About Damn Time

February 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Primo finally paid the ransom so I’m home again.

While I was gone, the Texas Board of Education made national news again.  Texas Republicans are running a woman for the State Board of Education who has things all figured out.

Republican Mary Lou Bruner, of Mineola, worked for 36 years in East Texas schools as a teacher, counselor and educational diagnostician.  And the diagnosis is fruitcake.

She loves Facebook.


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“I’m not ashamed of anything that I have ever said,” Bruner said, noting she plans to bring to same zeal to the state board, speaking her mind even if she’s outvoted. “If I’m on the State Board of Education, I’m going to speak up for the things that I believe because I have a First Amendment right.”

Imagine her shock when she finds out that her First Amendment rights also come with consequences.  Like being called crazy.

She is strongly supported by the GOP conservative stalwarts in Texas.

Screen Shot 2016-02-20 at 9.40.18 AMMary Lou also believes that baby dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark, the New World Order is trying to reduce the world’s population by two-thirds and they probably have their eye on you, school shootings are the results of teaching evolution, Democrats killed JFK because he wasn’t liberal enough, elementary age students in public school are being shown nude pictures to encourage them to experiment with sex, and that’s before she even has her morning coffee.

So, if you hate little children, Mary Lou is your candidate.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “About Damn Time”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    I tried to ‘splain to this dingbat that not all dinosaurs were vegans and the baby meat eaters ate all the other animals and Noah,too. She was having none of it. She swears jeebus took his Glock,which he had a conceal carry permit for,and offed Ted Nugent for child molesting. Ted,you see,WAS the meat eating dinosaur T-Retch. Where do you think the T come from?

  2. Mark Schlemmer says:

    The Texas School Board routinely proves, all on its own, that there is NOT a loving God. I teach little kids here in Oregon and I cannot imagine how deeply creepy it would be to stand in front of children in Texas and tell the lies that your state school board demands. It would make a teacher complicit in the process. Do Texas teachers fight back in any kind of a public way or do they go along with this? Your school board and the people who review your school textbooks – perhaps one in the same – are deeply disturbing. And, they call themselves Christian! Not so much . . . .

  3. Love how she honors that precious flag by wearing it as a sweater. Almost on a par with Palin’s flag shoes. She looks like the RW zealot grandma who beats you over the head with her pocket Heritage Constitution. My MIL tried that once, and her ‘Christian school raised’ grandsons, one an attorney and the other public school history teacher, quieted her with the question, “So, Gram, how many amendments are there?” End of history lesson.

  4. I don’t know… are you sure this isn’t Dana Carvey dusting off his old role as the SNL Church Lady?

    “Could Obama be…SATAAAN?”

  5. Good grief. That reminds me, who is that old man still on the school board…Ken Mercer. On a scale of 1 to 10, which of them would you say is crazier? Oh shoot, just rate both of them. Damn, y’all gotta drag your neighbors to vote. Do your research. Don’t vote for the Tejas guy; he’s a GOP in drag, er, a “different” kind of Democrat. Vote for Wakely. Don’t ask; I didn’t know either of them. And that lady from San Marcos is running for the school board again. Sorry I can’t remember her name. Rebecca Bell Metereau. That’s who to vote for if you’re able. She’s running against Ken, thank God.

  6. Mary Lou appears to be a reincarnation of one of the Cherry Sisters.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    How does one comment to such stupidity without spitting all over the computer screen?

    So I’ll make it simple: Jesus H. Christ !!!!!! The craziness that is Texas is simply mind-boggling!

  8. Rotfl @ “ransom”. Welcome back, Chief.

  9. That Other Jean says:

    Welcome home! Where does Texas find these people? How many rocks do they have to turn over before they have enough to make a political party?

  10. Of course she’s not ashamed. That would require a conscience. And a certain level of sanity.

  11. And you watch, if she DOESN’T win (which I hope she doesn’t) she will whine about being persecuted but brave.

  12. Dementia. Complete and total dementia.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    If those millions of years old baby dinos were babies 6000 years ago,they beat Dick Clark for being the world’s oldest teenagers.

  14. So that’s what a life of bigotry and hate will do to your mind.
    My heart aches for the children she damages.

  15. Tilphousia says:

    ARRGGGHHHH! Where does Texas find these demented nutters? The should be in soundproof rooms where their screeching can’t harm innocent minds.

  16. So Ms. Bruner appears to have two opponents in the R primary for her district (Lufkin area, heaven help the poor lambs.) They don’t sound quite as bat-poop daft. I figure whoever wins that primary will show up in Austin and shortly thereafter, contributions will show up in curriculum and textbooks. (Add to her other beliefs: Islam is not a religion and should be banned. Slavery was a minor issue in the Civil War, and textbook writers are prejudiced against the South. OK, these latter two are pretty standard beliefs in her party, likely shared by her primary opponents.)

    I wonder if there are any testimonials about her from former students or their parents. If she had ever said anything like that in my class, my parents would have had me outa there so fast my head would still be spinning. And would have made serious efforts to get her out of the profession altogether.

  17. Mary Lou is getting it beamed from the planet Zoltar. And anybody who listens to her for two minutes and thinks that she’s qualified to run for City Hall Floor Mopper is lacking enough judgment to be allowed to cross the street alone.

    What the hell is wrong with so many voters in Texas? Okay, y’all put Ann Richards in office, but then you dumped her for Dubya, and the only elected officials I hear about are barking insane. Granted I’m not hearing about the sane ones, but good grief, people, get a grip!

    Okay, Barbara Jordan too, but that was a long time ago.

  18. I want to thank Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander series for the perfect epithet. “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.”

    This woman should be evaluated, should she live alone? Perhaps a little treatment might help her delusions.

  19. I kind of feel bad for all the kids she “taught”. No wonder some of the younger generation in Texas seem so ignorant and insane as some of the olds.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    I kinda figure she’s beyond help and just needs someone to see that she doesn’t set the kitchen on fire, eats more than donuts and soda, and remembers how to reach family members. That’s assuming they’re still talking to her.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    which reminds me, Louie musta Gohmertized her. Isn’t he from Lufkin?

  22. Ohferpete’ssake. Another one who’s nucking futz.

  23. Wonder if space aliens visit her from time to time?

  24. Marge Wood says:

    When folks get that way, they think they have visitors when they never did.

  25. Marge Wood says:

    But she’s so SWEET. Bless her heart. I can tell by looking. Can’t you? Just don’t elect her or leave her home alone without a phone and make sure she remembers how to keep the phone to her ear.

  26. Even if Obama has a soft spot in his heart, it’s a lot better than Mary Lou’s soft spots in her brain.

  27. For this one I should have rolled out the comment I keep for the worst of the loonies:

    “Does the nurse know you have access to the internet?”

  28. Just read this aloud to my husband & he nearly spit out his wine (it’s happy hour at our casa). Where do they even get these nutballs? Our right wingy neighborhood in Richmond isn’t even that crazed.

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    Proof positive there are alternate universes. Tin foil. Where did I put the damn tin foil?

  30. This freak is just cagey enough to know that she can commit the most despicable slanders against notables and not get sued for defamation. Sometime she’ll step across the line and defame a “little person” and really hurt them. The law doesn’t look kindly on that, and it will lead to her long-overdue day of reckoning.

  31. Elizabeth Moon says:

    What a mean, despicable, lying witch she is. If only we still had ducking stools. Needs reminding that one of the Ten Commandments says not to bear false witness, which she does all over the place.

  32. I grew up in Colorado, part of which is known as Little Texas. I’ve known a passel of y’all over the years, including some delightfully odd characters. But what I’m seeing today makes me wonder if you’re not importing your water from Flint MI and getting brain damage. I understand that Texans are genetically incapable of bottling up any feelings, being inclined to blurt out (loudly) whatever occurs to them, but if some Texans can’t learn to STFU, I’ll be happy to supply you with the necessary duct tape.

  33. WA Skeptic says:

    Mary Lou, honey, it’s time for your meds and then you can go to bed. Here, let’s make sure the door and windows are all locked tight.

    Nighty-night, don’t let the bedbugs bite.

  34. Oh dear……..I do believe I could not like Mary Lou even a tiny little bit…….sounds like she needs to be held in a safe place.

  35. Bless her heart.

  36. ms. bruner is where rod serling got the idea for the first episode of twilite zone from.


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