didn’t have a spotlight,then he could be nailed for poaching- himself. Poachers lose their guns and vehicles and whatever game they shoot is confiscated, too.

  2. Since recently there is no longer accidental or unintentional or negligent discharges on Planet Micr, What on earth did his leg do that made him mad enough to shoot it?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, poaching could be defined to include the headlights as the “spotlight” necessary to the elements of his crime. Too much time has passed for the game to be of much use to anyone, except maybe the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility.

  4. sigh, another failed Darwin Award candidate. Don’t these people read the rules? You have to die in your stunt in order to qualify.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Maybe the Great Ape Trust would consider him,if he showed some skills working with stick tools. Or if he had fleas the other apes could pick off him for lunch.

  6. It is against the law to drive drunk. It should also be against the law to drive while shot and bleeding.

    Of course, he may also have been drunk.

    BillR, I don’t think you have to die to qualify. I think you just have to eliminate yourself from the gene pool. It’s a pity this guy didn’t aim just a little higher.

  7. It would be nice if we had a law that people who did this sort of thing could have their guns taken away until they can demonstrate that they know what the sod they’re doing. But it would be even better if we had a law not letting people get guns in the first place until they can demonstrate that they know what the sod they’re doing. It kind of works with cars.

  8. What??? He couldn’t sleep????

  9. Die or just remove himself from the gene pool. Had he aimed a bit more center and taken the family jewels, that would qualify for a Darwin Award as well.

  10. Unfortunately many Darwin Award winners, including the self-castrating division, already have kids.
