The Big Game: NH edition
My numerological bible is Their new model shows Bernie Sanders as having a 99% chance of winning tomorrow’s New Hampshire Democratic Primary. But here at the salon, we play at the pro-level, which includes predicting not just the order of finish, but also the percentage of votes.
On the Republican side, Cruz received negative boost from Iowa, a particularly thud-like bounce. Trump is still favored, but always in motion, the future is. Predict at least the top 5 finishers, and their percentages, and take your shot for glory. Predicting more than five increases your chances for winning my arbitrarily administered tie-breakers.
Have at it, wonks and wonkettes! Tell us your predictions and achieve the same lasting fame as whoever it was that correctly called New Hampshire 4 years ago. Yeah, them. Four years from now, you could be “yeah, them!”
Sanders 55
Clinton 45
Trump 25
Rubio 15
Cruz 15
Kasich 12
Christie 12
Carson 11
Bush 5
Fiorina 5
Gilmore 0
Open letter to Mr. Reince Priebus: Take Ben Carson off his meds. Unless he allowed to be himself and go stabby stabby with 3 or more of the other candidates, your debates are too dull to watch.
1Oh, the poor, sorry people of Iowa…
Being from near Beantown, we get collateral damage from North of the Border via our TVs. And it S U C K S…
My heart goes out to the traumatized people of Iowa. No wonder so many want to wear weapons openly…
2Sanders 63
Clinton. 37
T-rump 23
3Crude 20
Rubio 9
Kasich 9
Carson. 5
Bush 3
Christie. 3
PKM, I don’t watch Game of Thrones but I heard about the Red Wedding where a whole lot of people got stabbed. How about a Red Debate?
4Rhea, if Ben Carson is taken off his meds and they try to keep Carly Failurina off the stage again–well, there is no accounting for what might occur…even a Red Debate…
5Rhea, these pervangelists are forever claiming dog told them to run. They’re all “Son of Sam” sociopaths. Let’s really put the fear of dog into them. All future debates will include fact checkers equipped with stun guns; voltage adjusted to whatever whopper they’re telling.
6When these guys claim that God told them to run do they ever specify where he wants them to run to?
I could make a few suggestions. And not one would be the White House.
7Sanders 53 – Clinton 47
Trump 29
8Rubio 24
Kasich 20
Bush 10
Cruz 8
Christie 7
I’ve thought for a long time that the cable show “Sons of Anarchy” pretty much paralleled the snacilbupeR. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent!
9Sanders 58
Clinton 42
Trump 26
10Cruz 24
Rubio 23
Kasich 16
Christie 9
Bush 7
As far as I know, everybody who ever said that their god told them to run for president has gone down in flames (if you’ll pardon the expression) except one, and he had a lot of help from 5/9 of SCOTUS. It’s especially fun when there are several at once. I’d love to see an on-stage slap fight of “No, He loves ME best!”
11PKM, I love the fact checker stun gun idea and have long wanted that to be a requirement. Four Pinocchios gets a bigger zap than two. Even better if it’s some sort of taser and getting zapped renders them hors de combat for at least five minutes. And if they wet their pants.
Saw a debate photo from 2008 with HRC pointing to Obama and captioned, “His pants are on fire.” Obama replies, “No, they’re just smoldering a bit.” (There was a group shot with Obama glaring behind him, captioned, “Will you quit throwing spitballs at the back of my head?” and HRC with exactly the wide-eyed “wasn’t me!” stare into the distance….)
12Trump keeps talking about “making America great again”. From where I sit, America has never stopped being great, so why bother voting for someone who wants to make America great AGAIN? Should someone tip him off, or just let him rave?
13I have a scripture verse for those whose voices in their head they confuse with God’s voice.
141 John 4:1 (TEV)
My friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere.
Sanders @ 54%
Clinton @ 45%
Trump @ 26%
Cruz @ 19%
Christie @18%
Rubio @17%
Kasich @11%
Bush @08%
Carson, Fiorina, Gilmore, Paul, Huckleberry @ 01%
Some repubs don’t believe they’re even out of the race; theyknow they lie to each oter just for practice.
15“Even Christians who believe that miracles can be an everyday affair can hesitate when someone tells them they heard God speak audibly.”
Reminds me of an old joke: You talking to God is called prayer. God talking to you is called schizophrenia.
16Micr, good buddy, you did a fine job of explaining the deluded pervangelist “Son of Sam” sociopaths and why they are such evil, nasty mean-spirited snacilbupeR. They all just think they’re hearing dog, when in fact it’s their inner nastiness echoing in their craniums.
17And now, a few words from Rhett Butler:
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
18Sanders- 63
Trump- 32
19Rubio- 20
Cruz- 5
Bush- 6
Christie 13
Fiorina- 12
Carson- 3
Sanders 57
20Clinton 43
Sanders 55
Clinton 42
Trump 30
21Kasich 15
Cruz 13
Bush 12
Rubio 11
Christie 10
I’m with JAKvirginia and Rhett Butler, which calls to mind Carol Burnett in her Gone With The Wind portrayal of Scarlett O’Hara dressed in her curtain rod gown. Now that’s memorable!
22for some reason mine didn’t post, so now I have to try and remember. not an easy thing! Here goes:
Sanders 51
Clinton 49
I know, i know I’m bucking the trend but I have to believe NH has lots of people who know the real Bernie and more than you think like the Clintons
For the Clown Car I’m betting Kasich does a whole lot better than anyone thinks. Religiosity will not play well so I’m torpedoing Cruz and Rubio. Totally guessing here, obviously!
23Trump 26
Kasich 22
Christie 20
Bush 18
Cruz 8
Rubio 5
Carson 1
Sanders 70%
24Clinton 30%
Saw Carly on Morning Joe this morning and she is mouthing the same ole line as Trump the Stump: “Make America Great Again” … she jumped up one percentage point and she thinks she is going in for the big win! She is still in very, very low single digits and yet … by God, she’s coming in for the kill, and folks are going to vote her into the big times. She was in the Big Times once and she totally blew it!!
What would truly make America Great Again is if all of these RWNJ idiots would go crawl back under their respective rocks and simply shut the hell up!!
25Gnarly Failurina is pure snacilbupeR. If she were an indicted co-conspirator, she would not let go of her lies about Planned Parenthood. Would she ever acknowledge truth? Doubtful, as it appears a semi truck of truth hit her at high speed, backed up, hit her again and yet she still applies make-up to her lying face.
Then there’s you have got to be kidding me, John Kasich. “Let’s get up close and personal.” Yes, he did say that to the young woman, as he literally edged into her personal space. That was creepy.
Cr-ooze lies, cheats and steals.
Carson sleeps. And, apparently stabs, if he ever wakes up.
Gov Cartman pouts and sits on bridges, when defied.
Robotic Rubicon is sporadically growing face hair for gravitas.
Jeb(?) hints at a promise to keep us safe; like his brother did.
T-Rump shouts outrageous stuff, hoping no one will actually read his tax plan.
Meanwhile, Jim Gilmore is running in 30 of 50 states in his attempt to appear saner than the other 8 crazies.
With a field like that, who needs Pol Pot?
Handicapping the snacilbupeR contestants becomes increasingly difficult as they up their sick quotient.
26Sanders 61
Clinton 39
Trump 43
27Rubio 15
Kasich 13
Cruz 12
Bush 6
Christie 5
Carson 2
Fiorina 2
Gilmore <1
Take this Reince Priebus! I do NOT need to watch anymore of your debates to clock the lies being spewed. In 5 minutes Samantha Bee can give us the full picture:
28Bernie 57
Hillary 42
Trump 30
29Rubio 20
Cruz 15
Bush 10
Christie 5
Carson 3
Fiorina 2
Hahahahahahahaha! I missed Full Frontal last night, but after watching the clip PKM linked to, I can see that must change. Hilarious.
30So, after the blood letting… If dog spoke in Iowa, did the heathens speak in New Hampshire?
Micr @ 16 – good one!