Tacky Time

September 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am on a tacky rampage.

Take a look at the Texas State Representatives and Senators celebrating the tenth anniversary of the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas.



No, seriously, take a real good look.  There’s not a one of them who could get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill stapled to their forehead.

But these sumbitches are gonna cost the taxpayers of the state of Texas $740,000 in attorneys fees so they could fight gay marriage.

I think that bill should be immediately turned over to the First Baptist Church of every city in Texas.  From what I can see, they ain’t doin’ much good with their money anyhow.

I hope they choke on their damn cake.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Tacky Time”

  1. I just don’t think celebrating discrimination is such a good idea.

    But then, I don’t live in Texas.

  2. like to pagan slap them upside the head..

  3. “I hope they choke on their damn cake.”

    So do I.

  4. Tacky? I didn’t hear anything tacky! It all sounded absolutely calm, reasonable, and well-thought-out to me. (Well, maybe a LITTLE tacky around the edges.)

  5. I see my great little dr. state congressgrill on the … appropriately … right side.

    I am an old Colorado boy, and, I believe it may be time for me to return. Even if Texans can’t drive in the snow…. .

  6. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I hope it was a man/woman sexually explicit cake.

  7. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Might just be my eyes at the end of a long day building but more than a couple of them fella’s seem to be standing awful close and personal with their mates in hate.

    If you really look this group over there ain’t a dang one who looks like they would be fun in bed. I believe spousal interviews are in order.

  8. Yippee, we sure stuck it to them fags and lezzies! Let’s have a big party with cake! It’s not like those people are human, anyway.

    Um… whut was that about a Supreme Court ruling…?

  9. I hope someone at the event thought to say:

    “Let them eat cake.”

  10. Fenway Fran says:

    So sad. Rather pathetic. All this does is make me SO happy we left Texas to retire (even though we know people who go TO Texas to retire). Except it moved me too far away from TWMDBS and JJ.

  11. The logic of this situation confounds me. If it is immoral for a gay couple to have sex, isn’t it even more immoral if they have sex outside of marriage? I mean, that’s supposedly the way it works for heterosexuals.

  12. Choke on their cake?

    Sorry to say it, but Justice would have these shameless, hateful pukes choke on their own pink Crisco-frosted vomit.

    That’s mean, I know. But with all the misery in this world, and these people are gleefully adding to it.

  13. That just looks like a cake. Actually, these Republicans were getting together to cut the cheese.

  14. Their abject stupidity will cost the Texas taxpayers dearly, but since when has that stopped their profligate behavior? The myriad lawsuits of one Greg Abbott comes to mind. Stupid is expensive.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Nah. The only thing Republicans choke on is equal rights, fairness, diversity… things like that. Hate? It’s mother’s milk to them.

  16. Spending time and money on this crap is what keeps them from solving all the important problems facing Texans…. like education, air and water pollution, infrastructure, etc.,

    ‘ Course better educated Texans wouldn’t vote to keep these idiots in office. @ Maryelle is right ” Stupid is expensive”.

  17. @ Miemaw: Republicans go into politics to control other people (e.g., women’s bodies & their sex lives, being able to freely discriminate against anyone) and to enrich themselves, rich people and corporations by taking it from the poor and middle-class. Improving the general population’s lives isn’t a priority to them, while giving white men guns is the number one solution to any problem.

  18. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I wonder if corporations can have same sex marriages. After all, they are all the same sex and they are people. So corporate mergers are contrary to Biblical law?

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Republicon scorecard on the Bill of Rights is erratic. The 1st Amendment is ok by them, if restricted to exclude “others.” They’re all for the 2nd Amendment, until anyone mentions “carrying while black.” Seems any ‘___ ing’ while black is a crime to them. But that 14th Amendment is way past their reading ability, or too far down the list for them to have read.

    “Equal protection under the law” …. won’t quote the entire amendment, but please take my word for it that the words “all” and “equal” are there. There are no exclusions, except in the ‘minds’ of wingnuts. Similar to how they read their imaginary book; they ‘see’ things that are not there, while skipping over any inconvenient passages.

    Texas needs a “bite of the apple law” for wingnut representatives who go after any issue more than once. Take NO for an answer and move on, boys. Same needed for those critters in the US Congress chasing Benghazi and the ACA. Or, pay for it your own dingbat selves.

  20. JJ says: “First Baptist Church of every city in Texas. From what I can see, they ain’t doin’ much good with their money anyhow.”.
    I’ve lived in and passed through many Texas towns.
    Every First Baptist Church I’ve seen was just eat up with an expensive edifice complex, building and expanding constantly. Buying up and knocking down all the surrounding homes and businesses for more building space and parking.
    Give it up hardshells, the Catholics have had y’all beat for millennia (and are architecturally superior in most cases).

  21. That photo rather reminds me of a similar photo of a bunch of high ranking uniformed Nazi officers partying over cake. Not an angel’s hiccup of difference between these two bunches of wasted DNA.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Is there a better view of the cake? A closer look at those pink clan hoods is needed.

  23. PKM, I though the pink things looked like nipples.

    I’ve been to too many groud-breakings and building dedications to count. While I’ve seen where a number of people with shovels break the dirt, I’ve never seen so many people trying to cut a cake at once. Brides and grooms cut cakes together and it’s frequently done at wedding anniversary and shared birthday parties.

    What the pictured group should share in reimbursing the taxpaper funds their actics cost. They are stupid and are an embarassment to the state and the districts they are supposed to represent.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Seriously june? Seriously??!!? You expect nipples from the crowd that demands pants on a teddy bear cake?

  25. Corinne Sabo says:

    I want a refund of my state taxes.

  26. PKM, I said they “looked” like nipples, not that I thought they were. Dr. Campbell, the woman on the right, adopted her children, and is so straight-laced I doubt she has seen herself nude since she was 9 or 10. She’s the one who thought the UN would try to sell the Alamo; wrote a law that provided the Alamo couldn’t be sold and most of her fellow state senators LTAO.

  27. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    june, understood that you meant “looked” like, but these are the same clowns that “saw” a vagina on a teddy bear cake. Hope they’re reading at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. and revisiting that pink frosting with some nasty dry heaves. No, that’s too kind; may they suffer severe projectile vomiting.

    Please tell me Dr. Campbell is not a medical doctor! That Dr. Ben Carson was a brilliant pediatric neurosurgeon is sufficiently scary that I feel I must request our local veterinarian conduct my next physical.

  28. This is part of the reason that my suggestion to the Kim idiot adulter clerk from Kentucky ( forgot family name) case judge do is levy a fine of $10K the first day and $20K the second and $40 the third and so forth doubling every day. Yes the twits who support her will pay it but they will have to face that the entire christianist scam could be bankrupted in short order.

    Just think this money could help pay off the deficit or for more teachers or public defenders whay ever. All paid for by the freeloaders who have been hiding behind tax exempt status so they could continue to fleece the gullible with no consequences.

    I got this idea from a tale of persian (? Indian? Chinese?) King and unscruplous advisor who asked to be paid on a chess board with 1 grain of rice on the first square 2 on the second 4 on the 3rd and doubleing every day. When the Ruler finally realized the price he cut the advisors head off.

    I am against capital punishment but part of me feels “we should be so lucky”.
    Funny thing is that if the modern christianist’s ever got power they would probably start to publicly behead people.

  29. Sam in San Antonio says:

    My evil representative Donna Campbell is on the right (far far far right) in the picture. It’s always people like her and the others in the picture who trumpet their beliefs but act like they never read their own holy book.

  30. The women on the right is sure sporting a suggestive hairdo, did she vote against her own interest?
