LePage Now Required to Move to Texas

April 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Susan Deschambault seems like a perfectly nice lady.  She is a Maine Democrat who won a special election for the Senate District 32 seat.

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 9.29.58 AMDeschambault, along with her family, friends, and supporters, showed up at the Maine state house last Friday to be sworn in by Governor Paul LePage.

There was a small glitch in the ceremony.  LePage refused to attend.  Why, you might ask.  Because he’s Paul Damn LePage.  LePage is a mule’s hiney of a man.

He did nothing to soil his image of being a crazybutt sumbitch.

Gov. Paul LePage abruptly canceled a swearing-in ceremony Friday morning for a newly elected senator in response to Democratic lawmakers’ votes against one of his nominees.

LePage’s spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett said the governor canceled the ceremony in response to Democrats voting against Steven Webster’s nomination to the Maine Unemployment Insurance Commission.

Okay, so if you have a bag of apples and a bag of oranges …

Democrats are under no Constitutional obligation to approve the Governor’s appointment to boards and commissions. However, the swearing-in of duly elected members of the state senate is the Governor’s duty.

So the good people of Senate District 32 in Maine have taxation without representation because Paul LePage is a damn ninny. By the way, Deschambault won by 17 percentage points.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “LePage Now Required to Move to Texas”

  1. I guess if you’re the gov you get to go in your room, slam the door and pout. He is a most unpleasant man.

  2. I wonder where LePage stands on the Senate Repubs’ decision not to even consider an Obama Supreme Court nominee. My guess is he’s a big fan.

    If you want obstruction, elect a Repub. It’s their specialty.

  3. maryelle says:

    Proof positive that wingnut conservatives should not be elected to any office. Ever!

  4. e platypus onion says:

    He has five days to swear her in. He gets to pout awhile and then finally has to do his job. In retrospect, pols in Maine considered and then rejected his appointee,something other wingnut pols are afraid to do on the national scene.

  5. El Gonzo says:

    Thanks to a third party spoiler, LePage did not get a majority of votes last election. A majority of voters voted for other people. So, of course, LePage thinks he was anointed to the position.

  6. If only this whiny-butt titty-baby would hold his breath until he turns Blue…. But then we wouldn’t want him anyway because he’s a sad excuse for a person.

    Do Dems not throw tantrums like this, or is it just that I hear only about the snacilbupeR who do?

  7. So LePage now has Texas cred, but do you really want him? It would be easier to strand him on one of the many small islands along the Maine coast.

  8. My friends in Maine are moving to New York State. Nuff said.

  9. WA Skeptic says:

    There’s White Island lighthouse–they get waves during the winter that go all the way up to the walkway around the lense-house. I think that would be a great place for him.

  10. I put this squarely on the Democrat and Independent that ran against him. Neither would bow out knowing this was going to happen. Now they’re stuck with this (word I’d love to use but your mama wouldn’t like it and neither would mine).

  11. An impeachable offense?

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    I think you offended mules’ heinies. LePage is worse than that.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Impeach, Tony? nah It’s time for the ACA to become an action verb. Give the raging snacilbupeR a solid dose of the Thorazine Shuffle or whatever it takes to restore them to a semblance of sanity. Since Ronnie Rayguns closed their suitable housing, take the snacilbupeR suggestion and house them in Walmart basements.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    LePage acts like he wants to be Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

  15. There might not have been a swearing-in, but the governor’s probably swearing-it-up pretty good somewhere.

  16. PKM, I’m unaware of any Wal-Mart with a basement. Hmm, housed six feet under the floor of a Wal-Mart, not a bad idea.

  17. Cole, of course Wal-Mart has basements. I mean, where else is the government going to imprison true patriots after Jade Helm? (It’s going to happen. Just you wait and see. And if you’re a right-winger please hold your breath while you wait.)


  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    (>.<) Why didn't I think of the "Jade Helm" sinkhole solution? Fill with wingnuts, then pave over…..

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    The Maine Attorney General should be ready to sue the Governor for not doing his job.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Get this. LePage has built such a reputation as a nimrod that today (Monday), the leader of the Republican-majority state senate said that his chamber will not take votes on any legislation until his own Republican governor, LePage, swears Deschambault into office.


    Yeah … This guy has to be Trump’s running mate. They’rea perfect fit.

  21. AliceBeth says:

    His little cold bigoted heart got it’s feelings hurt and he acted like a child. @Elizabeth Moon…great idea.
