And They Say He’s The Smartest Bush
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
Here ya go – the Idiot Olympics is entering the final round and Jeb Bush has taken the lead.
According to ABC News, Bush was asked a question about tax reform during an interview live streamed on Periscope, and said he believes the U.S. can achieve 4 percent growth.
“Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows,” Bush continued. “It means that people need to work longer hours.”
Yes, that’s the solution! And those child labor laws – so antiquated! Weekends are for losers. And if a Mom isn’t working at least three jobs while raining her kids, then she’s the cause of everything bad.
Way to go, Jeb!
Obama is already working on that issue — his Executive Order mandating time-and-a-half overtime pay for government workers making up to $50,400 a year base — will help reward those who actually contribute to productivity. The boob in the corner office, getting paid far in excess of his/her actual worth to the company, does not contribute to productivity gains, no matter what they keep telling themselves.
1I never understood why JEB was considered the “smart one ” to me he’s just Dubya without the cheap pseudo-charisma.
2How about noted historian David Barton telling us that retirement isn’t in the bible.
“God did not design us for retirement. He did not design us to quit being productive, and when you start doing things that go contrary to what He designed us for, it always gets bad results. And so the statistics are there that God did not design us for retirement.”
What a load of horse manure! WTF is he even talking about?
I guess you can prove anything using God and statistics.
3Hahaha. Idiot Olympics.
4Reports keep coming out that worker productivity in the USA is at an all-time high, even though the workers are not getting any of the profit.
5Amazing. This from a guy that has never done an honest days work in his entire life. Maybe he should go out and cut some mesquite trees to show that he is one of the common folk.
7In all fairness, the bar IS set pretty low for intelligence in that family.
8So let’s stop playing kissy-face with China while they overvalue our currency, and bring manufacturing jobs back stateside.
Individuals who have jobs are already working at capacity. The problem is that not everyone is fully employed.
9Sounds like something his Mother would say.
10Jebya, yes and also following in daddy’s footsteps, a la the checkout scanner fiasco.
11Yeah, let’s hear it for “The Smart One” of the Bush clan. Between Jeb and Trump, it’s pretty obvious that God loves Democrats.
12Ms JJ-is there a problem with Tell Juanita. I can’t seem to copy and paste an article on climate change there. Or on this page,either.
13Cheryl’s comment is spot on. US worker productivity is at a high, vacations are not taken, people have multiple jobs. I’m sick of R’s suggesting we’re all lazy! I now have to get back to work, which is freelance, because no one hires people full time anymore to do what I do.
14It’s more like “Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a wiener!”
15kill me now
16@BarbinDC… you win the internet today!
17Y’know “smartest” may not mean whatcherthinkin’ it means. For example say George W had an IQ of say 5 and JEB had an IQ of 6 then he would be the “smarter” of the two. Still intellectually on par with your pet rock, but definitely measurably smarter than George W.
And SteveThe Returned, G*d DOES love Democrats!
18Just another Bush baby born with a silver foot in his mouth. If he has made upwards of $29 million, you’d think he might have spared a bit to buy a clue! Is the GOP now going to market him as a man of the people?
19I AGREE with everything other commenters have posted. I did read in today’s Washington Post that he later said that what he meant was that too many people who want full time work can only find part time employment.
It is very true that there are not enough full time jobs for those who want them.
My conclusion is that Jeb is either terribly inarticulate, or he has someone on his team who can at least cover for his stupid statements. In either case, he is still not the brightest bulb in the shed drawer.
20Wow. It was one man and one woman in the garden of Eden, the instructions were be fruitful and multiply, and they had everything they needed, and could do anything except touch that one tree…where is there mention of employment? And who was the employer? They didn’t have to make Lone Star Flag shorts for grinning idiots – everyone was naked for Pete’s sake! This is just more of David Barton’s made up history; he sure has some silly voices singing in his head!
And China’s stockmarket is having a meltdown :O
Sorry to be so behind in the conversation y’all. I guess even cunning gets diluted in future generations! Poor old Prescott the Profiteer must be spinning!
21Oh this stupid phone! It’s Lone Star flag SHIRTS that moron Barton likes!
22David Barton must be an aerobic exercise because when I read about him my pulse rate hangs about 180 for minutes at a time and I need an extended cool down to get over his lunacy. Jefferson Lies indeed. I thought Jefferson dealt with the Danbury Baptists pretty gently. And it seems to me at the time the Baptists were weaseling for an affirmative statement that would allow them to continue worshipping as Baptists. Funny how times change and distant descendants of this religion want to rout out any form of belief that isn’t 100% aligned with theirs
23never trust a family where the smartest of the bunch is nicknamed “jeb”
24Frank, those are definitely words to live by. VERY quotable.
25I’ve been searching for full-time work for over a year. Temping is hell, particularly when the work is sporadic at best. All the word processing work is now being done in Chennai, and I’m stuck being a midnight to morning proofreader, when I can get anything at all. Eff the CEOs who offshored EVERYTHING.
26What an ass.
Jeb doesn’t even understand the basic definition of labor productivity that college students learn in E101. Labor productivity is a measurement expressed in the amount of output per hour.
In other words, it’s increased results given the same amount of effort put into the work. For example – as writing tools – computers, word processing software and printers have enabled us to greatly increase our writing productivity compared to handwriting, typing and traditional typesetting and printing.
Working longer hours can actually decrease productivity when fatigue takes over. A laborer may dig a 25 foot long ditch in 8 hours but only 40 feet in total if he works 16 hours straight. If an auto assembly line worker starts making mistakes bolting on parts after 10 hours into a double shift, how much extra work does it require to correct the problems?
Jeb is full of crap and ignorance. It won’t help if he got elected and hired Bonzo the Chimp to head his Council of Economic Advisers.
27That was exactly my thought, UmptyDump. Jeb! literally doesn’t know the definition productivity.
28Thus sayeth someone who has never worked a job pushing a broom, heaving a shovel, plowing a field . . . you get the point.
29@Zyxomma’s last sentence…Yesssssssss!!!
30My husband and I are retiring at 65, we are hospital nurses, we are required to work 12hr shifts now. I would like to see him keep up with an RN working 12hrs on any hospital unit, but he could start with an ICU or ER. He would not make it half way. Or maybe he could be an OR nurse who is on call 24/7 on a busy weekend. He would cry.
31Poison ivy is a smarter Bush.
Less toxic, too.
32Roberto: We can always point out that the Bible said nothing about cars, telephones, electric lights, television, elastic yarns, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, polar bears, lizard sex (some species are all one sex), fish sex (some fish change sex during their lives), tectonic plates, orbital mechanics, organic chemistry, crossbows, automatic weapons, science fiction novels, rappers…or lots more. So not mentioning retirement is a pretty minor sort of lapse. (Although happy old people usually do stay busy, just not in a wage-paying job–though some do.)
33Oh, how I love the thinking clients of the WMDBS! BarbinDC , I’m going to be using that a lot — thanks!
34I have heard of those who don’t know anything. It seems that JEBYA doesn’t even suspect. What a maroon!
35Retirement means being productive for YOURSELF, not some moron boss or corp.
36Wingnuts in Wisconsin follow jeb’s lead. They passed a budget that strips workers of their one guaranteed day a week off work and replaced any mention of living wage with minimum wage.
37He also doesn’t realize that workforce participation doesn’t relate to number of hours worked, but how many people either have or are looking for a job. So, working longer hours doesn’t increase “workforce participation”. In short, he doesn’t know anything about how the economy works.
38Well, God did say to Honor Thy Father and Mother. It doesn’t specify, but I take that to mean, in part, that when you’re old enough to earn your own living and establish a household, you take your parents in and take care of them, as they took care of you. The “retirement plan” was the extended family taking care of their own, not having the old and infirm work until they dropped in their tracks. And the larger community was obligated to provide for widows and orphans.
But when nutjobs try and impose modern cutthroat capitalism on ancient tribal societies, they’re bound to get it WRONG.