She Should Know

September 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go.

“I think I’d rather have a President who is tough and puts America first than can win a game of Trivial Pursuit. I don’t think the public gives a flying flip who, today, is a specific leader of a specific region because that leader will change of course.”

Sarah Palin, a woman who knows what America wants, on why America should vote for a big dumb bully.

Yeah, why should Tump know the names of all those people anyway?  He’ll just name them all “Loser.”

You know, Loser, like Palin.


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0 Comments to “She Should Know”

  1. We all know from whence Palin comes. She was one of those know-nothings who couldn’t answer those kinds of important questions when running for VP, a heartbeat away from the office of President. They are both unread, ill-educated grifters who seek the spotlight for their own personal gain. Seeking the Presidency of the United States is not a trivial pursuit.

  2. Hmmm. I recall the time when GWB, before he was President, was asked much the same questions. He not only did not know the answers, he did not even recognize the names of some of the countries! And look what we ended up with! God help us not to do a repeat!

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! Saran Trump. Every brilliant leader needs a slightly
    less brilliant “helpmate” so these two . . . . Well, think of their spawn.
    They could create a whole new dynasty for America to throw up in their mouths about in the future. And, this will insure blogs like this one will have plenty of topics to write about, in perpetuity.

  4. And Palin wants to be Trump’s Energy Secretary. But she would eliminate that department after she got the job (she actually said this) so it would only be a “short term” position. Well, she’s got a lot of experience in leaving jobs half finished.

  5. I know what the problem is!!!

    Sarah Palin’s word salad is part of the American language.
    We speak English here in the US.

    Does anyone know what the second sentence means???

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    On the bright side, a Palin endorsement is generally the kiss of death. However, we haven’t finished “thanking” McCain for unleashing the Wasilla Wendigo, so let T-Rump hold his breath while we summon up a “thanks” for his fanning those dying embers of ignorance.

  7. daChipster says:

    Here’s what all that right wing rage is really about. It’s a gigantic manifestation of an inferiority complex. Those smart people think they’re so smart! Nuance is for wimps! You don’t need brains to drop the bomb, just will and a finger. Let’s give that finger to the world.

  8. @Diane,

    A quote of hers pertaining to immigrants from yesterday on CNN:

    ‘You want to be in America? A, you better be here legally, or you’re out of here. B, when you’re here, let’s speak American.’

    That explains why it’s difficult to understand her. You would need to run that sentence through an American to English translation program. Either that or get a copy of American for Dummies.

  9. Sarah gained her knowledge of political power back in grade school on the playground during recess. She always admired the school bully, who out of sight of the teachers could push the other kids around no matter if it was on the basketball court or the monkey bars.

    She always wondered what happened go that kid. Last anyone heard he went off to compete in the rodeo circuit where he could continue using the valuable knowledge he learned as a student, except of course on animals, because adults wouldn’t stand for it anymore.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    Palin & Trump- birds of a feather….

  11. New headline

    ‘Sarah Palin thinks knowing the difference between our friend and our enemies is trivial”

    I know it’s long, but it’s accurate.

  12. Not that I think tRump has a snowball’s chance in he77 against other Rethugs in the primary season, nor against an energized Dem Party 100% behind its nominee, but I am encouraged that Psycho Barbie is casting her asparagus towards th tRump camp. Especially in light of her success in 2008 campaign.

  13. Speak American? That helps explain why Palin appears to be speaking some language that doesn’t exist.

    Here in California we do speak “American,” which is why our ballots are available in seven different languages (as of 2014) to better serve all the Americans in our state.

  14. daChipster, it’s a return of the 1950s when it was Adlai Stevenson and the “eggheads” who were too smart to run the country, and then several recent GOP campaigns that claimed the Dem candidate was “too smart to be president.” You notice how it’s always the same party making a selling point of ignorance? Sadly there are enough ignorant voters out there to let them win too often.

  15. Just like President Barlett on the West Wing said, there is not such thing as too smart. Like I said, there are always way too many people who are jealous. Like rightwingnuts.

  16. Maryelle @1 pretty well summed it up. Trivial Pursuit? Really? Neither one of them could even win a game of Scrabble against an average 12-year-old. They are, indeed, ignorant grifters. And they and their supporters are proud of their ignorance. Bah!

  17. I’m sitting here in a coffee shop ,chuckling over TTPT’s comment, and others, when I come to “Psycho Barbie casting her asparagus” and raspberry/peach smoothie comes out my nose. Do you know how much that really hurts?! Damn Palin.

  18. Old Mayfly says:

    In 1999 a smart-aleck reporter asked W. about our relations with Freedonia. W. tried to wing it and exposed his ignorance and willingness to fake an answer. IMO willingness to fake is much worse than the ignorance.

    Too bad W. knew nothing about Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zippo, and probably Karl.

  19. Apparently knowledge is not necessary to be a Republican.

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    Diane, I am so with you. What does that second sentence mean? No wonder her kids are weird. Does she talk that way at home? Poor babies.

  21. I’ve got a particularly dumb barncat that I named “Sarah Tailin”, does that get me in trouble with the ASPCA or anything?
    Except that she’s a sweetie though, never a sign of catty meanness.

  22. $arah still flapping her jaws about nothing…damn, that woman is full of hot air and no brains!

  23. Marge Wood says:


  24. Linda Phipps says:

    If Palin thinks Trivial Pursuit is “tough”, imagine if she were actually faced with real questions. Gawd she runs with a dumb crowd.
