The Other America, 2015

November 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación

With another GOP jello-wrestling match about to metastasize to our televisions tonight, I was contemplating on the huge differences between the Kandidate Klown Kar they have, compared to the compact, talented field of candidates the Democrats will be presenting on Saturday. There is a Great Rift in American socio-economic and political life, and it’s larger than it’s ever been.

There are two Americas.

In one America, the Constitution sets up the mechanism of government, and protects the rights of individuals. In the other America, it empowers the individual to ignore the government and the Constitution whenever it suits them.

In one America, the melting pot of our pluralistic democratic republic absorbs and celebrates the many cultures, races and religions who find refuge here. In the other America: be white, be Christian, speak English or get the hell out.

In one America, kids are homeless and starving. In the other America, they deserve it.

In one America, police are there to protect and serve. In the other America, police are there to protect and serve themselves.

In one America, slavery was its Original Sin, affecting every aspect of its history until this very day. In the other America: “Slavery? Not so bad. Get over it!”

In one America, if you can’t make a profit while paying your employees a living wage, you shouldn’t be in business.  In the other America, if you can’t make a profit while paying your employees a living wage, screw ’em.

In one America, education is the solution. In the other America, education is the problem.

In one America, science has discovered an existential threat to humanity in climate change caused by unrestrained capitalistic exploitation of resources. In the other America, climate science is a hoax and an existential threat to humanity’s unrestrained exploitation of resources to obtain capital.

In one America, inequality of treatment, opportunity or outcome is often racist. In the other America, pointing that out is racist.

In one America, two people of the same sex pledging a lifetime of unconditional love should be celebrated. In the other America, they should be stoned to death.

In one America, a free press means that journalists can pursue and report whatever line of inquiry they want. In the other America, the press is free to be the unquestioning stenographer of whatever they are told, and not a jot nor tittle more, nor less.

In one America, people who hear and obey voices telling them outlandish things are mental patients. In the other America, they’re televangelists and/or right wing politicians.

All that leads us back to this: In one America, debates for the Presidency are an opportunity to discuss differing solutions to the multifarious problems facing us at home and abroad. In the other America, debates for the Presidency are an opportunity to reinforce discredited memes and debunked theories at the top of your lungs.

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0 Comments to “The Other America, 2015”

  1. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Thank you.

  2. Unfortunately, we are too often forced to live in that second America.

  3. Too much truth to Idiocracy….

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster covered most of the reasons that any pundit frothing forth with that “both sides do it” meme needs a solid punch to their gohmerts.

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    Wonderful! Thank you. How can we make this viral?

  6. “In one America, the Constitution sets up the mechanism of government, and protects the rights of individuals. In the other America, it empowers the individual to ignore the government and the Constitution whenever it suits them.”

    Good analysis, but you forgot one thing, while they use the Constitution to suit them, they blame the other side for shredding it.

  7. Spot on dear lady, spot on.

  8. BRAVO!

    Great rant.

  9. Beautifully and honestly said. Thank you so much!

  10. Good summary. I saw something a few years back on different attitudes between liberals and conservatives, and what stood out was that conservatives are afraid. They’re afraid of a moral collapse if everyone doesn’t believe what they believe; they’re afraid of invading hordes; they’re afraid of people who don’t look like them; they’re afraid of the government; they’re afraid of people with guns, which is why they want to carry their own guns all the time.

    I concluded that I’d much rather be a liberal, and that anyone opening an ethnic restaurant should pick a Democratic neighborhood.

  11. Well said, Primo. I can’t force myself to watch yet another staged “debate”. The republicans have nothing to propose for the betterment of our nation and continue their obfuscation and ridiculous prattle, much as the R’s in Congress have obstructed any progress for our people. How can anyone with an active brain want to live in their America?

  12. Primo is primeau.

    Just us isn’t justice for all!

  13. Rhea, that fear also looks like clinical depression. But they don’t believe a word of it. Depression after all is for the weak in every way. If you are depressed just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And spread the depression around.

  14. One more:

    In one America, people object to the government killing people.

    In the other America, people object to the government helping people.

  15. This is why I hate parallel realities. Would whoever has the con kindly beam me to the Democratic America?? Please?

  16. How can we get copies of this? It is excellent.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    This should be on tapestries to hang on walls.

  18. Micr, if you figure out how to get there, please let me know.

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Posted the link to this on Twitter.

  20. Brilliantly said.
    And sad.

  21. Micr: sometimes when I’m writing ideas present themselves for use in the piece. “Bearded Spock” was one such that, once the thought had struck, I dearly wanted to work in. But in the end, I had to let it go.

    Thanks for reminding me never to transport during an ion storm.

  22. Shared on FB and Twitter. Excellent.

  23. Bravo Primo!

  24. I agree that wingnuts are a fearful, cringing and cowering bunch. It’s more than that too.

    Only the truly psychotic (Think Darth Cheney) don’t have fears. I get scared about terrorism, attacks on social safety programs, and the damn nucking futz snacilbupeR. But we stick our chins out and go on because our strong sense of morality tells us caring for and about those who are less able or fortunate is the right thing to do. We are kind.*

    *Not Mental Ben humble bragging.
