Friday Toons

November 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized





















Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press




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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. okie-dokie says:

    I’d be happy to pay five dollars to tell off Ted Cruz. They’ll need some security. That bent nose and smug look will open a can of red neck whoop a**. Not by me, but sayin’.

  2. All of them hit the head upon the nail!

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Here is an appropriate message for hater wingnuts-

    I have noticed none of the local grocery stores are advertising turkeys for Thanksgiving. We may have to make do eating koch bros.

  4. via @StillJohnCA

    “A litter of kittens was born under my porch.They’re all Republicans. In a week, they’ll be Democrats. Their eyes will be open.”

  5. e platypus onion says:

    NW iowa Snowing .Winter storm warning. Sidewalk is white. All hope is gone. Goodbye cruel wor…..l…

  6. TruelyTexan says:

    Always fun to hear Cruz complaining about refugees. As a Cuban he should have at least some empathy. Of course as an anchor baby one would assume the same for Rubio. How soon they forget.
    They 3rd from last would be funnier if the fellow on shore was Native American. I’m sure they are regretting not having a plan of some sort back then.
    Maybe someone should point out to the repugs that the US was founded by refugees looking for a better life.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There are a number of wonderful reasons to live in Nevada. This morning Daffy Cruz, Jr. not being our Senator tops the list. But, it is the Holiday Season, and I don’t want to be a Grinch, so I feel I really should send Teddie a present; something unique to Nevada. Hope Teddie carries cash. The lady being sent promises to carry out our every wish, but it is an extra $500 if he wants to know the safe word before the games begin.

    Ted, no hard feelings, man. Jane and I would have paid the extra, but we’re a little short of cash with Christmas coming and everything. We’re sending that money to help Syrian children. Rest assured we’ll add your name to our gift card.

  8. The “Christians only” fire rescue is simply perfect.

  9. All great toons. I neglected to note which hater wants only “proven” Christians admitted, but I don’t think he said how they’re supposed to prove it. Spit on a Koran, maybe?

  10. All sadly — and painfully — too true. Northern Sun sells lovely t-shirts with an image of (I believe) Geronimo and a small band of men that says, “Homeland Security — Fighting Terrorism since 1492.”

  11. Edward Starsmith says:

    Your values are what you display in times of stress. It’s easy to go to church a few times a year, maybe throw a dollar or two in the plate on occasion, and think yourself righteous. If you want to know the true nature of someone, put them in a crisis situation and see how they respond. Some run towards the cries of the injured to offer help. Some run away in cowardice and fear.

    President Obama has the honor of giving the Congressional Medal of Honor to worthy candidates. At each ceremony he gets to recount amazing stories of courage and selflessness performed by the awardees. Contrast that with the selfish cowardice displayed by those wishing to turn away people seeking refuge from war and hardship, and I can only wonder why he doesn’t appear more angry than he does. I would have called them the cowards that they are. My President is a better man than I am.

    Those that claim to hold to the Christian faith might wish to ponder the possibility that this could be a crisis situation to test our real character. Test how well we follow the teachings found in the Bible. Is you are such a person, and you want to get a guess at how well we pass that test, consult Luke 10: 25-37. Then weep, for we are failing.

  12. epo, that was an excellent link to a very poignant cartoon. Thanks.

    Rubymae, you know Northern Sun!? I love going to their store. Do you live in MN, or shop online? Either way, it’s a great store.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    Edward Starsmith: Beautifully said. Thank you.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    iowa freshman snake-weasel sinator(and former KGB agent) Ivanna Kuturnutzov told the Sioux City Journal she is never gonna run for Potus. Think of all the refugees she could castrate and live up to her KGB alias.

  15. Republicans aren’t called American jihadists for nothing.

  16. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I have a quote from a science fiction writer, Lois McMaster Bujold, in her first published novel, _Shards of Honor_, a quote particularly appropriate in this mess. The whole paragraph is about doing evil to prevent evil; this is the core:

    “…the crimes they hope to prevent in that future are imaginary. The ones they commit in the present-they are real.”

    It is more true here, than in the book, in some ways, because the crimes feared are so unlikely to be committed by those now being blamed, but the death and suffering of the innocent, in the process of pursuing some great aim, are scathingly shown.

    Bujold, though winner of many awards, has been treated as a lightweight, less than excellent writer; I consider her one of the greats, because she deals with character in all its senses at great depth of insight, compassion, and refusal to apply the band-aid of cheap grace. Yes, the books also have adventures, and romance here and there, and humor…but under it all is a solidity of values that makes them more than an afternoon’s read. Her moral compass is steady.

  17. Debbo — sorry for the long delay in response. I LOVE Northern Sun, but I live in Washington State, so I can only shop by catalog or website. Next time you stop by their store — lucky, lucky you — say “Hi” from WA State.

    For the rest of you, it’s an awful lot of fun to check out their website.

    Sorry to interrupt the conversation. Sorry.

  18. Sigh! So right about the pants wetters who insist they are Xian. That’s the only way they can do it – by insisting. They actually do know they give lousy example. I checked out the 13 step refugee background check. Frankly, it gives me the willies. It is so prosecutorial, so prejudiced. Can’t help but get the idea that the applicant is already seen as guilty unless proven innocent and its darned hard to see how the refugee can actually prove innocence to the height insisted upon. Have read the stories the “allowed” have reported. Gads! Shades of Waffen SS! Have also discovered so far about a dozen faith organizations who refuse to back down to the state governors and will continue to take refugees, Syrian or otherwise. I know my parish has a refugee committee that has been established for a long, long time and show no signs of stopping. Around here, all the churches do the same. I can bet on NOT seeing any protesters objecting to this. And a real crush of Congresscritters and Senators live around here, when they are not back on home turf. Thanksgiving is coming up. Can’t wait to see how just this one holiday impacts the situation. For good or evil.

  19. TruelyTexan says:

    It is frustrating to watch this knowing how hypocritical it really is. If we want to prevent terrorist attacks, why are we not rounding up all the white, xtian, makes ages 16-50 and putting them in detention camps? They have killed far more people than any proven foreign terrorist organization. Once vetted for radical views, violent proclivities, and excessive gun ownership, they can be released back into society knowing they won’t be shooting up schools or blowing up buildings.

    Good for you and your groups that are standing up against the racist crap from our politicians and the rwnj. Unfortunately, fear from within is what is keeping this country down in the sewers. If good people (liberals, actual Christians, people who care about something good) would stand up and tell the right wingers we have had enough and are doing good in spite of you, maybe they would back down. The problem has been, they can act however they want and throw such a tantrum over repercussions that they get away with it. If we act on our beliefs, we are threatened, bullied, and called un-American. The threats are often not even subtle. You often hear of death threats against anyone with an outspoken liberal view (think Dixie Chicks) but never seem to hear the same about conservative windbags. Are the Mexicans in this country calling for Trumps head? Are the African Americans burning down white churches? Are gays standing along heterosexual parades and telling them they should be killed or are going to hell? Nope.

  20. TruelyTexan says:

    Sorry about the extra long rant above. Living in Texas there are few I can safely vent to.

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    TruelyTexan: I like your rants. Rant on, my friend, rant on!

  22. TT, I give your rant an A+. Don’t stop!

    ([whispering]Rubymay, I love WA, western especially. Cascades are beautiful, Olympics too.)

  23. TruelyTexan says:

    Aww, thanks.
    Just checked out Northern Sun, I know where I’m xmas shopping for some of my family!

  24. TruelyTexan, I consider this place home. And if you can’t laugh, cry, scream, sing . . . where the hell can you?
