
March 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Billy L. Nabors Demolition in North Texas has a slogan:  We Could Wreck the World.

Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 10.02.55 AM

And they pretty much set out to prove it.

A demolition company mistakenly tore down the wrong tornado-damaged duplex in Rowlett, leaving the two homeowners shocked and frantic, according to KVUE and WFAA.

Lindsay Diaz and Alan Cutter own both sides of the duplex and were waiting on insurance and possible FEMA individual assistance declaration to decide on repairs at 7601 and 7603 Calypso Drive after December tornadoes left damage in the Dallas area.

Yeah, Billy and Company tore down the wrong house.  Billy is blaming it on a mistake with Google Maps, but people have serious doubts that Billy can read a map, hence he’s wrecking the world.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oops”

  1. Not the brightest crayon in the box, now, is he?

  2. I wonder if this isn’t a situation where Jesus wasn’t on the job. At the bottom of Mensa Billy’s sign it says “Jesus Saves.” Or maybe Jesus was planning for Lindsay and Alan to have a brand-spanking-new duplex at Mensa Bill’s expense, which works for me.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    If Bill ever tires of demolition work, he is qualified for SWAT Team duty. They’re good for knocking down the wrong door due to clerical ‘mistakes.’

  4. Sandridge says:

    Saw one of the homeowners interviewed on tv news.
    She described politely talking to Mr. Nabors about WTF happened and that he immediately became quite hostile and told her he’d see her in court.
    Typical RWNJ incompetence defensiveness on display.
    I suggest if these (very) wronged homeowners get dragged into a bunch of litigation by the further actions of Mr. Nabors, that they seek some help in sponsoring some billboards and/or other bad publicity for ‘BND Co’.

    Y’all note the “Jesus Saves” part of his bidness logo.
    Have any of you done what I’ve done when dealing with what becomes apparent is one of those ‘real’ KKKristian type small businesses (they use some code words or whatever the HTT vibes are), and just walk out of the store. Or if in person or over the phone, just politely say I’ll call ’em back.
    The big businesses like HobbyLobby or ChikfilA I just avoid.

  5. Old Redneck says:

    “Jesus Saves.”

    Way back in the mid-1960’s when I was a student at a small Alabama college, the guy across the hall from my in the dorm was a biblethumper extraordinaire. He was so rabid even the normal biblethumpers avoided him.

    One day, he plastered onto his dorm door a bumper sticker: “Jesus Saves.”

    I don’t know how many of you remember “trading stamps” — S&H Green Stamps — when you bought stuff at the grocery store, they gave you green stamps which you accumulated and later could trade in on other stuff. My mother got a toaster and and electric skillet with green stamps.

    So — one day after Roper (that was his name) installed his “Jesus Saves” sticker on his dorm room door, someone stuck up underneath it an “S&H Green Stamps” sign — causing the door to read “Jesus Saves S&H Green Stamps.” He removed the stickers that night and no one said another word about it.

  6. I saw a bumper sticker in California that read, “Jesus Saves. He passes to Gretzky. He shoots. He Scores!”

  7. Well Jesus may save, but Bill Naboors Demolition pays… through the nose I’m a hopin’.

  8. The way I heard it on local news, they had the right number on the wrong street.

  9. Some years ago in another job, a customer called and asked if his job was ready. I was told that it wasn’t, because he’d never come back to tell us how he wanted it done. When I told him that, he proceeded to bless me out six ways from Sunday, when I had nothing to do with it. I said I’d have the manager call him back. The manager got his answering machine, started laughing, and put it on speaker so we all could all hear Mr. Nasty’s message: “Judge and Mrs. Nasty are not here, so please leave a message. And have you considered the importance of taking Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal savior?”

  10. It’s just a matter of truth in advertising. Since Billy claims he could wreck the world he felt called upon to prove it.

    A little odd that he is eager to go to court considering that he knocked down the wrong house. I wonder what his defense will be. The house asked for it? He was defending himself against the house?

  11. Maybe Billy L Nabors could sell their slogan:

    We Could Wreck The World
    Jesus Saves

    To the Republican National Committee, as it’s appropriate for Trump, Cruz, or whoever they swing from their wrecking ball at the convention. Billy might need the money too, to help defray any expenses his insurance doesn’t cover.

  12. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Oh Juanita Jean! National Enquirer claims
    your very own Slimey Ted Cruz let his snake out of the can at least five times. What are you hearing?

  13. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    WakeUpAmerica, I’m hearing he let the snake out of the can but it never could get enough backbone to bite anything.

  14. It seems that this yoyo has plenty of company. Heard about the doctor who operated on the wrong patient and just FTHOI, removed the wrong organ? Or the DIY store that delivered a dishwasher when they knew the homeowner was at work and left the damn thing sitting in an unfenced backyard? The same DIY bunch also delivered a yard tractor to a homeowner who did not order it, had it on the ground, and told him to call the store and have someone else retrieve it? Brains. Disappearing as quickly as the ice caps of this world.

  15. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Thank you ever so much, Juanita for distracting us from the Cuban Mistress Crisis with this home wrecker’s wreckage in the news!

  16. Susan on the Left Coast –
    I like that, Cuban Mistress Crisis.
    What shocks me, is, I didn’t think Cruz would find five woman to VOTE for him.

  17. RepubAnon says:

    Motto: We Could Wreck the World – by mistake.

    Theme song: “I don’t care if it rains or freezes, long as I’ve got my plastic Jesus, shining on the dashboard of my car…”

  18. daChipster says:

    Ted SCruz?

  19. fornicaTed?

  20. Virginia says:

    I hope Jesus saved enough money to buy the insurance Mr. Wreck the World is gonna need.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    If Katrina is to be believed, that’s SHORTed.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    He tore down the wrong house. It is Texas, after all. Is there a problem with that?

  23. e platypus onion says:

    It’s Texas,Nabors is probably allowed to sue for expenses incurred in wrecking the wrong house.

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Yer Wonkette has the latest on Ted’s Terrible Adventures. No link for obvious reasons.

  25. I tole my little bride at lunch time that if I was in the demolition business, I’d want the property owner on video say this was the right property and make a definitive statement that they indeed wanted their property demolished. Jeeez this is so avoidable by just a tiny dab of due diligence.

  26. @Paul
    Welllll I’ll be shopping for THAT bumper sticker. I love it when there’s a huge fight on the ice and a hockey game breaks out there.

  27. slipstream says:

    Tearing down the wrong duplex is amateur level.

    If you want to impress me, do what real Texans do.

    W and his good friend Turdblossom invaded the wrong country.


  28. slipstream for the win!

  29. His mistake was tearing down the house. If he’d just blown up the house he’d be okay ’cause munitions are sacred.

  30. Elise Von Holten says:

    Those plastic figurines put out a lot of eyes during car crashes, back in the day. “None so blind as he who will not see”, or at least check the address to make sure you are in the right place!
    Our house is rather ecumenical (sp?) so we look at our backgrounds and see some answers to the big problems–
    Me; poor white trash, raised on “Jesus Saves”, brutal Evengancial church 3x a week, fists and hard drinking. Faithful church contributions to a wealthy pastor. (Grifting Joel Olsteen type)
    Him; sacrament wine and bread with prayers on Friday, parents escaped Holocaust, middle class upbringing–“Moses Invests”
    I have no extended family to speak of (divorces, death, distance) he has cousins we stop and see constantly.
    Focusing on “heaven” after death is for me is a stupid way to live.
    Getting in there and bringing forth the “heaven” inside with gratitude and thanksgiving wins every time. Go Bernie! And Hillery too!

  31. Tilphousia says:

    Again and yet again Juanita Jean Herownself has made my day. Mr deMolition is about as intelligent as a sack of year old potatoes. And I do feel for the poor homeowners but I must have missed the post that said it was ok to demolish the wrong house and sue the homeowner for damages. Is that indigenous to Texas? How many other – er -“laws “like that are on the books? And how sober were those “lawmakers”? Sigh. Guess I’m behind the times. But did y’all know that there is a petition afoot allowing open carry at the republican national conventions? Just musing about crazy.

  32. e platypus onion says:

    Isn’t it the law that houses have their numbers painted on street curbs in front of them. In rural iowa there is a sign post with an address number on it for virtually every field drive and every farm and bldg site on every section so 9-11 emergency vehicles can navigate.

    Wonder if this Gomer is related to Gomer Pyle Nabors?

  33. e platypus onion says:

    Tilphousia click this link and it will take you to JJ’s petition signing post from 2 days ago. You can sign if you like.


  34. e platypus onion says:

    Ekise-here is the bumper sticker for you- Jesus saves, Moses invests, but only Buddha gives Dividends

  35. e platypus onion says:

    Elise-sorry about the spelling error.

  36. License? I don’t need no stinking license.
    I’m a sovereign citizen.

  37. e platypus onion says:

    Rick-yer Wonkette’e story about Cruz had a picture of him on a wrecking ball ala Miley Vyrus,but clothed.
