We Get Email!

February 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

At the end of last year, I wrote about the newest SuperPAC player, a Republican running for the 23rd Congressional District of Texas.

His name is William Peterson, aka Billy Hart and aka Will Hart, who formed a PAC called Vote God’s Will, which is more catchy than Vote God’s Peterson.

So last night I got an email from William, aka Billy aka Will, to let me know that he has a new aka.

Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 8.22.48 AM

He has an announcement of who he really is – William Peterson-Hart de Guzman.

He also has a new website.  Gird your loins and try this one.

Warning: if you have ears and can hear out of them, do not listen to the song.

I will give a crisp new one dollar bill, American money, to anybody who can explain that website in the English language.



I do truly love yew, Texas.



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0 Comments to “We Get Email!”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    Not to be judgemental but I have many gay friends who would be glad to have that outfit.

  2. Gawd amighty! That’s a shock to the eyesight of a morning.
    Sorry, but the carnival barker pictured here, professing to “lead humbly” is doing no such thing. Loudly, garishly, flashily, tastelessly and overbrightly might be more to the point.

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I vying for the $1. When I first saw the website and saw the:


    I was sure it was homage to Dr. Seuss. But no. Reading further on his website, I see it’s from a passage in the Bible YHWH. (In Hebrew, the original can translate as some combination of I was what I was, I am what I am and I will be what I will be. Personally, I translate it as “the eternal”.) Onward through the fog, I discovered he is the son of a preacher man who was not with the program previously, but now has been found. And he’ll be a good rep because he’s not materialistic or greedy, but doing God’s will.

    God help us and the good people of W. Texas if this man gets anywhere near elected. The only up side would be the color his fashion designer would bring to the legislature.

  4. bill in kc says:

    I don’t see the part where he asks for money. Maybe after you get roped in.

  5. bill in kc says:

    What is he smoking, and where do I get some?

  6. @Larry:
    My profession is fashion, and I can tell you no gay person with even a smidge of self-respect would wear that outfit! There’s a Tim Gunn quote about same sex marriage harming the fabric of society: no gay person would ever harm fabric! This is pure torture for those fabrics!

  7. JanK

    The word gay before person is not needed.

  8. Obviously off his meds. Or perhaps he’s exhausted the national stockpile of drugs.

  9. I saw. And my eyes ached.
    I read. And my eyes ached. My mind reeled. My soul ached.

    @bill in kc
    Whatever he’s smoking or drinking or taking or not taking you don’t want to emulate. As @JanK said, those fabrics are in deep deep pain. And perhaps, shame.

  10. My eyes! Thanks a LOT, JJ. Now I can’t get those images out of my mind. Thank God (or Will i.am) I did not listen to the song. Eyes are ruined, but I still have functioning ears!

  11. The song was horrible. The suit looks like tacky hotel drapes. He is obviously at least delusional and at most seriously demented. And he will probably still win his position because, ‘Merca!

  12. Whoa! Leading with “humility”? Sounds like another true blue narcissist to me. He and Ted (the TrusTed guy!) would be great companions!

  13. Sometimes when folks mix up their meds by accident they say and do strange things. That’s the closest I can come to doing what my momma always told me to do in certain situations.

  14. In English: Time to put my psychiatrist on danger pay.

  15. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m pretty sure I saw that same design on jeans in the early 80’s. If fact, I might have had a button down long sleeved denim shirt in that print.

    I said I might have.

    But at least I know who I am.

  16. Crazy Quilter says:

    The real Will.i.am is a 7 time Grammy award winner and founding member of the Black-eyed Peas, an R&B group. He has much better dress sense and more compassion than this idiot.
    I hope the the real Will.i.am sues this idiot for copyright infringement and just general weirdness for disparaging his name.

  17. The mind reels, the stomach rebels….

    Lorraine, I had jeans a bit like that in the early 70s, but I have two excuses: I was in seventh grade, and it was the early 70s. (Anybody else seen that old photo of Hillary Clinton captioned, “I’m just a victim of circus pants”?)

  18. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Rhea, maybe it was the early 70’s. I don’t remember too many details from those years…

  19. He copyrighted the damn thing.

  20. Larry from Colorado says:

    JanK: I disrupted the hospital waiting room when I read your reply. Loud laughter!

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Looks like Darrel “My Brother Did It” Issa mugged Porter Waggoner-again.

  22. Tilphousia says:

    Oh my stomach is reeling and I just got over stomach flu. I think Texas politicians are required to drink fracking fluid. Undiluted.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    I have a great forgettery but how could anyone forget that jacket? Pleeeeese get a new jacket. Oh nemmine, the new one prolly wouldn’t be any better. He prolly gets ’em by the armload at the thrift shop. I’m glad he’s so humble while he’s at it. We could have a major theological discussion here but I think I’ll read a book or change the sheets or almost anything. Y’all carry on.

  24. Upon further review, I should have added “The tin foil is strong in this one.”

  25. Linda Phipps says:

    Dear God. Marge Wood, I don’t think he gets his jacket from the thrift shop, I think it’s from an upholstery business. Or leftover from his mother in law’s couch.

  26. Linda Phipps says:

    Wait! Isn’t Marfa where there are UFO’s and stuff?

  27. The cray cray is strong in this one!

  28. Larry: Here’s a link to a photo of Tim with the quote. (I don’t know how to embed pictures here.)


    I laughed long and hard when I first saw this!

  29. does Stephen Colbert know about this guy?

  30. Linda Phipps says:

    There was a SONG? I had a hard day today, no way will I listen.

  31. And he’s from Marfa? Really? They really do nurture their eccentrics, huh?

  32. Did he get that jacket as a reward for putting the pillow to Scalia’s face?

  33. Juanita dear, it’s really simple, darlin’.

    A (dare I ‘fess it) cousin of mine, a right wing evangelical wacko, told me once that when one gets properly converted to Jesus, that a divine ‘plugin’ gets installed into the brain that gives you, among other things, a direct hotline to none other than The Almighty Hisownself. What that means, of course, is that the new convert assumes his fevered imagination to be the unpolluted Word Of God, totally unaltered by anything as mundane as ego, hubris, human error or any of that other mere human-being stuff.

    Now add to that the conservative Republican thing of figuring that they got it all figured out and nobody else does, and that means they’re wiser than Socrates and everyone else are just blithering fools or hippie-commie-pinko dupes or all of the above. Never mind that, on rare occasions, they might even have a semi-original thought that will lead them to announce as a breathless epiphany something you’ve been saying for thirty years.

    So you add those two together, and you push them out there to fall off the way distant far right-hand end of the American political spectrum, and whaddya get?

    What ya get is a jumbled lump of incoherence wandering around aimlessly in the fever swamps of the distant far right reaches of Angrywhitemenistan.

    Now add to that a really hungry web designer in need of a client and desperate enough to take anyone, no matter how irrational, who’ll write a check that won’t bounce and that web site is what you get.

    Perfectly clear now?

  34. Scott, perfectly written, perfectly clear. Love it!

  35. From the lunatic’s website:

    skotos (transliteration of an ancient Greek word) = darkness. So on his website he says he is the dark shade of darkness. Uh-huh.

    Nucking futz.

  36. JAKvirginia says:

    So what I think you’re saying Scott is that in one way or another all men are whores? Not that I disagree…

  37. TexasEllen says:

    Did anyone else burn their eyes on the shirt worn by our Lite Gov while standing behind his candidate, Carnival Cruz? Looked like it was either his pajama top or he’d commandeered the tablecloth from his grandmother.

  38. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The website won’t load for me. All I get is a blank page. I even disabled Ghostery, the tracker-blocker, and still nothing. I can’t explain nothing, so I guess my fevered lust for a crisp new one dollar bill will have to go unrequited.
