A Snot Nosed Wall Eyed Hissy Fit Thrown Right Here

May 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Zerwas is one of four state representatives from my county.  I am ready to admit that he’s only a 4 on the Crazy-Mean-Hateful Republican scale.  I mean, we do have one who sponsored a hate-the-gays bill whose son is a leading HIV advocate in Houston and a proud gay man, so the bar is set pretty high.

ZerwasBut Zerwas pulled a stunt worthy of making me want to go to the state capitol and run circles around him yelling, “Are you nuts?  Are you nuts?  John, are you nuts?”  I did that once before to another state rep who promptly got sick and had to retire.  I jokingly got the blame for his illness.  If that were true, there would be a lot more sick state reps.

Two things:  The Lege wants to hold a special election to cut tax rates which will mean $125 a year for most folks.  The other thing: John Zerwas is not a veteran.  Here’s how those two things meet and shake hands.

The Texas lege meets for 140 days every two years, which is about 139 days too much.  Since the session is coming to a close, they will meet on Memorial Day.

John Zerwas wrote a bill that would dramatically cut education benefits for Texas veterans.  It came to the floor the day before Memorial Day.  Holy cow, man.  Just holy cow.  Are you nuts?  You didn’t see this coming?  You’re going to cut veterans benefits on Memorial Day?

Zerwas says we cannot afford to continue to pay these benefits.  Oh yeah, but we can afford to fight abortion and marriage equality to the Supreme Court, which is very, very expensive.

I do not need to lecture anybody about veteran educational benefits pulling us out of the depression and giving us an educated America.  But since Zerwas has never served in the military, nor have any of his sons, he doesn’t know that we pay our military squat and we send them into harm’s way. Some will never come back and their children deserve those educational benefits.

Most kids enlist in the military solely for the educational benefits.  You gotta admire and be in awe of that, not undercut it.  They are willing to risk their lives for an education.  Hell, I’d double their benefits because I know it will pay off in the future with productive tax-paying educated members of society.

The bill got pulled because even some Republicans realize that messing with veterans just ain’t right.

John, you screwed up royally.  On Memorial Day.  Shame on you.  Go find a veteran and apologize.


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0 Comments to “A Snot Nosed Wall Eyed Hissy Fit Thrown Right Here”

  1. maryelle says:

    Time for Zerwad’s sons to go to Iraq and fight Isis. Daddy needs some education ASAP! That mean-spirited son-of-a motherless goat.

  2. Why send the sons? Send him.

  3. grannygrey says:

    Geez, I thought you were talking about a couple of Floridians…but..I should have known better..

    Oh, there is an Army Guard unit from Texas (not regular military, you note) on duty in lands far away, monitoring ISIS…perhaps they need an ‘assifer’ to help them out. After all, it is a Texas Guard unit… EXCEPT, I don’t think I want Zerwad around my grandson in the desert there… He will cause the unit more trouble.

  4. Rick Stelter says:

    This is a new low, even for a Texas Republican’t, to be this low of a person, you have got to have no shame whatsoever.

  5. SallyinMI says:

    Republicans never apologize, because they are never wrong. If people just understood his message better, they would never disagree with him! Those greedy soldiers. Isn’t it enough that they had food and clothes and a tent over their heads? Not to mention, access to all those cool guns! And their families waited on bases and got all those cool benefits…. little pay, company stores that run out of stuff, schools that a kid might spend one semester in…yeah, man, military life is great!! They will be so thankful they cam home with all four limbs, they will be thrilled to go into debt to pay for job training! So thrilled they might take one of those guns and start shooting up the Capitol.

  6. I hold with what Molly said about our lege: They meet for 140 days every 2 years. They would do a lot less damage if they met for 2 days every 140 years!

  7. as a Pagan I’m not supposed to hate..but? I hate them ..

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Go find a veteran and apologize.”

    No, please don’t a$$wipe. Do every veteran a favor and retire from politics. If you want ‘forgiveness,’ take Loopy Louie with you.

  9. @yellowdoggranny: Best Pagan imprecation I’ve heard is “May you get what you deserve… RIGHT NOW!’

  10. Angelo Frank says:

    These Tea Party asshats would do away with their mothers for another vote.

  11. Perhaps Zerwas and his sons can sign up to fight the dreaded Jade Helm invasion.

  12. Crazy Quilter says:

    Zerwas has 3 sons and a daughter. She can go fight Isis too.

  13. Old Bob says:

    This guy is a nasty piece of work. I’m from California and admit we aren’t perfect, but we don’t try to set records for stupidity and evil despite Daryl Issa. When I was in the Marines a lot of us were Texans. In fact, my first fistfight in the Marines was with a Texan and one of my buddies at Camp Pendelton was a very sensible Texan who would have enjoyed educating this guy. Do you think you can turn out the vote somewhere above 25% and get rid of some of these idiots? If this Republican trend keeps up, we are doomed.

  14. I’ve been told that RWNJ’s have tin ears. Hell, tin? They don’t even have ears or the brains to go with them. This guy needs a little session with a veteran out back of the barn.

  15. Fred Farklestone says:

    Give this loser a call at 888-827-1560! Start by asking how they can work for one who wants to cut veterans benefits on Memorial!
    For the record, I wouldn’t accept his apology!


  16. This ineptitude by elected officials is why my sainted father opined that all Constitutional requirements for Congress and POTUS should be eliminated and replaced by one. That one being that the candidate wannabe should have, in their 20s, had to have handwritten a letter home to a grieving mother offering condolences and explanation for the circumstances of the death of her child in combat. And carry that memory later in life into their elected office.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did this dude serve in the armed forces?

  18. StanB, this is very funny:

    “They meet for 140 days every 2 years. They would do a lot less damage if they met for 2 days every 140 years!”


  19. Elise Von Holten says:

    Really? What a jerk.
    I have long thought that as a requirement to run for any government position, federal or state, your children need to be required to be in the military (at least one)—and not necessarily as officers. That way, should we need to go to war, the legislators would have some skin in the game.
    I think the writing to a grieving mother should be a requirement as well.
    Any children that have a service person as a parent should have a free college education…I actually think all college education should be free. (But until we reach that happy space, the very least we should have is our service people’s children educated as “Thanks” for a job well done.)

  20. One problem with the free tuition for veterans is that the leg does not cover the cost but requires the university to pick up the cost. The Leg is good at doing this. For example the increase in homeowners exemption which likely will pass.
    The state does not increase funding for school districts to cover the cost of the additional exemption.
