Not Jesus, But Close
Jan Castellano was preparing a simple breakfast of buttered toast in her Missouri home Saturday morning when she was confronted by a familiar, unwanted face.
It puckered, mouth agape with lifeless yellow eyes. It appeared to be caught mid-sentence, flagrantly dispelling angry epithets through fermented cream.
It was the face of Donald Trump in her butter.
Check your food for traces of Donald Trump before you eat. I say this for your own good.
Lucky for her, she got to stick a knife in it and that was the end of that ugly face.
1OK. If Trump gets used like a rental mule, he asked for it. My objections to the RW’s using Jesus like a rented mule is that he didn’t.
2That is one swollen-eyed hung over Donald T-Rump likeness ya have there! Wow!
3That is VERY Trump-like. Instantly recognizable.
For personal hygiene to prevent major gastic upset, particularly examine products extruded into their containers, like tub butter/margarine, ice cream, dips, etc. And by all means, share the images. Widely.
4All it needed was a topping of fuzzy orange mold.
5I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us.
Mr. Stay Puft!
In my experience by the time a conversation reaches the point where a Ghostbusters quote is necessary, alcohol has long been involved.
7Technically that is the iowa State Fair’s Grand Champion butter cow sculpture which just incidentally looks like Trump.
8Figures it would be a tub of grease. Either Trump or Cruz.
9e platypus: only the back end. Or what comes out of it.
10Did the murders of on air persons in Virginia have anything to do with the Donald and his dislike for the press? Maybe a not so subtle warning to MEGYNocoligist Kelly @ Fake Noize?
11Good one,Rhea. 🙂
12That’s not real butter … any more than Trump is a caring, compassionate, reasoned, thoughtful and articulate human being.
13I commiserate with her frustration that “he’s everywhere”. When printing out my boarding passes in Seattle, whose ugly mug was pictured at the bottom? Of course, he was gracing the latest issue of Time magazine in the ad. I tore off that part of the boarding pass. Better he stay in the butter tub.
14I’m afraid my gut reaction was not Donald Trump but Rush Limbaugh. That’s equally heartburn inducing, of course.
15But – but – I LIKE butter. Butter is creamy goodness, with a hint of salt.
Please, please, don’t let them take this from me, too.
16OK. Bad image truly. But whatever you do, don’t turn it upside down. That brought even worse Donald imagery to mind. Ewww…
17As long as people don’t start seeing Trump in the clouds, I’m OK with this.
18To me, it looks more like Jeb! in the picture just below it. A mirror image, so to speak, but it’s him, in my eyes.
19@JAK and Mah Fellow Murkuhn–D**n you! Just when I was finally laughing at the burnt toast image crowd, and thought I was safe, the burned retinas finally stopped stinging–you ask me to look, AGAIN! For shame! Have mercy on my vision, I can only handle so much before my pain pills kick in.
20As for the GhostBusters quotes and drinking….it a long, long way to 2016 elections…if I have to start drinking before I get up, the addiction strain that runs deep in my genes will be in heaven. Since mostly depraved acts usually followed drinking…well, that tub o’ fake-ness is starting to look like a belligerent drunken face from childhood terrors…oh, wait ersatz parent, and contender…I’m gonna go back to sleep…
I thought “Trump” the first instant I saw it. It was the nose and mouth. Interesting how everyone has different perceptions.