Baptist Fight in the Cafeteria!

October 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Brethren, it appears that Saint Cruz and Saint Huckabee are spitting brimstone at each other.

They both attended the North Texas Presidential Forum at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth along with all the other Republican Presidential Jesus Junta.

The pastor at Prestonwood, Jack Graham, endorsed Huckabee four years ago.

Back then, Graham called Huckabee’s message “God’s word from God’s man.”

But this year, Ted hit the stage flinging swords and floods.  Honey, you’d have thought Lott’s wife had never looked back.

The younger Cruz turned up the heat right away, declaring an “awakening — we are seeing a spirit of revival across this nation.”

When Cruz said, “Our consitutional rights are under assault,” voices shouted back, “Yeah!” and “Amen!”

Cheers rose again when he said, “2016 is going to be a religious liberty election,” and brought up the 1980 pivot-turn election of President Reagan: “I believe 2016 will be an election like 1980.”

I’ve seen enough tent revivals in my life to know that you better grab ahold of your wallet and and good sense because that man will steal both.

We’e having some technical problems this morning and my hyperlink gadget isn’t working this morning so you can find the whole story right here:

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0 Comments to “Baptist Fight in the Cafeteria!”

  1. The Rev Graham was all over DFW teevee this weekend. The one tough question was “Who are to bring big time snacilbuper into the House of God?” Graham opined that it was alright in deed to bring these moneychangers right in and give them a bully pulpit.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Daffy Cruz Jr. couldn’t even get fluffed on Press the Meat this weekend. Not that it will penetrate his thick skull, but Chuck basically told Cruz he has no followers, ergo he cannot lead.

    Paraphrasing Todd: “You know, there’s another way to look at this, Senator Cruz, which is you stood up on Obamacare, you stood up on Planned Parenthood, you stood up on immigration and nobody follows you.”

    It was a busy evening watching paint dry aka Sunday night football, so the channel flipping led me to some gems and some torture. Torture was finding the Fox channel and that Piro screech owl. As soon as I figure out the parental control feature on the remote, that station will be blocked (again.) To prevent piracy, our cable co. moves the channels around periodically causing very rude surprises.

  3. Politics in a church? And I’m sure the IRS will not get involved.

  4. “Our constitutional rights are under assault!”

    Funny, I’ve never seen anything in the Constitution stating that this is a Christian country– rather the opposite– and that y’all have a Constitutional right to make everybody follow your religion, or at least act as if they do. If you find that part, let me know where it is.

  5. Cruz is a truly reprehensible example of the lowest forms of humanity. That people listen and believe this narcissist is a prime example of how swindlers and hucksters get away with their mind numbing rhetoric. Mike Huckabee deserves similar sentiments too. Our country is in a sorry state.

  6. batcrap I say, totally batcrap.

  7. Only true if you are convinced that it is your Constitutional right to impose your religious beliefs on others.

    But only Christian beliefs, of course. It says so right in Amendment 28. You know, the imaginary one.

  8. too much pressure..thanks. ydg

  9. And we pay higher taxes so these organizations can pay none. Time for a change.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    I agree … if the churches want to spew their political crap then, by God, they can pay taxes!
    I leave churches that think they have the right or obligation to preach THEIR politics to me … I don’t think so! They didn’t need my weekly deposit anyway!!
    The wife of the good man doing the preaching at the Chapel next door, well when someone starts spouting politics when she is in the audience … up she stands and out she walks! LOL She won’t put up with it either!!

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    @#10–I wish more people would do the walking out of church. It would really make a statement. If I went to any organized church, I certainly would. (For the record, I’ve been joyfully sleeping in for about 45 years.)

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea and LynnN: The Constitution? You don’t actually think they’ve read it do you? They’re still working on their Pick&Choose Bible.

  13. Pick&Choose Bible and Pick&Choose Constitution, both of them a lot smaller than the standard editions, with plenty ripped out and some ugly stuff stuck in.

    I hear Civics class has been abolished, probably by Republicans so they can feed their own version into kids’ heads. Can we get it back, please? The real thing, not the fake one?

  14. The bible belt’s alternate dimensions never fail to keep foreign state citizenry gob smacked.

    Stephenville, Texas: Tarleton State University professor resigned ….”He said he knew we were religious, but that he knew more of how Christ felt.” when he hung himself from hooks on his bare chest.

  15. Chuck Todd tried to get Cruz to look behind himself and see the void, but ole Crazy can’t see nothing but $$$$$$$$$$$$.

  16. okie-dokie says:

    The late Frank Zappa wrote a song about taxing churches. I could post a link to it on youtube, but Mama would be upset.

  17. Local news in Dallas made it clear that “all presidential candidates were invited” but no Dems candidates bothered showing up. I shocked, SHOCKED, I tell ya’!

  18. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    Behold the glory of the rightest wingiest of the wingers:

    “Mike Huckabee is the closest to a King David running.”

  19. Begonia B –

    Holy Crap.

    Also – YIKES!!
