The Sheriff of Rottingham, USA

October 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación y Hachecristo

Oregon Sheriff John Hanlin, the tough-talking wannabe badass from central casting whose jurisdiction was shattered by the gun deaths at Umpqua Community College, refuses to call the attacker by name because he doesn’t want to “glorify” his act. That name is Christopher Harper Mercer (or Harper-Mercer), a mixed-race, lonely ammosexual who lived in the area.

Mercer, according to Hanlin, “is a local resident and I know personally I haven’t heard of any warning signs coming from this person.” Apparently, warning signs are audible to him, like dog whistles: things like if his name was Mohammed, I guess, which I’m pretty damn sure Hanlin would say out loud.

Here are just some of the things that WERE known about Mercer, none of which sound like warning signs to the Sheriff: his dating profile was Ironcross45, a reference either to Hitler or gymnastics. His Bittorrent id was Lithium_lover, which is often prescribed for bipolar patients. His profile also listed him as a conservative Republican. He was often seen in combat boots and camo with a shaved head. His MySpace profile picture shows himself with a gun where a girlfriend normally should be. He kept to himself and was close to his mother, who shielded and coddled him because he was “dealing with mental issues.” I have read uncorroborated reports that LEO had been to his home before. He was a fanboy of sci/fi, horror, goth and the IRA Christian terrorist group.

Yup, yup! No warning signs. Nothing to see here! Move along.

But even if all this had been known to him, Sheriff John Hanlin would still have armed mass murderer Christopher Harper Mercer, because Freedom™. In the wake of the Newtown mass shooting, Hanlin sent this letter to the Vice President of the United States.

In relevant part, it said: “…the second purpose of this letter is to make notification that any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the President offending the Constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Douglas County Oregon.”

MY citizens…nor will I permit…” In this cretin’s pea-brain, he IS the law, and the sole arbiter of Constitutionality in Douglas County, OR, population 100K. Not only would he oppose the common sense laws that would keep guns out of the hands of the criminally insane, he would refuse to enforce them, as he is sworn to do, and actively deter FEDERAL AGENTS from doing their jobs.

He’s Kim Davis with a badge and a SWAT team.

Not only does this disqualify him for any position of trust at any level of government, it makes him responsible for the deaths of “his” citizens.

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0 Comments to “The Sheriff of Rottingham, USA”

  1. He is the embodiment of the wacko gun culture in this country.
    He considers himself above the law and empowered to substitute his judgment for legal restrictions on gun owners, empowering the rest of the gun worshippers to do the same.
    He is not fit to wear that badge and should be prosecuted for complicity in the deaths of all of those students.

  2. Sam in San Antonio says:

    It sounds like this troglodyte is the poster boy for Oathkeepers. Let’s hope he goes back to whatever he was before he shamed the office of sheriff.

  3. If I still wore a badge I would wrap it in a mourning band. And not take it off until this stopped.

  4. “He’s Kim Davis with a badge and a SWAT team.” Incredible. Maybe he can get his lawyer to wangle him a visit with the Pope.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “offending the Constitutional rights of my citizens”

    It is good to know he supports a woman’s right to make her own reproductive health decisions.

    Yeah, I don’t believe that either.

  6. After reading this I’m surprised that the scumbag enabler, Oregon Sheriff John Hanlin, allowed his cops to shoot at the scumbag murderer Christopher Harper Mercer. I can kind of understand why the douchebag Sheriff John Hanlin didn’t want to say his name since the a-hole murderer Christopher Harper Mercer did cite another murderer as inspiration. But I hope if he’s ever thought of again, that the lower than fecal matter murderer Christopher Harper Mercer will always be referred to as subhuman scumbag murderer Christopher Harper Mercer.

    Also, anyone who poses with a gun, takes a pic and posts it should be investigated as potential mass murderers.

  7. Shouldn’t that be Douglas County, OR, population 99,990?

    Not that this Sheriff cares as long as the rights of guns are protected.

  8. Hollyanna says:

    People don’t matter–guns do.

  9. TruelyTexan says:

    Aren’t there laws in place regarding treason? Is there some reason the Rethugs insist on enforcing moral ideas against anyone they don’t like, but will not enforce actual laws against those claiming moral exemptions from them?
    From now on, as an atheist, I will no longer be held to laws based on xtien beliefs. So if it was based on the 10 commandments, Leviticus, or appears anywhere in the bible( as it predates the US and must be where they got the idea), I will assume it is squelching my religious rights. Call the ACLU, I’m probably gonna need them.

  10. He won’t believe just how bad he looks on TV and how bad he sounds when he is quoted, or better yet, recordings of his ranting are released.

  11. He’s what the local people want, otherwise he wouldn’t be there…

    “I have met the enemy, and they are us.”

    The POTUS has to say, again, that only this NRA controlled country has REGULAR occurrences of mass death gun violence.

    Pray for us. please

  12. WA Skeptic says:

    Where’s Wyatt Earp when you need him?

  13. screecherguy says:

    When no one lifted a finger to change our gun laws following Sandy Hook and the carnage of dead elementary kids that was left in its wake, I gave up. If Sandy Hook didn’t move people this latest example of gun stupid won’t either. We’re so screwed. I cannot express how much I despise and loth our gun culture in this country. I fervently hope these amosexual deviant nut jobs reap the whirlwind they sowed.

  14. Everybody….. forget the douche bag Sheriff.

    Try your best to forget the name of the douche bag guy who murdered 7-10 people (depending on who and what you read).

    REMEMBER THE NAME: CHRIS MINTZ. This guy needs all the good thoughts we can send.

    Armed with not much more than Courage. He did what he thought he needed to do.

    Hurry and get well….. Chris Mintz.

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    One light at the end of the tunnel (providing the voting public gets a brain and are not gerrymandered into oblivion) … people like Sheriff Fudd and Kim Davis have elections coming up at some point.

  16. SteveTheReturned says:

    Suspicions confirmed about this jerk. I hope those facts get wide distribution in Douglas County, and after next election Hanlin finishes out his days as a security guard.

  17. @screecherguy—I was saying the same thing to my husband this morning. I wish they would release the crime scene photos of the little five and six-year-olds after they were blown apart by the automatic weapons used on them. Then I would ask the NRA and Wayne LaPierre to possibly try to justify those horrific images. But, you and I know they would attempt to do so. Our country is the only one in the industrialized world that just shrugs its shoulders at the carnage. Donald Trump said that it’s just something “unique to the United States.” So this is how we’re “exceptional”?

  18. It is truly a shame that catastrophic failures of service don’t automatically force office holders out. But, it didn’t stop W from being reelected, and it probably won’t stop this d-bag…

    The problem is, do these bozos want a police state?

  19. Info is gushing out at record speed: Reports of his neighbors having asked his mom about all their guns after witnessing he and his mother frequently carrying gun cases. (am visualizing Adam Lanza and his mom’s gun fetish) His hobby – target shooting & collecting Nazi memorabilia. Empathy with Christian terrorists, the infamous IRA, kicked out of Army after 5-weeks, lied about being in college, ignored/avoided everyone, skittish and perceived as timid.

    Also….it is reported he shoved papers & thumb drive at someone when arriving to the campus before shooting began. Said to be his manifesto. (visualizing Elliot Rodgers) Also reported that the ‘manifesto’ is chock full of his admiration for White Supremacy. Had 13 guns & lots of ammo, flak jacket and more ranting papers found at his home.

    He did belong to the ‘despise women for not having sex with him’ clubs for men online aka involuntarily celibate angry men. His fans who prodded him to “do it” when he posted his intentions the night before…made no secret that women and people of color were the primary target to focus upon.

    That chat board did have more posts after the shooting…some of them realized they could be criminally responsible for having told him who, how and what to use to kill.

  20. Sigh….the Roseburg town gun shop “The real danger to the community is Obama”

  21. Some idiots have claimed that hurricanes, 9/11, and other disasters were caused by gays, feminists, liberals, etc. That is a load of BS to anyone with a brain.

    But Republicans who have been screaming since at least 1980 that government and “the feds” are the enemy of the American people are definitely part of the cause of these ignorant fools who think they personally can decide what’s a law and what’s constitutional. Unlike the previous paragraph, causality can be demonstrated here. And then they say we’re the ones committing treason.

  22. After the Sandy Hook massacre, Sheriff Hanlin posted a video called notoriously offensive “The Sandy Hook Shooting – Fully Exposed” video on his personal Facebook. He said “It makes me wonder who we can trust anymore. Watch, listen and keep an open mind.”

    The ammosexual foreplay video has the usual conspiracies and accusations that grieving parents were acting.

  23. Sandridge says:

    After watching this uniformed asshole giving a news conference yesterday I was struck by his stilted, obfuscatory language and inability to use direct words like “killed” and “dead”. He had to have been (badly) coached. These people will go to any lengths to avoid reality.

    (While remaining a ‘gun nut’ 2ndAmend type (non-NRA), I have been concerned about the increasing level of certifiably insane lunatics getting their hands on weapons of every kind for years. Something has to be done.)

  24. screecherguy says:

    By the way, just read a report of a Jeb! campaign speech today in Greenville, South Carolina, in which, responding to the tragedy, Jebby says, “stuff happens.” Unbelieveable. What a cold bastard. You would think the least he could do would be to at try to fake a modicum of compassion. Jeb! is done. He needs to go home and STFU.

  25. daChipster says:

    Good stuff, Susan! Yeah, these shooters are starting to look like carbon copies of one another, aren’t they?

    “You’ll be sorry when I’m gone,” they all shriek, in some form or fashion.

    No, we won’t. But we will be sorry you took anyone with you, you fapping, fetishistic, fascist fanboy.

  26. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    That sheriff’s got the blood of those deaths on his hands.

  27. Marcia in CO says:

    @screecherguy … I saw on-line where the Donald, asked about the massacre, also stated: Things happen.

    Do you suppose both Jeb? and Donald had the same cold-hearted response to this? It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that did happen!!

  28. Sandridge says:

    daChipster says:
    October 2, 2015 at 3:41 pm
    “these shooters are starting to look like |carbon| whiteout copies of one another”

  29. Actually, mental illness is not predictive of whether someone will be a mass shooter. is one good article. Google “does mental illness predict mass shootings” and read some of the articles. What happens is we are so upset by these shootings that we rationalize that they must be “crazy” and most importantly “not like us” so we scour their things and postings and point to anything we can that shows that they are in fact “the other” and then we can relax and make scapegoats of anyone that matches the category we’ve put them in. In this case, those with mental illness. The problem is that this won’t solve the problem and stigmatizes those with mental illness, which further isolates them and discourages people from seeking help. Also, people with mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of violence than to perpetrate it. We are critical of republicans for ignoring science when it comes to climate change and other areas. It doesn’t do us any credit to ignore science when it comes to our desire to do something to prevent these attacks. Demonizing people with mental illness as walking timebombs is doing just that.

  30. Elizabeth Moon says:

    A quibble. “…Fanboy of sci/fi…” or “…horror…” is not nearly specific enough of white supremacist woman-hating gun-toting domestic terrorists.

    Both male and female fans of science fiction and horror cover the political spectrum end to end. The fans of the science fiction I write include a wide range of political views (admittedly, I don’t have *many* on the extreme right, because they have caught on that I’m not one of them, but I have fans far more conservative than I am.) Both male and female *writers* of science fiction and horror are spread across the political spectrum. There are some of the type you mention…but that’s not the majority.

    So, being both fan and writer of science fiction (though not horror…much) I feel it necessary to raise a hand in protest and insist that being a science fiction fan is not the same thing as being an Ayn Rand fan.

  31. Jeanne Kay says:

    The Sheriff of Rottingham is serving his second term. Here is a small incident which happened on his watch on 2011:

  32. Marge Wood says:

    And the KKK is recruiting in Austin….

  33. The Sheriff has deleted his anti-gun control rants & his Sandy Hook is faked with sobbing crises actors pretending to be parents of dead kids posts on his Facebook page a short while ago.

    Am thinking the glossy card sitting on the desk is the perfect card to mail him so I can thank him for creating a Oscar winning false flag production in his hometown & for casting those two ‘crises actors’ who pretended to be deputies that stormed the building without waiting for backup.

    For best supporting actors, the award goes to the ‘playing dead’ on stretchers & survivors who were portraying the collaterally traumatized on the campus.

  34. screecherguy says:

    Love your idea, Susan.
