Sid, Dammit, Pumping My Own Gas Is Punishment Enough.

April 19, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller wakes up every morning and wonders, “What can I do today to piss off the entire Texas hairdressing community?”

His choice today was this:


Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 8.28.24 AM

At a cost of $91,000, Ole Sid has decided to increase the font size of his name on every damn gas pump in Texas.  Every damn one of them.  Hell, that’s better advertising than every neon Lone Star Beer sign in every honky tonk in Lampasas.

And even though Ole Sid asked for a $50 million dollar budget increase for his office,  which was promptly denied by the legislature, he wants the taxpayers to know that you cannot blame him for taxes.  He wants people to know that he doesn’t set taxes, the Congress and the State Legislature do because the people are stoopid.

You know what would have been better on the gas pump sign?  This thing nobody bothered to tell me until about 6 months ago:


Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 9.41.25 AM

Thanks to Big Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sid, Dammit, Pumping My Own Gas Is Punishment Enough.”

  1. Sid is more entertaining than Comedy Central

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Thanks for the tip on the arrow. I didn’t know about that either. That’s kinda helpful when renting cars.

    As far as Sid Miller’s $91K vanity ads? As a member of TWMDBS, I carry nail polish. I wonder if Sid likes red?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Does nacilbupeR Side realize that the Texas lege is a majority of snacilbupeR? He just spent $91,000 highlighting the fact that his department does not support them. Way to shrink your budget, Sid!

    If not for irony, the snacilbupeR would lose their comedic value.

  4. I guess I am too shell shocked by 3 idiot Texas governors in a row and a criminal sitting Attorney General to get too worked up about inconsequential Sid Dammit Miller awantin’ his name a bit larger on his fuel pump advertising. At least it isn’t like the huge tv screen and boombox shouting commercials at you while you buy gasoline at Krogers fuel island.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Lorraine in Spring, women solve problems with simple solutions like the arrow, while men engineer problems as in why isn’t there a uniform standard that places the filler nozzle on the same dayum sides of cars? Just love that grill to grill road rage at the pumps with everyone converging from different sides.

  6. @pkm. Men are simple creatures. We only talk about sports, beer and women. And we lie about all three.

  7. I wonder which will wear out faster: the new stickers or Sid’s welcome as Texas Agriculture Commissioner.

    And when Texas does get a new TAC, do all the labels have to be replaced again? Instead I’d suggest just blacking out Sid’s name. For that matter, why wait?

  8. BarbinDC says:

    I didn’t find out about the arrow until just a few months ago, myself. It really helps, since I don’t own a car and rent Zip Cars whenever I need to go someplace and there are all different kinds of models.

    So, you have a lot of company, JJ.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Paul, while you old guys are busy connecting with your inner Betty Friedan who told you that we men are simple creatures, we simple creature millennials are busy connecting with the women and playing sports while drinking your beer. Thanks for showing us the way! 😀

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @PKM So true. I worked with male engineers for awhile and learned complexity must be taught in engineering schools. I could fix stuff with the contents of my purse while they spent time & money to justify their degrees.

  11. Lorraine, I fell out of interest with that old TV show “numbers” when I immediately knew that whatever the hell the plot called for the math expert to do with all sorts of jawboning and grand standing I was consistently doing with my Excel spreadsheets! As for old Sid, I have the feeling that his glory days are numbered. Ditto for Ken Paxton et al. I just read through the SCOTUS transcript from yesterday’s case presentation, U.S. v Texas, and the justices are smart enough to already know the laws in Texas and how they are being twisted into knots to justify some politician’s behavior. Now, they gotta move on to the other issue: did the Executive Action of November, 2014 go too far? I’ll let ya know how that turns out.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    That heap of money could buy a bunch of piccoloes and bass fiddles for schools. Or maybe a brass ensemble. Are you sure he can read? Wonder what public school he attended?

  13. maryelle says:

    Bless you, Marge Wood. The loss of full time music and art teachers/courses in schools will result in students whose lives have been shortchanged, both intellectually and emotionally.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, the snacilbupeR hate science and facts; they can’t even spell cultural enrichment. All the proven things about education are destroyed in their slash & burn austerity budgets. It would be lost on them to talk about classroom size or the fact that it has been proven that students exposed to music in their education perform better at mathematics.

  15. UmptyDump says:

    Political egos. After Miller gets out of prison on work-release, they ought to send him around with a bottle of Goo Gone to peel his stickers off every gas pump. Back in 1959, the day after Illinois dumped “big hair” Rod Blagojevich as governor, the Illinois Tollway began removing his name from over dozens of signs above toll plaza collection lanes. Costs money to put this stuff up and more to remove. All becauseof the vain SOBs we allow into office.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    If the gas pump was backwards,the gas tank would be on the other side. Not terribly hard to look at the vehicle and see where the filler cap is located.

  17. Maryelle, you left out small-muscle coordination. Playing an instrument or painting are just about the only ways to exercise that in school.
