It’s Cruz Day At The Beauty Salon!

March 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Blaming Obama was not getting Ted Cruz enough attention, so he stepped up his game.

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The Houston Chronicle.

Reacting to a string of attacks that killed at least 30 people in Brussels on Tuesday, Texas Sen. and GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz called for heightened police patrols of Muslim neighborhoods.

But let’s not stop there.

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” he wrote

“Secure?”  What the fool tarnation does that mean?  I live in the most diverse county in America.  I live in a Muslim neighborhood.  There are Muslim families living on my street.  Last night, one of our dearest friends, a Muslim, came by our house to ride with us to a Democratic meeting.

The last damn thing in this world that I want is a bunch of cops “securing” my neighborhood because I have Muslim neighbors.

Crap.  This is total crap and an insult to me as an American, a woman of faith, and grown up with a little courage.



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0 Comments to “It’s Cruz Day At The Beauty Salon!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The ISIL recruiting technique has been most effective with Loathsome Ted. They’re playing him like a two bit one note guitar.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I wanna see Muslim Americans show up en masses at voting and caucus locations today just to annoy the haters.

  3. How bad do you have to be to have the Poppa call you out in all but name? Good grief???

  4. Hollyanna says:

    How low IS Ted Cruz prepared to go? What a fearful little scumbag he had revealed himself to be.

  5. One of the best neighbors we ever had was a Muslim from Afghanistan. When we had trouble with a crooked contractor he had the best advice and comfort. He left Afghanistan when the Soviets showed up. He knew what hell meeting high water meant. I think Tester thinks he does but no way! What happens after the cops wallpaper Muslim areas, Ted? Re-open Manzinar?

  6. BarbinDC says:

    I can’t think of a more efficient way to radicalize Muslims that doing what Lil Teddy suggests.

  7. Think of it this way. Those cops “securing” those neighborhoods would be Johnny on the spot when the rednecks with their confederate flags showed up to intimidate and harass.

  8. slipstream says:

    We should not forget that during World War II American citizens of Japanese ancestry living on the west coast were rounded up and packed into trucks bound for detention camps.

    If Trump or Cruz can fire up enough fear of the non-whites among us, it is possible that we will see Muslims rounded up and packed into trucks bound for detention camps. Or deported.

    It has happened before in “the land of the brave and the home of the free.” It could happen again.

  9. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Hey Ted, I live in a Muslim neighborhood, come and patrol it and you’ll have a surprise waiting. It’s baseball season and my Louisville Slugger needs tuning.

  10. Ted, why stop at patrols? It would be easier for Trump to build a wall around Muslim neighborhoods, and make the Saudis pay for it. One gate in and out. Think of the labor savings! (once the wall is finished)

    Two guards could manage it when fully operational.
    “Your paperz pleaze.”

  11. UmptyDump says:

    Neighborhoods? How about making them G-H-E-T-T-O-S? While you’re at it, Ted, just make Muslims stitch red crescents onto their outerwear.

  12. charles r. phillips says:

    Rick, Umpty, all good ideas! How soon can we get Teddy to suggest them?

    Or Donny?

    Or both?

  13. charles r. phillips says:

    Slipstream, not just on the coast. The government reached as far inland as Idaho and Utah. Ruined families, farms, businesses. When the war was over, most japanese-americans had nothing.

  14. We cannot stop at Muslims. We also need to keep all Cubans out of the country. There have been Cuban terrorists. Some of them try to pose as Canadians, so be alert.

  15. While the Japanese were interned in camps in the West during WWII, less well know is the internment of many Italian and German families, along with some Japanese, in Crystal City, TX at the order of FDR. The idea that people can be thrown in a camp only based on their origin, even though born in the US, is abhorrent and it sounds like the GOPers would love to see this happen again. It was wrong back in the 1940s and it is wrong now!

  16. Fenway Fran says:

    My old neighborhood was a Muslim neighborhood. I am appalled at the insanity of this, and am keeping my old friends and neighbors in my thoughts. How scary for them, to be so targeted in their own country. When will we ever learn.

  17. Kate Garrison says:

    You totally rock girfriendl!

  18. Okay, so terrorists are a small offshoot of the Muslim faith. They bomb places in Brussels, Belguim, Europe. It’s undeniably a terrible thing.

    Oozy Croozy responds by wanting “secure” peaceful American citizens and residents of the mainstream Muslim faith throughout the USA, North America.

    I’m trying to follow Oozy from Point A to Point B, but I keep getting lost in his bizarre and convoluted detours through points C, D, L, Q, X, N, J, R, N (again), T, Y, F, etc, etc, . . . . . Then I fell of the edge of the flat Earth and lost all sense of direction. Much like what happens to Oozy several times each day.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Seems to me that the USA has its share of home-grown terrorists. I could be wrong….and they’re not necessarily Muslims either. We have good Muslim friends. I betcha a nickel that Cruz does too; he prolly just doesn’t know it.

  20. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    If Cruz were fighting the Mafia we wouldn’t know about pizza or pasta & a whole lot of businesses would never have been started because there would be no Italians in the USA.

  21. Just to be clear, rather than flippant:

    I am horrified and sickened by what ISIS has done in Belgium and what they do daily in many parts of the world. I try not to hate, but I vehemently hate ISIS and every single thing about them. If all the ISIS people, especially the upper rungs, could be rounded up and put in one small area, I might be able to push the button that blows them the f**k up to hell where they rot, very slowly and very excruciatingly. Seriously.

  22. Thom Metcalf says:

    I would like to thank each and everyone of you for comments and lighting up my day with your sarcasm and Texas humor. I don’t feel so alone in my home state which has gone to political hell in a handbasket. Molly and Anne’s spirit lives on even when our politicians need to be locked up in jail or mental hospitals. You put a smile on my face and a glimmer of hope in my heart. Appreciate it!

  23. Bernie, of the POTUS candidates, utters the most Presidential meter and word choice,

    “We offer our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in this barbaric attack and to the people of Brussels who were the target of another cowardly attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. We stand with our European allies to offer any necessary assistance in these difficult times.

    Today’s attack is a brutal reminder that the international community must come together to destroy ISIS. This type of barbarism cannot be allowed to continue.”

    Well said Sir.

  24. Law enforcement should be encouraged to patrol and secure republican brain cells, surely and endangered entity if there ever was one.

  25. I love Samantha Bee’s take on Cruz, but not that once you get scenes from his youth in your head there is no way to scrub them out again.

  26. Sorry. That should be “note,” not “not.”

  27. maryelle says:

    As Santayana said, “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” So Joe McCarthy Cruz continues to spew the same hate and fear that caused such injustices in our country during WWII and thereafter during the communist scare which his look-alike perpetrated.

  28. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Cruz and Trump promote exactly the behaviors that will radicalize more Muslim-Americans. The US (despite the bad behaviors that have shown up here and there) are much more diverse, and Muslims are much more integrated and assimilated than in Europe as a whole (and Belgium as an example.) ISIS/ISIL wants to prevent assimilation–wants a wall between the Muslim world and the rest of the world.

    So basically Cruz and Trump are supporting ISIS/ISIL’s strategy.

  29. San Fraser says:

    If my (now adult) children are any indication, folks ARE
    behaving like siblings.

  30. Please stop calling the malefactors Isis, one of the greatest goddesses in any pantheon. DAESH really pisses them off, and should be the standard. Why?

    “A fourth name, Daesh, is now gaining favour. It is a loose acronym of al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham (Arabic for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) but sounds like the Arabic words Daes (“one who crushes something underfoot”) and Dahes (“one who sows discord”).”
