Thank You For That Attitude Adjustment, Ben
Dr. Ben “Feeldamngood” Carson wants you to quit being so negative about Donald Trump. After all, it’s just four years.
No, seriously.
“Even if Donald Trump turns out not to be such a great president, which I don’t think is the case, I think he’s going to surround himself with really good people, but even if he didn’t, we’re only looking at four years as opposed to multiple generations and perhaps the loss of the American dream forever.”
Carson does know that they’re going to give Trump the nuclear codes, right?
So, now we’re electing Presidents with the same care we take in trying a tiny sip of new wine.
And if the “really good people” is Ben Carson, spit that wine out because it’ll make is sleep walk 24 hours a day.
Sorry Bennie, old chum, there aren’t any good people surrounding Trump.
1But if I try a sip of new wine that I don’t like, I spit it right back out.
But then again, some people voted a president into office because they thought he’d be a great guy to have a drink with.
2I don’t know which makes me shudder more…thinking of Trump as president or Carson as V.P.
3McStabby isn’t the onliest one I’ve recently heard say, “Go ahead and elect Hair Drumpf. Give him a chance. And if he’s no good, don’t elect him again.” Like Miz JJ sez, these people do “know that they’re going to give Trump the nuclear codes, right?” This is insanity, with all due respect to Einstein’s differing definition.
4Makes me terribly sick to my stomach to even contemplate such a thing … Trump, Carson … OMfriggenG … Canada can’t possibly hold all of us and, personally, I can’t afford to move to Canada and I don’t even have a passport!!
5I think a shot to the temple may be the only way to stop the Stump or, possibly, a stake through the heart … if you can find it!!
I just pray that every damn Democrat in the U.S. and its Territories come out to vote or make sure they send their ballots in and that they either vote for Bernie or for Hillary … either one will do!!
Well, now… he is correct. It’s just six itty bitty years. That’s not long compared to the six thousand years the earth’s been here. Right, Benny Baby?
6Edit: FOUR itty bitty years. Sorry. Had a Benny moment.
7Remember when Piyush Jindal said, “we have to stop being the party of stupid”? The snacilbupeR translated that into ‘proud and stupid.’
Then Reince Priebus generated “minority outreach.” That has now become “reach around for Donnie Drumpf.”
If a man could be beaten to death with a rolled up piece of paper, Reince would be under attack by failed candidates bearing those party loyalty pledges.
8So instead of ‘Four More Years!’ we get ‘we’re only looking at four years’. Presumably because that’s when America will wake up and elects Ben Carson. That is, if he wakes up. And what harm could possibly happen in those four years?
Glad I don’t have to move to (brrr!) Canada as I already made the switch to Nicaragua. It’s funny that an ostensibly communist country, but in reality a budding dictatorship, has a bunch of wing nut expats who moved there to escape Obama’s tyranny. It’s just the Republican way I guess.
9I think Benny confirms the rumor I heard that the last brain surgery he performed was on hisownself.
10So a bad Republican President only causes four years of damage, but any Dem elected destroys all future generations?
Physician, heal thyself.
11LynnN, in standard nacilbupeR fashion for Mental Ben “Physician, heal thyself” should read: physician, thou art a heel.
12About 75 years ago a bunch of Germans were probably thinking the same thing, that if the little paperhanger didn’t work out they could just vote him out, eh?
This trope is another of those Repukian ‘hive mind’ talking-points-of-the-day thimgies. I’ve seen several teevee interview sound bites of Rkkklan voters recently who were regurgitating the same brain-dead drivel. It’s really amazing how the Rescummie propaganda apparatus keeps their faithful zombies all ‘thinking’ of the party line du jour.
Heil Drumpf, Uber Alles
Meanwhile, everybody is talking up John “Chameleon” Kasich as a reasonable alternative to the remaining other three klowns in the Rbumper cars, suuure..(soon to be minus one as RoboRubio Tuesday sinks into the oRdurevian muck).
13And Ben just admitted that T-rump promised him a cabinet position in return for an endorsement….which, of course, is illegal.
14Talk about damning with faint praise. Or maybe Ben meant to praise with faint damning. Either way, NO WAY.
15Sandridge, John “Chameleon” Kasich, or ALEC Ksuchasheis has probably painted himself as too ‘moderate’ for the snacilbupeR, while it (hopefully) is doubtful that any Democrat or Independent would be fooled by his new garb. We can only hope …
16” . . . we’re only looking at four years as opposed to multiple generations . . . .”
1] Four years ago I was living in a different city than I’m living in now. A lot has happened during that time – and I’m just one person.
2] Speaking of multiple generations – – we ARE looking at multiple Supreme Court picks during the next 4 years. And risks to Brown vs. Board of Education; Affirmative Action; Roe vs. Wade. And then there’s upholding Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission; the gutting of the Voting Rights Act.
On another forum I read today, a Bernie supporter called the Supreme Court “insignificant” and insufficient grounds for changing his mind in re writing in Bernie in November should Hillary get the nomination.
I didn’t think it was possible to make me ashamed of having voted for Bernie 3 weeks ago but this guy managed to do it.
17Polite Kool Marxist,
Surprisingly (or not, since he was one of them not too long ago), yesterday on PBS’ NBR (Nightly Biz Report), there was a segment on how Wall Streeters (not sure just whoall therein, WSer’s, biz types of all kinds, etc) were polled on their choices for Preznit, and Khameleon Kasich was way ahead of any of the other leading ‘Puke prez runners. DetesTed Cruz did the worst of the sorry lot with that WS cohort.
All that in the face of hard data and historical fact that the ‘Murican economy has always done significantly better during the administrations of Democratic Presidents. Always.
NBR even had a recent segment showing the the stock markets had increased an incredible ~140% since the early part of Obama’s admin, after reaching the very bottom of an ~6500 DJI (under the dregs of Bush I think).
Now, the last year or so, it’s been hovering in the 17000 range.
What in hell could it take to bust through the impervious craniums of the average Repuke?
18Sandridge “What in hell could it take to bust through the impervious craniums of the average Repuke?”
If the Wall Streeters fail to understand that the Democratic Party is the best for the economy, I have no clue how we can penetrate the thick skulls of the “average repukes” who continually vote against their own interests.
As with their Islam insanity, that has become a vicious nonsensical circle. Radical Islam was created out of our killing Muslims, so the snacilbupeR ‘think’ that killing more Muslims is the answer. It would never occur to them that if maybe we stopping killing and generally pissing off Muslims, we would not have to worry about radicalized Islam wanting to kill us.
The concepts are simple; until we attempt to teach them to snacilbupeR.
19PKM: We’re not going to get very far if you keep injecting logic into the conversation! Stop that. 😉
20Inasmuch as Mental Ben will be in a self induced coma during those 4 years, no, he won’t mind it at all!
21I’m not negative about Trump. I’m hysterical. So are most of the folks I know and don’t know, the ones who get to talking in line at the checkout. Trump and Cruz have preempted all normal conversation. I mean, can you remember what was happening two-three weeks ago? You know, the Koch-induced campout on Fedrul lands by a bunch of drunk cowboys?
22I’m goin’ to bed.