East Texas Hits The Mark Again!

June 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I am certain you want to know what the NRATexas has decided who is the real culprit in the church shooting.  According to them the blame perches on the doorstep of the minister.


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Yep.  The minister.  The minister caused Root to be a racist with a gun.

The page has since been taken down so what you’re seeing is a screenshot after someone with an IQ higher than 40 saw it and decided it probably didn’t make one damn bit of sense.

Mr. Charles L. Cotton, the site administrator of TexasCHLforum.com, is a straight ticket Republican.  I looked.

Thanks to Rufus Firefly for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “East Texas Hits The Mark Again!”

  1. Annabelle Lee says:

    We are coming to a point where, if someone is killed in a home invasion robbery, they will be blamed for not having a gun ready at all times. A gun in a gun safe will be considered insufficient. An unloaded gun will be considered insufficient.

    A gun that is not locked and loaded and within reach will be considered insufficient.

  2. And Fox News and Friends is saying this was an attack on “Christians.” You know, like the War on Christmas and other myths. According to them, it had nothing to do with race. Gah.

  3. Fred Farklestone says:

    Cotton 65 and no military service! I wonder where he was hiding in the late 60’s, when his buddies from school were fighting and dying in Vietnam?

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Fox News and who? Good grief. The only Christians I know who are being attacked are ones like the lady who sent me a bunch of crap and said DO NOT INCLUDE MY EMAIL WHEN YOU FORWARD. I wrote back and said if you don’t want comments (she got several from my friends) don’t send out stuff like this.

  5. We knew some twisted a*****e was going to say that it would have been better if a lot more people had taken loaded guns to church that day.

    One account said that the killer wasn’t allowed to buy guns because of another pending felony charge, but his daddy bought him this one. If so, assuming his daddy knew he was ineligible to buy a gun, daddy could face up to ten years in prison. Bet that wouldn’t make him wise up.

    An attack on Christians. I suppose if he’d gone to the local mini-mart in search of a group of black people, it would have been part of “the war on 7-11s.”

  6. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Mr. Cotton sure looks like a racist to me. White, NRA member, Republican, Texan. Yup, pretty much certifiable bigot.

  7. Elise Von Holten says:

    Blaming the victims is so American. I can’t think of anything more offensive than guns in the house of God…
    Maybe the Confederate flag or the Nazi one would be as bad, but somehow something that has the sole purpose of harm just should not be in any church.
    The right to carry weapons should be restricted to organized militias–I think I read that somewhere…

  8. Annabelle Lee says:

    @Rhea, that would be an attack on Capitalism. An attack! on FREE TRADE!

  9. Isn’t it incredibly ironic that this racist gun-pusher is from Friendswood?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick Santorum, Mark Sanford, Fox and Fiends how many gohmert punches need I deliver to you for being total idiots before you would believe you were being punched for being total idiots?

    Listen up you loathsome idiots: the shooter said he was there to kills blacks. When a white shooter kills nine people because they are black, that’s racism

  11. Here’s a report on this a-h and some figures and links that refute his claim that more guns, guns, guns make us safer:


  12. maryelle says:

    These gun nuts are doing the work of the gun manufacuturers, pure and simple. Mr. Cotton probably gets a bonus for every pro-gun , moronic statements he makes. Talk about pandering!
    That monster boy was after blacks, who “rape our women and are taking over our country…”, not Christians.

    My question is: Why this church at this particular time?
    What drew him here? Did he live around there? He erased the lives of good people who were making positive contributions to society, while the high school dropout considered himself superior. He was raised to think that.

  13. Wayne Larson says:

    While we’re at it, let’s allow grade school kids to open-carry sidearms to class. You’re never too young to protect yourself, right, Mr. Cotton?

  14. AliceBeth says:

    I do not hope anything bad happens to this Cotton creep, but if it does, I will not feel bad for him or his family.

    Blaming victims is so cheap, so ignorant and not going to help anyone.

  15. Wa Skeptic says:

    He’s talking about black rapists and then murders six church ladies???

    This guy is the poster boy for “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught”.

  16. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    Rick Perry called the Real America thug’s point blank murders an “accident” and that the ‘real issue’ is how people are medicated….while on Steve Malzberg’s TV program to gripe about how Obama politicized the massacre. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/rick-perry-charleston-shooting-accident-due-drug-use-manipulated-obama-ban-guns

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    An attack on Christians? Seriously? So this was a case of praying while black? Sorry mama, but even you would agree, I’m over this shit. No excuse. No rationale. Murder plain as day. Hate crime plain as day. And FOX? Take a bow Rupert et al. Your chickens have come home to roost. Does some nut have to shoot up FOX headquarters for you to wake up. Probably.

  18. So according to Cotton, the innocent little kiddies who were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary are to blame for not packing? This man has neither filters nor boundaries and should not be allowed out in public without a keeper and on a leash – and muzzled!

    And no one else on the NRA board will publicly rebuke him and tell him to shut the **** up as he is making everyone else in the NRA look like Satan’s little tax deductions.

  19. Ole Scout says:

    The ‘politically correct editor’ of the site who still has a lower IQ than a 25-watt bulb took it down because they know their rhetoric is designed to cater to those too stupid to compare the President and the liberals who support him … even though he’s no liberal himself … to their families’ needs, instead of the archaic and obsolete drieck-kopfs who will lie, cheat and steal elections to promote white supremacy.

  20. l;angelomisterioso says:

    Fred-@ at# 3-My thoughts as well,this is obviously a man( I use the term loosely) who has never been shot at. the end point of that “logic” is that a combat zone ought to be one of the safest places on Earth.

  21. It seems to me that this kid was long-time indoctrinated, brainwashed, most likely by his parents and other family members at least and, therefore, they may be liable for aiding and abetting a foreseeable consequence of this process. Is it not similar to the late Joe Goebbels of Germany, and reputed father of one R. Murdock, wherein he would have ended up in a noose had he been captured alive even tho he didn’t actually pull any trigger or gas levers?
    Can this act be analogous to sedition and these people like this kid and fox be held accountable? Maybe a case for the aclu/wealthy liberal lawyers?

  22. Wayne Larson says:
    “While we’re at it, let’s allow grade school kids to open-carry sidearms to class.”

    They’re getting a start on it:
    South Carolina Law Would Make Kids Study Second Amendment for 3 Weeks Every Year

  23. Hell even Jesus would have liked a good gunfight once and awhile.
    Besides you just can’t trust the old translations as the New Conservative Fox version makes more religious sense,
    “Thou shalt not kill a fellow rich white Republican”

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Cotton has stated kids should face corporal punishment and it might prevent him from having to shoot them later. Personal injury lawyer. Wonder how fast he will represent the victims or the shooter in court?

  25. Corinne Sabo says:

    We are the arms supplier to the world. Whatever happened to “beat your sword into plowshares’?

  26. Guns don’t kill people, gun-free zones kill people. That’s why there are never any shootings at police stations….

  27. I’m not surprised Cotton or someone like him put that page up. I am a little surprised he took it down so quickly. Perhaps that’s a form of progress.

  28. Sandridge says:

    Mary R says:
    June 19, 2015 at 12:02 pm
    Isn’t it incredibly ironic that this racist gun-pusher is from Friendswood?

    Ironic yes, but Friendswood has had a large RWNJ ratio for a long time.

  29. Old Fart says:


    Um, didn’t we have a police station attack last week?

    (Or am I just too jaded for satire? If so, sorry….)

  30. Old Fart says:

    I am just too stunned to cry or scream.

    Until we as a people can stop being SCARED SPITLESS by the faux news spew, the fertile ground of B.S. will keep growing these poisonous mushrooms. As a person of a 10 generation plus US family, I have seen first hand that a little color added to the family makes things… better. It is time and again to realize that good people come in all forms, and that bad are merely black in their souls.

    God bless and keep the families of the victims.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    NRA-Nutjob Racist Agenda.

  32. Linda Phipps says:

    Hot Damn … another “Cotton” with an empty head. I used to think it was people with “Scott” in their name that were dangerous.

  33. That we as a society use the Constitution to allow citizens with sociopathic tendencies to possess firearms is itself a measure of the failure of our leadership to govern with wisdom and probity.

    The Second Amendment is often cited, while the Preamble, the statement of ideals that the Constitution serves, is forgotten. (“To Insure domestic tranquility”…”promote the general welfare…”)

    Charles L. Cotton, a male, but not a man, is given to taking strident, juvenile stands on his right to brandish firearms, all the while demonstrating the lack of human empathy that is typically associated with sociopathic behavior.

    Someone in law enforcement should be keeping an eye on Charles L. Cotton.

  34. Hey wait a minute now……

  35. It is particularly telling that it was taken down. I get idiots saying idiotic things, but I don’t get others giving any credence to it. Any moron with a third grade education knows that introducing more dangerous weapons into any situation makes it more dangerous. Then again, that same third grader also knows that 6-3 does not equal 9. Yet that’s what trickle down is based on. Heck, maybe we should just hand over the legislature and congress to third graders.

  36. Marge Wood says:

    Linda, it works. Thanks.

  37. Linda Phipps says:

    Sorry, Scott, there are a few good ones.

  38. How is Friendswood east Texas? It’s right across the highway from us and we are technically in Houston. Lots of Rich folk there so it doesn’t surprise me much.

  39. Zyxomma says:

    I had a temp job last night. I took a little walk on my “lunch hour” and saw a black and pink backpack lying on the sidewalk at 49th Street and 6th Avenue. While I was looking for security to deal with it, a security team found it, and shut down the elevator to the subway. I didn’t stick around to find out what happened, but there was no tragedy.

    It stinks living in a world with so many people looking to cause harm. Guns are killing machines, and there’s no war on Christians in this country.
