Your Almost Daily Louie, Which Is Not Getting Enough Attention Because Donald Trump is Hogging All the Stoopid

July 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so while we were distracted by the Republican Presidential Parade, Louie has started to compare himself to Galileo.

“Since when does science not allow opposing viewpoints?” asked Gohmert. “Well, they didn’t allow Galileo to make an opposing viewpoint.”

Obviously he doesn’t understand why Galileo was silenced.  It was the damn church, Louie. The church silenced him.  You know, like you’re trying to do with the Pope.

LouieGohmert:Trash_aDuring an appearance on C-SPAN this week, Gohmert said that Pope Francis, who has been strongly addressing climate change lately, was a victim to liberal media bias and that climate deniers have been marginalized like Galileo. “The trouble is that [the Pope] has been persuaded that climate change is something that is dramatically affecting the planet right now, he’s bought in to all this,” Gohmert said.

So see, Louie, you’re the Anti-Galileo.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Your Almost Daily Louie, Which Is Not Getting Enough Attention Because Donald Trump is Hogging All the Stoopid”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    Since the Pope had a degree in science instead of politics it really bothers Looooey.

  2. coprolite says:

    A degree in Political Science does not make you a scientist.

  3. So Loo-e, if a smart guy like Frankie, the Poppa, can buy into the climate change gig, why can’t you? Cause after all, Frankie’s about 10 bazillion times smarter that you, Loo-e.

  4. So “they” (an imaginary dictatorial science group) silenced Galileo (who was, in fact, a scientist). Louie’s logic needs to be studied scientifically. Then it needs to be preserved in embalming fluid and mounted on a particle board backing. It would be more useful that way than in Louie’s mind.

    As to the question of when science does not allow opposing viewpoints, I’m pretty sure that the ‘leprechauns exist’ and ‘the earth is flat’ groups aren’t given much scientific credence. Opposing viewpoints does not include superstition and sheer ignorance.

  5. Wa Skeptic says:

    I’m willing to bet Gohmert will be the first one in line at the front gates of someone who has their own private estate above the high tide. He’ll have his own firearms, too.

    Welcome to the results of Science, Louis.

  6. Frank McCormick says:

    As a Jesuit who studied Chemistry at the community college level before entering the seminary I’d say the Pope is more than qualified to speak to science. (Discussing education in different countries is always difficult. Surprise: not every country is the same as the USA .)

  7. Bob Boland says:

    I have this cartoon that I found in a left-leaning newspaper. I plan to use it if I ever run for public office. It’s of a Climate Summit; the speaker is pointing to a list of potential benefits that could accrue were we to actually do something constructive re. climate change. They include: energy independence, preserving rainforests, sustainability, green jobs, livable cities, renewables, clean air and water, healthy children, etc., etc.
    Out in the audience a man is also pointing to the sign on the wall and asking, “What if it’s a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?”

    I would send a copy of the cartoon to Louie’s Congressional office but I doubt he would understand it.

  8. Pancho Sanza says:

    Also, Galileo was the SCIENTIST trying to set the STUPID FUNDAMENTALIST RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS IN HIGH OFFICE straight, so for getting this completely ass-backwards, Louie, once again, you have renewed your moniker of “Stupidest person in Congress”.

  9. Hollyanna says:

    Well, I guess they do both have a G in their names. Alas, there the comparison ends.

  10. Where’s my industrial-strength big spray can of Gohmert-B-Gone? Or is it empty?

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Oh Rhea, we gotta keep Louie around. Texas will lose its identity if he left. Otherwise we could get a case or five of Louie B Gone and hand it out at conventions.

    Bob Boland, I wanna see that cartoon. See, in Tayuksis you gotta put a price tag on everthin and if folks caN make money from cleaning up the earth, then they’ll think it’s cool. Unless the Kbros pays them more not to think it.

  12. Here’s the cartoon Bob Boland referenced:

    I have nothing to contribute about Loopy Louie.

  13. maryelle says:

    Love that picture which says it all.

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The graphic is stellar.

  15. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The graphic is really stellar.

  16. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Sorry for the stuttering. “They” made me do it.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I have a mission for Alfredo the next time he’s sifting through Loopy Louie’s FEC violations. How much is the person paid who unsnaps Loopy Louie’s leash at each door he is supposed to enter? Not that he exactly has “front” and “back” stenciled on his shorts, but the front is printed “Louie” and the back designated “Gohmert.”

  18. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    I’m reading “Unprecedented – Can Civilization Survive the Co2 Crisis” and it is one scary read! It is also above the reading level and understanding of many of the GOP who refuse to believe that people have anything to do with the crazy weather all over the world as the land and water continue to warm up while the glaciers melt. The book is quite depressing because we see the climate deniers block all attempts to save our children and their children from a world that will be hellish. That said, I recommend that others read it and help support the scientific leaders who want to help keep our world alive.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    OK. A little backstory on Galileo since Louie seems to be obsessed with him.

    Galileo never wrote a scientific paper stating the Earth orbits the Sun. What he wrote was a book about three men who meet for dinner and discuss the subject. He allows his characters to thoroughly explore the possibilities and argue their points. Which one wins the argument? That’s for the reader to decide. But the facts presented by Galileo support the character arguing for a sun-is-the-center theory.

    The Catholic Church wasn’t happy. He was called in to defend himself. His defense was that he wasn’t promoting any theory, just allowing the differing theories to be compared. Church leaders weren’t buying it. His book was banned, he had to retract what he wrote, confess his “sin”, and live under house arrest until he died. About 450 years later, the church finally admitted they were wrong.

    So Louie, you are wrong. Again. The lesson here is what happens when dogma backed by power runs unchecked. Y’know, sort of like you.
